Recreates a damaged or corrupted database that has been
backed up using the db2Backup API. The restored
database is in the same state it was in when the backup copy was made.
This utility can also:
- Restore to a database with a name different from the database
name in the backup image (in addition to being able to restore to
a new database), the exception being a snapshot restore where the
backup image database name must be the same.
- Restore DB2® databases that
were created in the two previous releases.
- Restore from a table space level backup, or restore table spaces
from within a database backup image.
- Transport a set of table spaces and schemas from
database backup image to a database (starting in DB2 Version
9.7 Fix
Pack 2).
This API only affects the database
partition from which it is called.
To restore to an existing
database, one of the following authorities:
To restore to a new database, one of the following authorities:
If you specify a user name, you require CONNECT authority
on the database.
Required connection
to restore to an existing database. This API automatically establishes
an exclusive connection to the specified database and will release
the connection when the restore operation finishes.
Instance and database,
to restore to a new database. The instance attachment is required
to create the database.
For snapshot restore, instance and database connections
are required.
To restore to a new database at an instance different
from the current instance (as defined by the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment
variable), it is necessary to first attach to the instance where the
new database will reside.
API include file
API and data structure syntax
db2Restore (
db2Uint32 versionNumber,
void * pDB2RestoreStruct,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2RestoreStruct
char *piSourceDBAlias;
char *piTargetDBAlias;
char oApplicationId[SQLU_APPLID_LEN+1];
char *piTimestamp;
char *piTargetDBPath;
char *piReportFile;
struct db2TablespaceStruct *piTablespaceList;
struct db2MediaListStruct *piMediaList;
char *piUsername;
char *piPassword;
char *piNewLogPath;
void *piVendorOptions;
db2Uint32 iVendorOptionsSize;
db2Uint32 iParallelism;
db2Uint32 iBufferSize;
db2Uint32 iNumBuffers;
db2Uint32 iCallerAction;
db2Uint32 iOptions;
char *piComprLibrary;
void *piComprOptions;
db2Uint32 iComprOptionsSize;
char *piLogTarget;
struct db2StoragePathsStruct *piStoragePaths;
char *piRedirectScript;
char *piStagingDBAlias;
struct db2SchemaStruct *piSchemaList;
char *piStogroup;
} db2RestoreStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2TablespaceStruct
char **tablespaces;
db2Uint32 numTablespaces;
} db2TablespaceStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2MediaListStruct
char **locations;
db2Uint32 numLocations;
char locationType;
} db2MediaListStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2StoragePathsStruct
char **storagePaths;
db2Uint32 numStoragePaths;
} db2StoragePathsStruct;
db2gRestore (
db2Uint32 versionNumber,
void * pDB2gRestoreStruct,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gRestoreStruct
char *piSourceDBAlias;
db2Uint32 iSourceDBAliasLen;
char *piTargetDBAlias;
db2Uint32 iTargetDBAliasLen;
char *poApplicationId;
db2Uint32 iApplicationIdLen;
char *piTimestamp;
db2Uint32 iTimestampLen;
char *piTargetDBPath;
db2Uint32 iTargetDBPathLen;
char *piReportFile;
db2Uint32 iReportFileLen;
struct db2gTablespaceStruct *piTablespaceList;
struct db2gMediaListStruct *piMediaList;
char *piUsername;
db2Uint32 iUsernameLen;
char *piPassword;
db2Uint32 iPasswordLen;
char *piNewLogPath;
db2Uint32 iNewLogPathLen;
void *piVendorOptions;
db2Uint32 iVendorOptionsSize;
db2Uint32 iParallelism;
db2Uint32 iBufferSize;
db2Uint32 iNumBuffers;
db2Uint32 iCallerAction;
db2Uint32 iOptions;
char *piComprLibrary;
db2Uint32 iComprLibraryLen;
void *piComprOptions;
db2Uint32 iComprOptionsSize;
char *piLogTarget;
db2Uint32 iLogTargetLen;
struct db2gStoragePathsStruct *piStoragePaths;
char *piRedirectScript;
db2Uint32 iRedirectScriptLen;
struct db2gSchemaStruct *piSchemaList;
char *piStagingDBAlias;
db2Uint32 iStagingDBAliasLen;
char *piStogroup;
db2Uint32 iStogroupLen;
} db2gRestoreStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gTablespaceStruct
struct db2Char *tablespaces;
db2Uint32 numTablespaces;
} db2gTablespaceStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gMediaListStruct
struct db2Char *locations;
db2Uint32 numLocations;
char locationType;
} db2gMediaListStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gStoragePathsStruct
struct db2Char *storagePaths;
db2Uint32 numStoragePaths;
} db2gStoragePathsStruct;
typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2Char
char *pioData;
db2Uint32 iLength;
db2Uint32 oLength;
} db2Char;
db2Restore API parameters
- versionNumber
- Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure
passed as the second parameter pDB2RestoreStruct.
