DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

sqleqryi API - Query client information

Returns existing client information by populating the fields in the sqle_client_info data structure. Since this API permits specification of a database alias, an application can query client information associated with a specific connection. Returns null if the sqleseti API has not previously established a value.

If a specific connection is requested, this API returns the latest values for that connection. If all connections are specified, the API returns the values that are to be associated with all connections; that is, the values passed in the last call to sqleseti (specifying all connections).



Required connection


API include file


API and data structure syntax

  sqleqryi (
        unsigned short DbAliasLen,
        char * pDbAlias,
        unsigned short NumItems,
        struct sqle_client_info* pClient_Info,
        struct sqlca * pSqlca);

sqleqryi API parameters

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the database alias. If a value greater than zero is provided, pDbAlias must point to the alias name. Returns the settings associated with the last call to sqleseti for this alias (or a call to sqleseti specifying a zero length alias). If zero is specified, returns the settings associated with the last call to sqleseti which specified a zero length alias.
Input. A pointer to a string containing the database alias.
Input. Number of entries being modified. The minimum value is 1.
Input. A pointer to an array of NumItems sqle_client_info structures, each containing a type field indicating which value to return, and a pointer to the returned value. The area pointed to must be large enough to accommodate the value being requested.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

Usage notes

The settings can be queried at any time during execution. If the API call is successful, the current settings are returned to the specified areas. Returns a length of zero and a null-terminated string (\0) for any fields that have not been set through a call to the sqleseti API.