DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

sqlogstt API - Get the SQLSTATE message

Retrieves the message text associated with an SQLSTATE value.



Required connection


API include file


API and data structure syntax

  sqlogstt (
        char * pBuffer,
        short BufferSize,
        short LineWidth,
        char * pSqlstate);

  sqlggstt (
        short BufferSize,
        short LineWidth,
        char * pSqlstate,
        char * pBuffer);

sqlogstt API parameters

Output. A pointer to a string buffer where the message text is to be placed. If the message must be truncated to fit in the buffer, the truncation allows for the null string terminator character.
Input. Size, in bytes, of a string buffer to hold the retrieved message text.
Input. The maximum line width for each line of message text. Lines are broken on word boundaries. A value of zero indicates that the message text is returned without line breaks.
Input. A string containing the SQLSTATE for which the message text is to be retrieved. This field is alphanumeric and must be either five-digit (specific SQLSTATE) or two-digit (SQLSTATE class, first two digits of an SQLSTATE). This field does not need to be NULL-terminated if 5 digits are being passed in, but must be NULL-terminated if 2 digits are being passed.

Usage notes

One message is returned per call.

A LF/NULL sequence is placed at the end of each message.

If a positive line width is specified, LF/NULL sequences are inserted between words so that the lines do not exceed the line width.

If a word is longer than a line width, the line is filled with as many characters as will fit, a LF/NULL is inserted, and the remaining characters are placed on the next line.

Return codes

Code Message
+i Positive integer indicating the number of bytes in the formatted message. If this is greater than the buffer size input by the caller, the message is truncated.
-1 Insufficient memory available for message formatting services to function. The requested message is not returned.
-2 The SQLSTATE is in the wrong format. It must be alphanumeric and be either 2 or 5 digits in length.
-3 Message file inaccessible or incorrect.
-4 Line width is less than zero.
-5 Invalid sqlca, bad buffer address, or bad buffer length.

If the return code is -1 or -3, the message buffer will contain further information about the problem.

REXX API syntax


REXX API parameters

The SQLSTATE for which the message text is to be retrieved.
REXX variable into which the message is placed.
Maximum line width for each line of the message text. The line is broken on word boundaries. If a value is not specified, or this parameter is set to 0, the message text returns without line breaks.