- pDB2RestoreStruct
- Input. A pointer to the db2RestoreStruct structure.
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.
db2RestoreStruct data structure parameters
- piSourceDBAlias
- Input. A string containing the database alias of the source database
backup image.
- piTargetDBAlias
- Input. A string containing the target database alias. If this
parameter is null, the value of the piSourceDBAlias parameter
will be used.
- piStagingDBAlias
- Input. A string containing the staging database name to be used
with the TRANSPORT option. If this parameter is NULL the staging database
name will be internally generated and the database will be dropped
after transport completes. If a name is provided the staging database
will not be dropped.
- oApplicationId
- Output. The API will return a string identifying the agent servicing
the application. Can be used to obtain information about the progress
of the backup operation using the database monitor.
- piTimestamp
- Input. A string representing the time stamp of the backup image.
This field is optional if there is only one backup image in the source
- piTargetDBPath
- Input. A string containing the relative or fully qualified name
of the target database directory on the server. Used if a new database
is to be created for the restored backup; otherwise not used.
- piReportFile
- Input. The file name, if specified, must be fully qualified.
Note: This
parameter is obsolete, but still defined.
- piTablespaceList
- Input. List of table spaces to be restored. Used when restoring
a subset of table spaces from a database or table space backup image.
For rebuild cases, this can be an include list or exclude list of
table spaces used to rebuild your database. See the DB2TablespaceStruct structure.
The following restrictions apply:
- The database must be recoverable (for non-rebuild cases only);
that is, log retain or user exits must be enabled.
- The database being restored to must be the same database that
was used to create the backup image. That is, table spaces can not
be added to a database through the table space restore function.
- The rollforward utility will ensure that table spaces restored
in a partitioned database environment are synchronized with any other
database partition containing the same table spaces. If a table space
restore operation is requested and the piTablespaceList is NULL,
the restore utility will attempt to restore all of the table spaces
in the backup image.
- When restoring a table space that has been renamed since it was
backed up, the new table space name must be used in the restore command.
If the old table space name is used, it will not be found.
- In the case of rebuild, the list must be given for 3 of the 5
- piSchemaList
- Input. The list of schemas to be transported. Used with piTablespaceList and
to define a valid transportable set.
- piMediaList
- Input. Source media for the backup image.
For more information, see the db2MediaListStruct structure.
- piUsername
- Input.
A string containing the user name to be used when attempting a connection
to the database. Can be NULL.
- piPassword
- Input. A string containing the password to be used with the user
name. Can be NULL.
- piNewLogPath
- Input.
A string representing the path to be used for logging after the restore
has completed. If this field is null the currently
defined log path will be used. If the database seeds do not match
the log path in the backup images, GLFH will be used instead. If the
database seeds match, the log path of the GLFH currently on disk will
be used.
- piVendorOptions
- Input. Used to pass information from the application to the vendor
functions. This data structure must be flat; that is, no level of
indirection is supported. Note that byte-reversal is not done, and
the code page is not checked for this data.
- iVendorOptionsSize
- Input. The length in bytes of the piVendorOptions parameter,
which cannot exceed 65535 bytes.
