Available monitoring data

Monitoring data is available from workloads, service subclasses and service superclasses, work classes, and threshold queues. You can use this data to diagnose and correct problems and for performance tuning.

Workload monitoring data

The following figure shows the monitoring information that is available for workloads. You can collect workload statistics and information about activities that run in the workloads using event monitors. For workloads, you can also obtain aggregate activity statistics. You can access workload statistics and information about workload occurrences in real time using table functions.
Figure 1. Monitoring data that is available for workloads
Monitoring data that is available for workloads

Service class monitoring data

The following figure shows the monitoring information that is available for service classes. You can collect statistics for service subclasses and service superclasses. You also can obtain aggregate activity and request statistics, and information about activities that run in the service classes. You can access service superclass and service subclass statistics and information about agents running in a particular service class in real time using table functions.
Figure 2. Monitoring data that is available for service classes
Monitoring data that is available for service classes

Work class monitoring data

The following figure shows the monitoring information that is available for work classes. You can collect work class statistics and information about activities that are associated with a particular work class. You can access work class statistics in real time using table functions.
Figure 3. Monitoring data that is available for work classes
Monitoring data that is available for work classes

Threshold monitoring data

The following figure shows the monitoring information that is available for thresholds. You can obtain information about threshold violations, the activities that caused the threshold violations, and queuing statistics (for queuing thresholds). You can access queuing threshold statistics in real time using table functions.
Figure 4. Monitoring data that is available for thresholds
Monitoring data that is available for thresholds