DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2DatabaseQuiesce API - Quiesce the database

Forces all users off the database, immediately rolls back all active transactions or waits for them to complete their current units of work within the number of minutes specified (if they cannot be completed within the specified number of minutes, the operation will fail), and puts the database into quiesce mode.

This API provides exclusive access to the database. During this quiesced period, system administration can be performed on the database by users with appropriate authority. After administration is complete, you can unquiesce the database, using the db2DatabaseUnquiesce API. The db2DatabaseUnquiesce API allows other users to connect to the database, without having to shut down and perform another database start. In this mode only groups or users with QUIESCE CONNECT authority and SYSADM, SYSMAINT, or SYSCTRL will have access to the database and its objects.

If a database is in the SUSPEND_WRITE state, it cannot be put in quiesced mode.


One of the following authorities:

Required connection


API include file


API and data structure syntax

  db2DatabaseQuiesce (
             db2Uint32 versionNumber,
             void * pParmStruct,
             struct sqlca * pSqlca);

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2DbQuiesceStruct
  char *piDatabaseName;
  db2Uint32 iImmediate;
  db2Uint32 iForce;
  db2Uint32 iTimeout;
} db2DbQuiesceStruct;

  db2gDatabaseQuiesce (
             db2Uint32 versionNumber,
             void * pParmStruct,
             struct sqlca * pSqlca);

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gDbQuiesceStruct
  db2Uint32 iDatabaseNameLen;
  char *piDatabaseName;
  db2Uint32 iImmediate;
  db2Uint32 iForce;
  db2Uint32 iTimeout;
} db2gDbQuiesceStruct;

db2DatabaseQuiesce API parameters

Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure passed as the second parameter pParmStruct.
Input. A pointer to the db2DbQuiesceStruct structure.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

db2DbQuiesceStruct data structure parameters

Input. The database name.
Input. Valid values are:
Force the applications immediately.
Deferred force. Applications will wait the number of minutes specified by iTimeout parameter to let their current units of work be completed, and then will terminate. If this deferred force cannot be completed within the number of minutes specified by iTimeout parameter, the quiesce operation will fail.
Input. Reserved for future use.
Input. Specifies the time, in minutes, to wait for applications to commit the current unit of work. If iTimeout is not specified, in a single-partition database environment, the default value is 10 minutes. In a partitioned database environment the value specified by the start_stop_time database manager configuration parameter will be used.

db2gDbQuiesceStruct data structure specific parameters

Input. Specifies the length in bytes of piDatabaseName.