DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2ConvMonStream API - Convert the monitor stream to the pre-version 6 format

Converts the new, self-describing format for a single logical data element (for example, SQLM_ELM_DB2) to the corresponding pre-version 6 external monitor structure (for example, sqlm_db2). When upgrading API calls to use the post-version 5 stream, one must traverse the monitor data using the new stream format (for example, the user must find the SQLM_ELM_DB2 element). This portion of the stream can then be passed into the conversion API to get the associated pre-version 6 data.



Required connection


API include file


API and data structure syntax

  db2ConvMonStream (
   db2Uint32 versionNumber,
   void * pParmStruct,
   struct sqlca * pSqlca);

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2ConvMonStreamData
   void *poTarget;
   struct sqlm_header_info *piSource;
   db2Uint32 iTargetType;
   db2Uint32 iTargetSize;
   db2Uint32 iSourceType;
} db2ConvMonStreamData;

  db2gConvMonStream (
   db2Uint32 versionNumber,
   void * pParmStruct,
   struct sqlca * pSqlca);

db2ConvMonStream API parameters

Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure passed as the second parameter, pParmStruct.
Input. A pointer to the db2ConvMonStreamData structure.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

db2ConvMonStreamData data structure parameters

Output. A pointer to the target monitor output structure (for example, sqlm_db2). A list of output types, and their corresponding input types, is given in the following section.
Input. A pointer to the logical data element being converted (for example, SQLM_ELM_DB2). A list of output types, and their corresponding input types, is given in the following section.
Input. The type of conversion being performed. Specify the value for the v5 type in sqlmon.h for instance SQLM_DB2_SS.
Input. This parameter can usually be set to the size of the structure pointed to by poTarget; however, for elements that have usually been referenced by an offset value from the end of the structure (for example, statement text in sqlm_stmt), specify a buffer that is large enough to contain the sqlm_stmt statically-sized elements, as well as a statement of the largest size to be extracted; that is, SQL_MAX_STMT_SIZ plus sizeof(sqlm_stmt).
Input. The type of source stream. Valid values are SQLM_STREAM_SNAPSHOT (snapshot stream), or SQLM_STREAM_EVMON (event monitor stream).

Usage notes

Following is a list of supported convertible data elements:
Table 1. Supported convertible data elements: snapshot variables
Snapshot variable datastream type Structure
SQLM_ELM_APPL sqlm_appl
SQLM_ELM_APPL_INFO sqlm_applinfo
SQLM_ELM_DB2 sqlm_db2
SQLM_ELM_FCM sqlm_fcm
SQLM_ELM_FCM_NODE sqlm_fcm_node
SQLM_ELM_DBASE sqlm_dbase
SQLM_ELM_TABLE_LIST sqlm_table_header
SQLM_ELM_TABLE sqlm_table
SQLM_ELM_DB_LOCK_LIST sqlm_dbase_lock
SQLM_ELM_APPL_LOCK_LIST sqlm_appl_lock
SQLM_ELM_LOCK sqlm_lock
SQLM_ELM_STMT sqlm_stmt
SQLM_ELM_SUBSECTION sqlm_subsection
SQLM_ELM_TABLESPACE_LIST sqlm_tablespace_header
SQLM_ELM_TABLESPACE sqlm_tablespace
SQLM_ELM_ROLLFORWARD sqlm_rollfwd_info
SQLM_ELM_BUFFERPOOL sqlm_bufferpool
SQLM_ELM_LOCK_WAIT sqlm_lockwait
SQLM_ELM_DCS_APPL sqlm_dcs_appl, sqlm_dcs_applid_info, sqlm_dcs_appl_snap_stats, sqlm_xid, sqlm_tpmon
SQLM_ELM_DCS_DBASE sqlm_dcs_dbase
SQLM_ELM_DCS_APPL_INFO sqlm_dcs_applid_info
SQLM_ELM_DCS_STMT sqlm_dcs_stmt
SQLM_ELM_COLLECTED sqlm_collected
Table 2. Supported convertible data elements: event monitor variables
Event monitor variable datastream type Structure
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_DB sqlm_db_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_CONN sqlm_conn_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_TABLE sqlm_table_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_STMT sqlm_stmt_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_XACT sqlm_xaction_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_DEADLOCK sqlm_deadlock_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_DLCONN sqlm_dlconn_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_TABLESPACE sqlm_tablespace_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_DBHEADER sqlm_dbheader_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_START sqlm_evmon_start_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_CONNHEADER sqlm_connheader_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_OVERFLOW sqlm_overflow_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_BUFFERPOOL sqlm_bufferpool_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_SUBSECTION sqlm_subsection_event
SQLM_ELM_EVENT_LOG_HEADER sqlm_event_log_header

The sqlm_rollfwd_ts_info structure is not converted; it only contains a table space name that can be accessed directly from the stream. The sqlm_agent structure is also not converted; it only contains the pid of the agent, which can also be accessed directly from the stream.