Restoring from a snapshot of your IBM® Db2 Warehouse database

You can restore from a snapshot copy of your database by stopping the Db2® Warehouse services and container, replacing your data directory with the snapshot, and then resuming database operations.

About this task

To perform this task, you require root authority.

Cross-platform backups and restores are not supported. For example, if you take a snapshot backup on an x86_64 system, you cannot use that backup to restore to a ppc64le system, or vice versa.


  1. On the head node, stop the Db2 Warehouse services by issuing the following Docker or Podman command:
    docker exec –it Db2wh stop
    podman exec –it Db2wh stop
  2. On each node, stop the Db2 Warehouse container by issuing the following Docker or Podman command:
    docker stop Db2wh
    podman stop Db2wh
  3. Use the appropriate commands to replace the /mnt/clusterfs directory with the snapshot backup.
  4. On each node, start the Db2 Warehouse container and services by issuing the following Docker or Podman command:
    docker start Db2wh
    podman start Db2wh