- iParallelism
- Input. Degree of parallelism (number of buffer manipulators).
Minimum is 1. Maximum is 1024.
- iBufferSize
- Input. Backup buffer size in 4 KB allocation units (pages). Minimum
is 8 units. The size entered for a restore must be
equal to or an integer multiple of the buffer size used to produce
the backup image.
- iNumBuffers
- Input. Specifies number of restore buffers to be used.
- iCallerAction
- Input. Specifies action to be taken. Valid values (defined in db2ApiDf header
file, located in the include directory) are:
- DB2RESTORE_RESTORE - Start the restore operation.
- DB2RESTORE_NOINTERRUPT - Start the restore. Specifies
that the restore will run unattended, and that scenarios which normally
require user intervention will either be attempted without first returning
to the caller, or will generate an error. Use this caller action,
for example, if it is known that all of the media required for the
restore have been mounted, and utility prompts are not required.
- DB2RESTORE_CONTINUE - Continue the restore after
the user has performed some action requested by the utility (mount
a new tape, for example).
- DB2RESTORE_TERMINATE - Terminate the restore
after the user has failed to perform some action requested by the
- DB2RESTORE_DEVICE_TERMINATE - Remove a particular
device from the list of devices used by restore. When a particular
device has exhausted its input, restore will return a warning to the
caller. Call restore again with this caller action to remove the device
which generated the warning from the list of devices being used.
- DB2RESTORE_PARM_CHK - Used to validate parameters
without performing a restore. This option does not terminate the database
connection after the call returns. After a successful return of this
call, it is expected that the user will issue another call to this
API with the iCallerAction parameter set to the
value DB2RESTORE_CONTINUE to continue with the restore.
- DB2RESTORE_PARM_CHK_ONLY - Used to validate parameters
without performing a restore. Before this call returns, the database
connection established by this call is terminated, and no subsequent
call is required.
- DB2RESTORE_TERMINATE_INCRE - Terminate an incremental
restore operation before completion.
- DB2RESTORE_RESTORE_STORDEF - Initial call. Table
space container redefinition requested.
The restore will run uninterrupted. Table space container redefinition
- iOptions
- Input. A bitmap of restore properties. The options are to be combined
using the bitwise OR operator to produce a value for iOptions.
Valid values (defined in db2ApiDf header file,
located in the include directory) are:
- DB2RESTORE_OFFLINE - Perform an offline restore
- DB2RESTORE_ONLINE - Perform an online restore
- DB2RESTORE_DB - Restore all table spaces in the
database. This must be run offline.
- DB2RESTORE_TABLESPACE - Restore only the table
spaces listed in the piTablespaceList parameter
from the backup image. This can be online or offline.
- DB2RESTORE_HISTORY - Restore only the history
- DB2RESTORE_COMPR_LIB - Indicates that the compression
library is to be restored. This option cannot be used simultaneously
with any other type of restore process. If the object exists in the
backup image, it will be restored into the database directory. If
the object does not exist in the backup image, the restore operation
will fail.
- DB2RESTORE_LOGS - Specifies that only the set
of log files contained in the backup image are to be restored. If
the backup image does not include log files, the restore operation
will fail. If this option is specified, the piLogTarget parameter
must also be specified.
- DB2RESTORE_INCREMENTAL - Perform a manual cumulative
restore operation.
- DB2RESTORE_AUTOMATIC - Perform an automatic cumulative
(incremental) restore operation. Must be specified with DB2RESTORE_INCREMENTAL.
- DB2RESTORE_ROLLFWD - Place the database in rollforward
pending state after it has been successfully restored.
- DB2RESTORE_NOROLLFWD - Do not place the database
in rollforward pending state after it has been successfully restored.
This cannot be specified for backups taken online or for table space
level restores. If, following a successful restore, the database is
in rollforward pending state, the db2Rollforward API
must be called before the database can be used.
that can be used to perform a redirected restore. piRedirectScript must
contain a valid file name. The iCallerAction need
a set of table spaces and SQL schemas. The table spaces and schemas
listed in the piTablespaceList and piSchemaList parameters
must define a valid transportable set (starting in DB2 Version
9.7 Fix
Pack 2).
