SECLABEL_TO_CHAR scalar function

The SECLABEL_TO_CHAR function accepts a security label and returns a string that contains all elements in the security label. The string is in the security label string format.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSECLABEL_TO_CHAR(security-policy-name ,security-label)

The schema is SYSIBM.

A string that specifies a security policy that exists at the current server (SQLSTATE 42704). The string must be a character or graphic string constant or host variable.
An expression that returns a security label value that is valid for the security policy named by security-policy-name (SQLSTATE 4274I). The expression must return a value that is a built-in SYSPROC.DB2SECURITYLABEL distinct type.
The result of the function is VARCHAR(32672 OCTETS). The result can be null; if the second argument is null, the result is the null value.


  • If the authorization ID of the statement executes this function on a security label being read from a column with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL then that authorization ID's LBAC credentials might affect the output of the function. In such a case an element is not included in the output if the authorization ID does not have read access to that element. An authorization ID has read access to an element if its LBAC credentials would allow it to read data that was protected by a security label containing only that element, and no others.

    For the rule set DB2LBACRULES only components of type TREE can contain elements that you do not have read access to. For other types of component, if any one of the elements block read access then you will not be able to read the row at all. So only components of type tree will have elements excluded in this way.


The EMP table has two columns, RECORDNUM and LABEL; RECORDNUM has data type INTEGER, and LABEL has type DB2SECURITYLABEL. Table EMP is protected by security policy DATA_ACCESSPOLICY, which uses the DB2LBACRULES rule set and has only one component (GROUPS, of type TREE). GROUPS has five elements: PROJECT, TEST, DEVELOPMENT, CURRENT, AND FIELD. The following diagram shows the relationship of these elements to one another:
   |                 |
              |             |
           CURRENT        FIELD
The EMP table contains the following data:
---------  ----------------
        1  PROJECT
        2  (TEST, FIELD)
        3  (CURRENT, FIELD)
The user whose ID is Djavan holds a security label for reading that contains only the DEVELOPMENT element. This means that Djavan has read access to the DEVELOPMENT, CURRENT, and FIELD elements:
---------  ----------------
        2  FIELD
        3  (CURRENT, FIELD)

The row with a RECORDNUM value of 1 is not included in the output, because Djavan's LBAC credentials do not allow him to read that row. In the row with a RECORDNUM value of 2, element TEST is not included in the output, because Djavan does not have read access to that element; Djavan would not have been able to access the row at all if TEST were the only element in the security label. Because Djavan has read access to elements CURRENT and FIELD, both elements appear in the output.

Now Djavan is granted an exemption to the DB2LBACREADTREE rule. This means that no element of a TREE type component will block read access. The same query returns:
---------  ----------------
        1  PROJECT
        2  (TEST, FIELD)
        3  (CURRENT, FIELD)
This time the output includes all rows and all elements, because the exemption gives Djavan read access to all of the elements.