Enabling the workload management dispatcher

The workload management dispatcher manages CPU resources allocated to user and maintenance service classes. To enable the workload management dispatcher, set the value of the wlm_dispatcher database manager configuration parameter to YES.

About this task

Use the command line processor (CLP) to check if the workload management dispatcher is already enabled and, if not, enable it.


  1. Issue the following command to check if the workload management dispatcher is enabled. The value of the wlm_dispatcher database manager configuration indicates whether the WLM dispatcher is enabled (YES) or disabled (NO).
  2. Issue the following command to set the value of the wlm_dispatcher database manager configuration parameter to YES.
    UPDATE DBM CFG USING wlm_dispatcher yes
  3. Optional: Issue the following command to detach from your Db2® instance:


The workload management dispatcher is enabled. You can now specify CPU limit allocations of CPU resources to Db2 service classes.

What to do next

After having enabled the workload management dispatcher to manage CPU resources, complete the following tasks:
  • Create or alter a service class and configure the CPU limit by using the CREATE SERVICE CLASS or ALTER SERVICE CLASS statement. See: Setting a CPU limit.
  • Set the dispatch concurrency level by configuring the wlm_disp_concur database manager configuration parameter. See: Setting dispatch concurrency level.