The following values should be used for rebuild operations
- DB2RESTORE_ALL_TBSP_IN_DB - Restores the database
with all the table spaces known to the database at the time of the
image being restored. This rebuild overwrites a database if it already
database with all the table spaces known to the database at the time
of the image being restored except for those specified in the list
pointed to by the piTablespaceList parameter.
This rebuild overwrites a database if it already exists.
- DB2RESTORE_ALL_TBSP_IN_IMG - Restores the database
with only the table spaces in the image being restored. This rebuild
overwrites a database if it already exists.
database with only the table spaces in the image being restored except
for those specified in the list pointed to by the piTablespaceList parameter.
This rebuild overwrites a database if it already exists.
- DB2RESTORE_ALL_TBSP_IN_LIST - Restores the database
with only the table spaces specified in the list pointed to by the piTablespaceList parameter.
This rebuild overwrites a database if it already exists.
NOTE: If the backup image is of a recoverable database, then
be specified with any of the rebuild actions listed previously.
- piComprLibrary
- Input. Indicates the name of the external library to use to decompress
the backup image if the image is compressed. The name must be a fully-qualified
path that refers to a file on the server. If the value is a null pointer
or a pointer to an empty string, the DB2 database
system attempts to use the library stored in the image. If the backup
is not compressed, the value of this parameter will be ignored. If
the specified library is not found, the restore operation will fail.
- piComprOptions
- Input. This API parameter describes a block of binary data that
will be passed to the initialization routine in the decompression
library. The DB2 database system
passes this string directly from the client to the server, so any
issues of byte-reversal or code-page conversion must be handled by
the compression library. If the first character of the data block
is '@', the remainder of the data is interpreted as the name of a
file residing on the server. The DB2 database
system then replaces the contents of the piComprOptions and iComprOptionsSize parameters
with the contents and size of this file and passes these new values
to the initialization routine.
- iComprOptionsSize
- Input. A four-byte unsigned integer that represents the size of
the block of data passed as piComprOptions. The iComprOptionsSize parameter
should be zero if and only if the piComprOptions value
is a null pointer.
- piLogTarget
- Input. Specifies the absolute path of a directory on the database
server that must be used as the target directory for extracting log
files from a backup image. If this parameter is specified, any log
files included in the backup image are extracted into the target directory.
If this parameter is not specified, log files included in the backup
image are not extracted. To extract only the log files from the backup
image, DB2RESTORE_LOGS value should be passed to
the iOptions parameter.
For non-snapshot restores:
For snapshot restore, one of the following must be given:
log directory volumes from the snapshot image. If this option is specified
and the backup image contains log directories, then they will be restored.
Existing log directories and log files on disk will be left intact
if they do not conflict with the log directories in the backup image.
If existing log directories on disk conflict with the log directories
in the backup image, then an error will be returned.
not restore log directory volumes. If this option is specified, then
log directories will not be restored from the backup image. Existing
log directories and log files on disk will be left intact if they
do not conflict with the log directories in the backup image. If a
path belonging to the database is restored and a log directory will
implicitly be restored because of this, thus causing a log directory
to be overwritten, an error will be returned.
existing log directories to be overwritten and replaced when restoring
the snapshot image. If this option is specified and the backup image
contains log directories, then they will be restored. Existing log
directories and log files on disk will be left intact if they do not
conflict with the log directories in the backup image. If existing
log directories on disk conflict with the log directories in the backup
image, then they will be overwritten by those from the backup image.
existing log directories to be overwritten and replaced when restoring
the snapshot image. If this option is specified, then log directories
will not be restored from the backup image. Existing log directories
and log files on disk will be left intact if they do not conflict
with the log directories in the backup image. If a path belonging
to the database is restored and a log directory will implicitly be
restored because of this, thus causing a log directory to be overwritten,
the restore will go ahead and overwrite the conflicting log directory.
