GraphicSupportMode IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Specifies whether the SQL_GRAPHIC (double-byte character) data type is returned as a supported SQL data type and how the GRAPHIC column length is reported.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="GraphicSupportMode" value="0 | 1 | 2 | 3"/>
Default setting:
The SQL_GRAPHIC data type is not returned as a supported SQL data type, and the length of GRAPHIC columns equals the maximum number of DBCS characters in the column.
Usage notes:

The GraphicSupportMode keyword controls whether the SQL_GRAPHIC (double-byte character) data type is reported as a supported SQL data type when SQLGetTypeInfo() is called, and what unit is used to report the length of GRAPHIC columns for all functions that return length or precision as either output arguments or as part of a result set.

The GraphicSupportMode keyword can be set to the following values:
The SQL_GRAPHIC data type is not returned as a supported SQL data type. The reported length of GRAPHIC columns equals the maximum number of DBCS characters in the column.
The SQL_GRAPHIC data type is returned as a supported SQL data type. The reported length of GRAPHIC columns equals the maximum number of DBCS characters in the column.
The SQL_GRAPHIC data type is not returned as a supported SQL data type. The reported length of GRAPHIC columns equals the maximum number of bytes in the column.
The SQL_GRAPHIC data type is returned as a supported SQL data type. The reported length of GRAPHIC columns equals the maximum number of bytes in the column.