Returns current connection settings for an application
process. The sqle_conn_setting data structure is
populated with the connection setting types and values.
API include file
API and data structure syntax
sqleqryc (
struct sqle_conn_setting * pConnectionSettings,
unsigned short NumSettings,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
sqlgqryc (
struct sqle_conn_setting * pConnectionSettings,
unsigned short NumSettings,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
sqleqryc API parameters
- pConnectionSettings
- Input/Output. A pointer to an sqle_conn_setting structure, which specifies connection setting types and values.
The user defines an array of NumSettings connection
settings structures, and sets the type field of each element in this
array to indicate one of the five possible connection settings options.
Upon return, the value field of each element contains the current
setting of the option specified.
- NumSettings
- Input. Any integer (from 0 to 7) representing the number of connection option values to be returned.
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.
Usage notes
The connection settings for
an application process can be queried at any time during execution.
If QUERY CLIENT is successful, the fields in the sqle_conn_setting structure will contain the current connection settings of the application
process. If SET CLIENT has never been called, the
settings will contain the values of the precompile options only if
an SQL statement has already been processed; otherwise, they will
contain the default values for the precompile options.
REXX API syntax
REXX API parameters
- output
- A compound REXX host variable containing information about the
current connection settings of the application process. In the following, XXX represents the host variable name.
- XXX.1
- Currentconnection setting for the CONNECTION type
- XXX.2
- Currentconnection setting for the SQLRULES
- XXX.3
- Currentconnection setting indicating which connections will be released
when a COMMIT is issued.
- XXX.4
- Currentconnection setting of the SYNCPOINT option.
The SYNCPOINT option is ignored and is available
only for backward compatibility. Indicates whether a transaction manager
should be used to enforce two-phase commit semantics, whether the
database manager should ensure that there is only one database being
updated when multiple databases are accessed within a single transaction,
or whether neither of these options is to be used.
- XXX.6
- Currentconnection setting for deferred PREPARE.