Allocates the memory to be used by db2ReadLogNoConn in order to extract log records from the DB2® database logs and query the Log Manager for
current log state information.
API include file
API and data structure syntax
db2ReadLogNoConnInit (
db2Uint32 versionNumber,
void * pDB2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct
db2Uint32 iFilterOption;
char *piLogFilePath;
char *piOverflowLogPath;
db2Uint32 iRetrieveLogs;
char *piDatabaseName;
char *piDbPartitionName;
db2LogStreamIDType *piLogStreamNum;
db2Uint32 iReadLogMemoryLimit;
char **poReadLogMemPtr;
} db2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct;
db2ReadLogNoConnInit API parameters
- versionNumber
- Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure
passed as the second parameter pDB2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct.
- pDB2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct
- Input. A pointer to the db2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct structure.
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.
db2ReadLogNoConnInitStruct data structure parameters
- iFilterOption
- Input. Specifies the level of log record filtering to be used
when reading the log records. Valid values are:
- Read all log records in the given LSN range.
- Reads only log records in the given LSN range marked as propagatable.
This is the traditional behavior of the asynchronous log read API.
- piLogFilePath
- Input. Path where the log files to be read are located.
- piOverflowLogPath
- Input. Alternate path where the log files to be read may be located.
- iRetrieveLogs
- Input. Option specifying if userexit should be invoked to retrieve
log files that cannot be found in either the log file path or the
overflow log path. Valid values are:
- Userexit should not be invoked to retrieve missing log files.
- Userexit should be invoked to retrieve missing log files into
the specified log file path.
- Userexit should be invoked to retrieve missing log files into
the specified overflow log path.
- piDatabaseName
- Input. Name of the database that owns the recovery logs being
read. This is required if the retrieve option is specified.
- piDbPartitionName
- Input. Name of the database partition that owns the recovery logs
being read. This is required if the retrieve option, mentioned previously,
is specified outside of a DB2 pureScale® environment.
- piLogStreamNum
- Input. Log stream number that owns the recovery logs that are
being read. This is required if the retrieve option, mentioned previously,
is specified in a DB2 pureScale environment.
- iReadLogMemoryLimit
- Input. Maximum number of bytes that the API may allocate internally.
- poReadLogMemPtr
- Output. API-allocated block of memory of size iReadLogMemoryLimit. This memory contains persistent data that the API requires at each
invocation. This memory block must not be reallocated or altered in
any way by the caller.
Usage notes
The memory initialized by db2ReadLogNoConnInit must not be altered.
When db2ReadLogNoConn will no longer be used, invoke db2ReadLogNoConnTerm to deallocate the memory initialized
by db2ReadLogNoConnInit.