Interfaces for viewing XML monitor information as formatted text

You can view the data contained in the XML documents produced by monitor interfaces in several ways, depending on how you want to view or use the data. You can use XQuery to query and manipulate the XML documents returned by monitoring interfaces. You can also use table functions to format the XML documents for easier reading.

XQuery provides a powerful and flexible interface for querying and manipulating XML data. However, there are times where you might want to view element data in a text-based format. Depending on your needs, you can view monitor elements contained in an XML document in column- or row-oriented format. The former is useful if you know which monitor elements you want to see. The latter is useful if you do not know ahead of time which monitor elements you want to examine, such as when you want to see the top five types of wait times. The sections that follow describe two ways that you can view monitor data contained in XML documents as formatted text.

Viewing monitor elements in column-oriented format

The XMLTABLE table function takes an XML document as input and coverts it into a relational table such that each of the selected XML document elements appears as a column. This approach is useful if you know which monitor elements you want to display. For example, assume that you have created a statistics event monitor called DBSTATS to collect information from the event_scstats logical data group. This event monitor is defined to write its output to a table, and the output table name is by default SCSTATS_DBSTATS . (See event_scstats logical data group for more information about the monitor elements associated with this logical data group.) The monitor elements in this logical group include details_xml, which is actually an XML document that itself contains the metrics that comprise the system_metrics monitor element. (See system_metrics for more information about the monitor elements associated with the system_metrics monitor element.) To view specific system_metrics monitor elements contained in details_xml, such as rows_returned, total_section_time, or total_cpu_time, you can use the XMLTABLE table function to format selected monitor elements from the details_xml documents returned by the statistics event monitor. The example that follows illustrates this. (For presentation purposes, the SQL returns results only for a specific service class.)

SELECT partition_number, 
           '$metrics/system_metrics' PASSING XMLPARSE( DOCUMENT DBSTATS.METRICS ) as "metrics"
           rows_returned         BIGINT      PATH 'rows_returned',
           total_section_time    BIGINT      PATH 'total_section_time',
           total_cpu_time        BIGINT      PATH 'total_cpu_time'
          ) AS EVENT 
 WHERE service_class_id = 12;

The following output shows the results for this query:

---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  402                  990              1531250
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  402                  990              1531250
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  412                 1064              1609375
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  422                 1075              1687500
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  432                 1104              1765625
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  442                 1130              1796875
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  452                 1149              1890625
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  462                 1178              1953125
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  473                 1207              2062500
               0               12 2010-01-05-                  483                 1230              2109375

  10 record(s) selected.
In this case, the first three columns are displayed directly from the table SCSTATS_DBSTATS table produced by the statistics event monitor. The last three columns are metrics monitor elements extracted from the XML document in the DETAILS_XML column of the table.

For more information about using XMLTABLE, refer to the documentation for that function. You can also see examples of using XMLTABLE to view monitor elements in the documentation for the various MON_GET_*_DETAILS functions.

