Beginning with
Version 9.7, this API is deprecated. Use the db2GetRowPartNum (Get the database partition server number for a row) API to return
the database partition number and database partition server number
for a row.
If you call the sqlugrpn API and the DB2_PMAP_COMPATIBILITY registry
variable is set to OFF, the error message SQL2768N is returned.
Returns the database partition number and the database
partition server number based on the distribution key values. An application
can use this information to determine on which database partition
server a specific row of a table is stored.
The partitioning data structure, sqlupi, is the input for this API. The structure can be returned by the sqlugtpi API. Another input is the character representations
of the corresponding distribution key values. The output is a database
partition number generated by the distribution strategy and the corresponding
database partition server number from the distribution map. If the
distribution map information is not provided, only the database partition
number is returned. This can be useful when analyzing data distribution.
The database manager does not need to be running when
this API is called.
This API must be invoked from a database
partition server in the db2nodes.cfg file. This
API should not be invoked from a client, since it could result in
erroneous database partitioning information being returned due to
differences in code page and endianess between the client and the server.
API include file
API and data structure syntax
sqlugrpn (
unsigned short num_ptrs,
unsigned char ** ptr_array,
unsigned short * ptr_lens,
unsigned short territory_ctrycode,
unsigned short codepage,
struct sqlupi * part_info,
short * part_num,
SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE * node_num,
unsigned short chklvl,
struct sqlca * sqlca,
short dataformat,
void * pReserved1,
void * pReserved2);
sqlggrpn (
unsigned short num_ptrs,
unsigned char ** ptr_array,
unsigned short * ptr_lens,
unsigned short territory_code,
unsigned short codepage,
struct sqlupi * part_info,
short * part_num,
SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE * node_num,
unsigned short chklvl,
struct sqlca * sqlca,
short dataformat,
void * pReserved1,
void * pReserved2);
sqlugrpn API parameters
- num_ptrs
- The number of pointers in ptr_array. The
value must be the same as the one specified for the part_info parameter; that is, part_info->sqld.
- ptr_array
- An array of pointers that points to the character representations
of the corresponding values of each part of the distribution key specified
in part_info. If a null value is required, the
corresponding pointer is set to null. For generated columns, this
function does not generate values for the row. The user is responsible
for providing a value that will lead to the correct partitioning of
the row.
- ptr_lens
- An array of unsigned integers that contains the lengths of the
character representations of the corresponding values of each part
of the partitioning key specified in part_info.
- territory_ctrycode
- The country/region code of the target database. This value can
also be obtained from the database configuration file using the GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION command.
- codepage
- The code page of the target database. This value can also be obtained
from the database configuration file using the GET DATABASE
- part_info
- A pointer to the sqlupi structure.
- part_num
- A pointer to a 2-byte signed integer that is used to store the
database partition number.
- node_num
- A pointer to an SQL_PDB_NODE_TYPE field used to store the node
number. If the pointer is null, no node number is returned.
- chklvl
- An unsigned integer that specifies the level of checking that
is done on input parameters. If the value specified is zero, no checking
is done. If any non-zero value is specified, all input parameters
are checked.
- sqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.
- dataformat
- Specifies the representation of distribution key values. Valid
values are:
- All distribution key values are represented by character strings.
This is the default value.
- The location of an implied decimal point is determined by the
column definition. For example, if the column definition is DECIMAL(8,2),
the value 12345 is processed as 123.45.
- All decimal column distribution key values are in packed decimal
- All numeric distribution key values are in big-endian binary format.
- pReserved1
- Reserved for future use.
- pReserved2
- Reserved for future use.
Usage notes
Data types supported on the
operating system are the same as those that can be defined as a distribution
Note: CHAR, VARCHAR, GRAPHIC, and VARGRAPHIC data types must
be converted to the database code page before this API is called.
For numeric and datetime data types, the character representations
must be at the code page of the corresponding system where the API is
If node_num is not null, the distribution
map must be supplied; that is, pmaplen field
in part_info parameter (part_info->pmaplen) is either 2 or 8192. Otherwise, SQLCODE -6038 is returned. The distribution
key must be defined; that is, sqld field in part_info parameter (part_info->sqld) must be greater than zero. Otherwise, SQLCODE -2032
is returned.
If a null value is assigned to a non-nullable partitioning
column, SQLCODE -6039 is returned.
All the leading blanks and
trailing blanks of the input character string are stripped, except
for the CHAR, VARCHAR, GRAPHIC, and VARGRAPHIC data types, where only
trailing blanks are stripped.