- piStoragePaths
- Input. A structure containing fields
that describe a list of storage paths used for automatic storage.
Set this to NULL if no storage groups are created.
- piRedirectScript
- Input. The file name for the redirect restore script that will
be created on client side. The file name can be specified relative
or absolute. The iOptions field need to have
- piStogroup
- Input. The name of the target storage group for all table spaces
being transported. This storage group must already exist in the target
database. Only valid during a schema transport operation.
db2TablespaceStruct data structure specific parameters
- tablespaces
- Input. A pointer to the list of table spaces to be backed up.
For C, the list is null-terminated strings. In the generic case, it
is a list of db2Char structures.
- numTablespaces
- Input. Number of entries in the tablespaces parameter.
db2MediaListStruct data structure parameters
- locations
- Input. A pointer to the list of media locations. For C, the list
is null-terminated strings. In the generic case, it is a list of db2Char structures.
- numLocations
- Input. The number of entries in the locations parameter.
- locationType
- Input. A character indicating the media type. Valid values (defined
in sqlutil header file, located in the include
directory) are:
- Local devices (tapes, disks, diskettes, or named pipes).
- XBSA interface.
- Tivoli® Storage Manager.
- Vendor library.
- Specifies that the data is to be restored from a snapshot backup.
cannot use SQLU_SNAPSHOT_MEDIA with any of the following options:
- piStoragePaths - it must be NULL or
empty in order to use it
- piTargetDBPath
- piTargetDBAlias
- piNewLogPath
- iNumBuffers
- iBufferSize
- piRedirectScript
- iRedirectScriptLen
- iParallelism
- piComprLibrary, iComprLibraryLen, piComprOptions,
or iComprOptionsSize
- numLocations field of this structure must
be 1 for snapshot restore
Also, you cannot use the
SNAPSHOT parameter
with any restore operation that involves a table space list.
The default behavior when restoring data from a snapshot backup
image will be a FULL DATABASE OFFLINE restore of all paths that make
up the database including all containers, local volume directory,
database path (DBPATH), primary log and mirror
log paths of the most recent snapshot backup if no timestamp is provided
(INCLUDE LOGS is the default for all snapshot
backups unless EXCLUDE LOGS is explicitly stated).
If a timestamp is provided then that snapshot backup image will be
Integrated into IBM® Data
Server is a DB2 ACS API driver
for the following storage hardware:
- IBM TotalStorage SAN Volume
- IBM Enterprise Storage Server® Model
- IBM Storwize V7000
- IBM System Storage® DS6000™
- IBM System Storage DS8000®
- IBM System Storage N Series
- Specifies that the data is to be restored from a scripted snapshot
db2StoragePathsStruct data structure parameters
- storagePaths
- Input. An array of strings containing fully qualified names of
storage paths on the server that will be used for automatic storage
table spaces. In a multi-partition database the same storage paths
are used on all database partitions. If a multi-partition database
is being restored with new storage paths, then the catalog partition
must be restored before any other database partitions are restored.
- numStoragePaths
- Input. The number of storage paths in the storagePaths parameter
of the db2StoragePathsStruct structure.
db2gRestoreStruct data structure specific parameters
- iSourceDBAliasLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piSourceDBAlias parameter.
- iTargetDBAliasLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piTargetDBAlias parameter.
- iStagingDBAliasLen
- Input. A four-byte unsigned integer representing the length in
bytes of the piStagingDBAlias parameter.
- iApplicationIdLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the poApplicationId parameter.
Should be equal to SQLU_APPLID_LEN + 1. The constant SQLU_APPLID_LEN
is defined in sqlutil header file that is located
in the include directory.
- iTimestampLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piTimestamp parameter.
- iTargetDBPathLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piTargetDBPath parameter.
- iReportFileLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piReportFile parameter.
- iUsernameLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piUsername parameter.
Set to zero if no user name is provided.
- iPasswordLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piPassword parameter.
Set to zero if no password is provided.
- iNewLogPathLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piNewLogPath parameter.
- iLogTargetLen
- Input. Specifies the length in bytes of the piLogTarget parameter.
- iRedirectScriptLen
- Input. A four-byte unsigned integer representing the length in
bytes of the name of the library specified in piRedirectScript.
Set to zero if no script name is given.
db2Char data structure parameters
- pioData
- A pointer to a character data buffer. If NULL,
no data will be returned.
- iLength
- Input. The size of the pioData buffer.
- oLength
- Output. The number of valid characters of data in the pioData buffer.
Usage notes
- For offline restore, this utility connects to the database in
exclusive mode. The utility fails if any application, including the
calling application, is already connected to the database that is
being restored. In addition, the request will fail if the restore
utility is being used to perform the restore, and any application,
including the calling application, is already connected to any database
on the same workstation. If the connect is successful, the API locks
out other applications until the restore is completed.
- The current database configuration file will not be replaced by
the backup copy unless it is unusable. In this case, if the file is
replaced, a warning message is returned.
- The database or table space must have been backed up using the db2Backup API.
- If the caller action value is DB2RESTORE_NOINTERRUPT,
the restore continues without prompting the application. If the caller
action value is DB2RESTORE_RESTORE, and the utility
is restoring to an existing database, the utility returns control
to the application with a message requesting some user interaction.
After handling the user interaction, the application calls RESTORE
DATABASE again, with the caller action value set to indicate
whether processing is to continue (DB2RESTORE_CONTINUE)
or terminate (DB2RESTORE_TERMINATE) on the subsequent
call. The utility finishes processing, and returns an SQLCODE in the sqlca.
- To close a device when finished, set the caller action value to DB2RESTORE_DEVICE_TERMINATE.
If, for example, a user is restoring from 3 tape volumes using 2 tape
devices, and one of the tapes has been restored, the application obtains
control from the API with an SQLCODE indicating end of tape. The application
can prompt the user to mount another tape, and if the user indicates
"no more", return to the API with caller action value DB2RESTORE_DEVICE_TERMINATE to
signal end of the media device. The device driver will be terminated,
but the rest of the devices involved in the restore will continue
to have their input processed until all segments of the restore set
have been restored (the number of segments in the restore set is placed
on the last media device during the backup process). This caller action
can be used with devices other than tape (vendor supported devices).
- To perform a parameter check before returning to the application,
set caller action value to DB2RESTORE_PARM_CHK.
- Set caller action value to DB2RESTORE_RESTORE_STORDEF when
performing a redirected restore; used in conjunction with the sqlbstsc API.
- If a system failure occurs during a critical stage of restoring
a database, the user will not be able to successfully connect to the
database until a successful restore is performed. This condition will
be detected when the connection is attempted, and an error message
is returned. If the backed-up database is not configured for rollforward
recovery, and there is a usable current configuration file with either
of these parameters enabled, following the restore, the user will
be required to either take a new backup of the database, or disable
the log retain and user exit parameters before connecting to the database.
- Although the restored database will not be dropped (unless restoring
to a nonexistent database), if the restore fails, it will not be usable.
- If the restore type specifies that the history file in the backup
is to be restored, it will be restored over the existing history file
for the database, effectively erasing any changes made to the history
file after the backup that is being restored. If this is undesirable,
restore the history file to a new or test database so that its contents
can be viewed without destroying any updates that have taken place.
- If, at the time of the backup operation, the database was enabled
for roll forward recovery, the database can be brought to the state
it was in before the occurrence of the damage or corruption by issuing db2Rollforward after
successful execution of db2Restore. If the database
is recoverable, it will default to roll forward pending state after
the completion of the restore.
- If the database backup image is taken offline, and the caller
does not want to roll forward the database after the restore, the DB2RESTORE_NOROLLFWD option
can be used for the restore. This results in the database being usable
immediately after the restore. If the backup image is taken online,
the caller must roll forward through the corresponding log records
at the completion of the restore.
