Estimates the buffer size needed by the db2GetSnapshot API.
This API can either affect the database
partition server on the instance, or all database partitions on the
One of the following authorities:
Required connection
Instance. If there is
no instance attachment, a default instance attachment is created.
To obtain information from a remote instance (or a different local
instance), it is necessary to first attach to that instance. If an
attachment does not exist, an implicit instance attachment is made
to the node specified by the DB2INSTANCE environment
API include file
API and data structure syntax
db2GetSnapshotSize (
db2Uint32 versionNumber,
void * pParmStruct,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2GetSnapshotSizeData
void *piSqlmaData;
sqluint32 *poBufferSize;
db2Uint32 iVersion;
db2int32 iNodeNumber;
db2Uint32 iSnapshotClass;
} db2GetSnapshotSizeData;
db2gGetSnapshotSize (
db2Uint32 versionNumber,
void * pParmStruct,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gGetSnapshotSizeData
void *piSqlmaData;
sqluint32 *poBufferSize;
db2Uint32 iVersion;
db2int32 iNodeNumber;
db2Uint32 iSnapshotClass;
} db2gGetSnapshotSizeData;
db2GetSnapshotSize API parameters
- versionNumber
- Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure
passed as the second parameter pParmStruct. To
use the structure as described previously, specify db2Version810 or newer. If you want to use a different version of this structure,
check the db2ApiDf.h header file in the include
directory for the complete list of supported versions. Ensure that
you use the version of the db2GetSnapshotSizeStruct structure that corresponds to the version number that you specify.
- pParmStruct
- Input. A pointer to the db2GetSnapshotSizeStruct structure.
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.
db2GetSnapshotSizeData data structure parameters
- piSqlmaData
- Input. Pointer to the user-allocated sqlma (monitor
area) structure or request data structure, "poRequestData" constructed and returned by the db2AddSnapshotRequest API. The structure specifies the type or types of snapshot data
to be collected. If a pointer to the sqlma structure
is used, the version passed to the db2GetSnapshotSize API in the versionNumber parameter should be
less than db2Version900 (for example, db2Version810, db2Version822). If a pointer to the request data
structure returned by the db2AddSnapshotRequest API in poRequestData parameter is used then the
value db2Version900 should be passed in the versionNumber parameter of the db2GetSnapshotSize API.
- poBufferSize
- Output. A pointer to the returned estimated buffer size needed
- iVersion
- Input. Version ID of the database monitor data to collect. The
database monitor only returns data that was available for the requested
version. Set this parameter to one of the following symbolic constants:
Note: Constants SQLM_DBMON_VERSION5_2, and earlier,
are deprecated and may be removed in a future release of DB2®.
- iNodeNumber
- Input. The database partition server where the request is to be
sent. Based on this value, the request will be processed for the current
database partition server, all database partition servers, or a user
specified database partition server. Valid values are:
- SQLM_ALL_NODES. Only allowed when iVersion is set to SQLM_DBMON_VERSION7 or newer.
- node value
For stand-alone instances, the value, SQLM_CURRENT_NODE must be used.
- iSnapshotClass
- Input. The class qualifier for the snapshot. Valid values (defined
in sqlmon header file, located in the include directory) are:
- SQLM_CLASS_DEFAULT for a standard snapshot
- SQLM_CLASS_HEALTH for a health snapshot
- SQLM_CLASS_HEALTH_WITH_DETAIL for a health snapshot
including additional details
Usage notes
This function generates a significant
amount of additional processing usage. Allocating and freeing memory dynamically for
each db2GetSnapshot API call is also expensive.
If calling db2GetSnapshot repeatedly, for example,
when sampling data over a period of time, it may be preferable to
allocate a buffer of fixed size, rather than call db2GetSnapshotSize.
If the database system monitor finds no active databases
or applications, it may return a buffer size of zero (if, for example,
lock information related to a database that is not active is requested).
Verify that the estimated buffer size returned by this API is non-zero
before calling db2GetSnapshot. If an error is returned
by db2GetSnapshot because of insufficient buffer
space to hold the output, call this API again to determine the new
size requirements.