Viewing monitor elements in row-oriented format

The table functions with names of the form MON_FORMAT_XML_* _BY_ROW provide a quick way to display the metrics monitor elements contained in an XML document. They report metrics in a row-based format, with each monitor element appearing in a row by itself. The following functions are included in this group:
For example, the XML document returned by the statistics event monitor, DETAILS_XML, might look something like the one shown in the first part of Figure 1. If you use the MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW function to format the content of DETAILS_XML, the output would look like the table at the bottom of the diagram.
Figure 1. An XML file containing monitoring data, processed by one of the MON_FORMAT_XML_* functions. This example shows the use of the MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW function. Only wait times are returned; other metrics contained in the XML file, such as wlm_queue_assignments_total are excluded by this particular function.
Process chart showing how XML gets converted to row-oriented format.
METRIC_NAME                          TOTAL_TIME_VALUE     COUNT                PARENT_METRIC_NAME           
------------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -----------------------------
WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL                                    0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
FCM_TQ_RECV_WAIT_TIME                                   0                    0 FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME           
FCM_MESSAGE_RECV_WAIT_TIME                              0                    0 FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME           
FCM_TQ_SEND_WAIT_TIME                                   0                    0 FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME           
FCM_MESSAGE_SEND_WAIT_TIME                              0                    0 FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME           
AGENT_WAIT_TIME                                         0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
LOCK_WAIT_TIME                                          0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
DIRECT_READ_TIME                                        0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
DIRECT_WRITE_TIME                                       0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
LOG_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME                                    0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
LOG_DISK_WAIT_TIME                                      0                    0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME              
The number of columns returned varies by the specific function that you use. For example MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW returns two columns, one for the metric name, and one for its corresponding value:
METRIC_NAME               VALUE
------------------------- --------------------
WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL                         0
WLM_QUEUE_ASSIGNMENTS_TOT                    0
FCM_TQ_RECV_WAIT_TIME                        0
FCM_MESSAGE_RECV_WAIT_TIM                    0
FCM_TQ_SEND_WAIT_TIME                        0
By comparison, MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW returns four columns:
------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- -----------------------
WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL                              0          0 TOTAL_WAIT_TIME        
FCM_TQ_RECV_WAIT_TIME                             0          0 FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME     
FCM_MESSAGE_RECV_WAIT_TIME                        0          0 FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME     
FCM_TQ_SEND_WAIT_TIME                             0          0 FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME     
FCM_MESSAGE_SEND_WAIT_TIME                        0          0 FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME     
The MON_FORMAT_XML_* _BY_ROW functions are useful when you do not know which elements you want to view. For example, you might want to see the top 10 wait-time monitor elements for the workload named CLPWORKLOAD. To collect this information, you can create a statistics event monitor called DBSTATS (event_wlstats logical data group). Assuming you set up this event monitor to write to a table, it records metrics in a column called DETAILS_XML in the table called WLSTATS_DBSTATS by default. Once the output table from the event monitor is populated with monitor data, you can construct a query that uses the MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW function to extract the monitor elements you want to see:
Remember: Time spent monitor elements are organized into hierarchies. In this example, to avoid double-counting wait times, only the monitor elements that roll-up to total_wait_time are included (see the WHERE clause in the preceding SQL statement). Otherwise, total_wait_time itself would be included in the results, which includes several individual wait times.
The output that follows shows what the results of the preceding query might look like:
--------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
CLPWORKLOAD     LOCK_WAIT_TIME                             15138541
CLPWORKLOAD     DIRECT_READ_TIME                            6116231
CLPWORKLOAD     POOL_READ_TIME                              6079458
CLPWORKLOAD     DIRECT_WRITE_TIME                            452627
CLPWORKLOAD     POOL_WRITE_TIME                              386208
CLPWORKLOAD     IPC_SEND_WAIT_TIME                           283172
CLPWORKLOAD     LOG_DISK_WAIT_TIME                           103888
CLPWORKLOAD     DIAGLOG_WRITE_WAIT_TIME                       78198
CLPWORKLOAD     IPC_RECV_WAIT_TIME                            15612
CLPWORKLOAD     TCPIP_SEND_WAIT_TIME                           3291

  10 record(s) selected.
Note: The MON_FORMAT_XML_*_BY_ROW functions return only monitor elements that track measurements or metrics. These include monitor elements that track wait and component times, as well as counters. They do not return non-metrics monitor elements contained in the XML document, such as uow_id, or activity_id.

You can use the XMLTABLE function to view any of the elements (including non-metrics elements) contained in the XML document. However, the most frequently used, non-metrics monitor elements are returned as columns by the monitor functions that begin with MON_GET_*, such as MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK, or MON_GET_CONNECTION. If you are not familiar with XML, you might find it faster and easier to create queries using these functions than using the XMLTABLE function to extract monitor elements from an XML document.

To summarize: if you are interested in viewing non-metrics monitor elements, the MON_GET_* series of table functions might be a good alternative to the XMLTABLE function. If you are interested in viewing metrics monitor elements, the MON_FORMAT_XML_*_BY_ROW table functions might suit your needs.

1 Note: In these topics, when details_xml appears in lowercase letters, it refers to the XML document details_xml. DETAILS_XML, in uppercase letters, refers to a column in a relational table called DETAILS_XML that contains the details_xml documents.