SQL data-access-level enforcement

The degree to which a routine (stored procedure or user-defined function) can execute SQL statements is determined by its SQL-access-level. This capability does not apply to the Entry plan of the Db2® Warehouse on Cloud managed service.

There are four SQL data-access-levels:
  • NO SQL

By default, SQL PL and PL/SQL routines enforce data-access levels at compile time. If a routine contains an SQL statement that requires a data-access level that exceeds that of the routine, an error is returned when you create the routine. Similarly, if a routine invokes another routine whose data-access level exceeds that of the calling routine, an error is returned when you create the first routine. Additionally, if you define a compiled user-defined function as MODIFIES SQL DATA, you can use it only as the sole element on the right side of an assignment statement within a compound SQL (compiled) statement. This check is also performed when you compile the statement.

The enforcement is performed at run-time at the statement level. An error is returned when a statement that exceeds the current SQL data access level is performed. If a routine invokes another routine defined with a more restrictive SQL data-access level, the called routine inherits the data-access level of its parent. Additionally, if you define a compiled user-defined function as MODIFIES SQL DATA and it is not the sole element on the right side of an assignment statement within a compound SQL (compiled) statement, an error is returned only if the function issues an SQL statement that modifies SQL data.

COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are allowed in a compiled PL/SQL user-defined function and a compiled language SQL user-defined function that has been defined with the MODIFIES SQL DATA clause in a CREATE FUNCTION statement.