- To restore log files from a backup image that contains them, the LOGTARGET option
must be specified, assuming a fully qualified and valid path exists
on the DB2 server. If those
conditions are satisfied, the restore utility writes the log files
from the image to the target path. If LOGTARGET is
specified during a restoration of a backup image that does not include
logs, the restore operation returns an error before attempting to
restore any table space data. A restore operation also fails with
an error if an invalid or read-only LOGTARGET path
is specified.
- If any log files exist in the LOGTARGET path
at the time the RESTORE DATABASE command is issued,
a warning prompt is returned to user. This warning is not returned
if WITHOUT PROMPTING is specified.
- During a restore operation in which a LOGTARGET is
specified, if any log file cannot be extracted, the restore operation
fails and returns an error. If any of the log files being extracted
from the backup image have the same name as an existing file in the LOGTARGET path,
the restore operation fails and an error is returned. The restore
utility does not overwrite existing log files in the LOGTARGET directory.
- You can restore only the saved log set from a backup image. To
indicate that only the log files are to be restored, specify the LOGS
option in addition to the LOGTARGET path. Specifying
the LOGS option without a LOGTARGET path
results in an error. If any problem occurs while restoring log files
in this mode the restore operation terminates immediately and an error
is returned.
- During an automatic incremental restore operation, only the logs
included in the target image of the restore operation are retrieved
from the backup image. Any logs that are included in intermediate
images that are referenced during the incremental restore process
are not extracted from those intermediate backup images. During a
manual incremental restore operation, the LOGTARGET path
should be specified only with the final restore command.
- If a backup is compressed, the DB2 database
system detects this state and automatically decompresses the data
before restoring it. If a library is specified on the db2Restore API,
it is used for decompressing the data. If a library is not specified
on the db2Restore API, the library stored in the
backup image is used. And if there is no library stored in the backup
image, the data cannot be decompressed and the restore operation fails.
- If the compression library is being restored from a backup image
(either explicitly by specifying the DB2RESTORE_COMPR_LIB restore
type or implicitly by performing a normal restoration of a compressed
backup), the restore operation must be done on the same platform and
operating system that the backup was taken on. If the platforms are
different, the restore operation will fail, even when the DB2 database system normally supports
cross-platform restore operations involving the two systems.
- If restoring a database, the storage
paths associated with the database can be redefined or they can remain
as they were previously. To keep the storage path definitions as is,
do not provide any storage paths as part of the restore operation.
Otherwise, specify a new set of storage paths to associate with the
database. Automatic storage table spaces will be automatically redirected
to the new storage paths during the restore operation. However, if
the database was created with the AUTOMATIC STORAGE NO clause, the
storage paths associated with the database cannot be redefined.
Snapshot restore
Like a traditional (non-snapshot)
restore, the default behavior when restoring a snapshot backup image
will be to NOT restore the log directories - DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_EXCLUDE.
the DB2 manager detects that
any log directory's group ID is shared among any of the other paths
to be restored, then an error is returned. In this case, DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_INCLUDE or DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_INCFORCE must
be specified, as the log directories must be part of the restore.
The DB2 manager will make all efforts
to save existing log directories (primary, mirror and overflow) before
the restore of the paths from the backup image takes place.
you want the log directories to be restored and the DB2 manager detects that the preexisting log
directories on disk conflict with the log directories in the backup
image, then the DB2 manager
will report an error. In such a case, if you have specified DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_INCFORCE,
then this error will be suppressed and the log directories from the
image will be restored, deleting whatever existed beforehand.
There is a special
case in which the DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_EXCLUDE option
is specified and a log directory path resides under the database directory
(for example, /NODExxxx/SQLxxxxx/LOGSTREAMxxxxx/).
In this case, a restore would still overwrite the log directory as
the database path, and all of the contents beneath it, would be restored.
If the DB2 manager detects
this scenario and log files exist in this log directory, then an error
will be reported. If you specify DB2RESTORE_LOGTARGET_EXCLUDE,
then this error will be suppressed and those log directories from
the backup image will overwrite the conflicting log directories on