Use the SYSGEO.ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE catalog view to determine what units of measure you can choose from.
Certain spatial functions accept or return values that denote a specific distance. In some cases, you can choose what unit of measure the distance is to be expressed in. For example, ST_Distance returns the minimum distance between two specified geometries. On one occasion you might require ST_Distance to return the distance in terms of miles; on another, you might require a distance expressed in terms of meters.
For a description of columns in this view,
see the following table.
Name | Data type | Nullable? | Content |
UNIT_NAME | VARCHAR(128) | No | Name of the unit of measure. This name is unique in the database. |
UNIT_TYPE | VARCHAR(128) | No | Type of the unit of measure. Possible values are: |
CONVERSION_FACTOR | DOUBLE | No | Numeric value used to convert this unit of measure
to its base unit. The base unit for linear units of measure is METER;
the base unit for angular units of measure is RADIAN. The base unit itself has a conversion factor of 1.0. |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(256) | Yes | Description of the unit of measure. |