DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2CfgGet API - Get the database manager or database configuration parameters

Returns the values of individual entries in a specific database configuration file or a database manager configuration file.


Information about a specific database configuration file is returned only for the database partition on which it is executed.



Required connection

To obtain the current online value of a configuration parameter for a specific database configuration file, a connection to the database is required. To obtain the current online value of a configuration parameter for the database manager, an instance attachment is required. Otherwise, a connection to a database or an attachment to an instance is not required.

API include file


API and data structure syntax

  db2CfgGet (
   db2Uint32 versionNumber,
   void * pParmStruct,
   struct sqlca * pSqlca);

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2Cfg
   db2Uint32 numItems;
   struct db2CfgParam *paramArray;
   db2Uint32 flags;
   char *dbname;
} db2Cfg;

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2CfgParam
   db2Uint32 token;
   char *ptrvalue;
   db2Uint32 flags;
} db2CfgParam;

  db2gCfgGet (
   db2Uint32 versionNumber,
   void * pParmStruct,
   struct sqlca * pSqlca);

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gCfg
   db2Uint32 numItems;
   struct db2gCfgParam *paramArray;
   db2Uint32 flags;
   db2Uint32 dbname_len;
   char *dbname;
} db2gCfg;

typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2gCfgParam
   db2Uint32 token;
   db2Uint32 ptrvalue_len;
   char *ptrvalue;
   db2Uint32 flags;
} db2gCfgParam;

db2CfgGet API parameters

Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure passed as the second parameter pParmStruct.
Input. A pointer to the db2Cfg structure.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

db2Cfg data structure parameters

Input. The number of configuration parameters in the paramArray array. Set this value to db2CfgMaxParam to specify the largest number of elements in the paramArray.
Input. A pointer to the db2CfgParam structure.
Input. Specifies the type of action to be taken. Valid values (defined in db2ApiDf header file, located in the include directory) are:
Specifies to return the values in the database configuration file.
Specifies to return the values in the database manager configuration file.
Returns the current values of the configuration parameters stored in memory.
Gets the values of the configuration parameters on disk. These do not become the current values in memory until the next database connection or instance attachment.
Returns the default values for the configuration parameter.
Input. The database name.

db2CfgParam data structure parameters

Input. The configuration parameter identifier.

Valid entries and data types for the db2CfgParam token element are listed in "Configuration parameters summary".

Note: Additional db2Cfg tokens are added to support getting (or setting) of cluster caching facility configuration parameters and cluster caching facility structure configuration parameters in a DB2® pureScale® environment.
Output. The configuration parameter value.
Output. Provides specific information for each parameter in a request. Valid values (defined in db2ApiDf header file, located in the include directory) are:
Indicates whether the retrieved parameter has a value of AUTOMATIC. To determine whether a given configuration parameter has been set to AUTOMATIC, perform a boolean AND operation against the value returned by the flag and the db2CfgParamAutomatic keyword defined in db2ApiDf.h.
Indicates whether the retrieved parameter has a value of COMPUTED. To determine whether a given configuration parameter has been set to COMPUTED, perform a boolean AND operation against the value returned by the flag and the db2CfgParamComputed keyword defined in db2ApiDf.h.

If the boolean AND operation is false for both of these keywords, it means that the retrieved parameter value is set manually.

db2gCfg data structure specific parameters

Input. The length in bytes of dbname parameter.

db2gCfgParam data structure specific parameters

Input. The length in bytes of ptrvalue parameter.

Usage notes

The configuration parameters maxagents and maxcagents are deprecated. In a future release, these configuration parameters may be removed completely.

The db2CfgGet API will tolerate requests for SQLF_KTN_MAXAGENTS and SQLF_KTN_MAXCAGENTS, but 0 will be returned if the server is DB2 V9.5.