ROUND_TIMESTAMP scalar function
The ROUND_TIMESTAMP scalar function returns a TIMESTAMP based on a provided argument (expression), rounded to the unit specified in another argument (format-string).
The schema is SYSIBM.
If format-string is not specified, expression is rounded to the nearest day, as if 'DD' is specified for format-string.
- expression
- An expression that returns a value of one of the following built-in data types: a DATE or a TIMESTAMP.
- format-string
- An
expression that returns a built-in character string data type with an actual length that is not
greater than 255 bytes. The format element in format-string specifies how
expression should be rounded. For example, if format-string is
'DD', the timestamp that is represented by expression is
rounded to the nearest day. Leading and trailing blanks are removed from the string, and the
resulting substring must be a valid format element for a timestamp (SQLSTATE 22007). The default is
Allowable values for format-string are listed in the table of format elements found in the description of the ROUND function.
- locale-name
- A character constant that specifies the locale used to determine the first day of the week when
using format model values DAY, DY, or D. The value of locale-name is not
case sensitive and must be a valid locale (SQLSTATE 42815). For information about valid locales and
their naming, see
Locale names for SQL and XQuery
. If locale-name is not specified, the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME is used.
The result of the function is a TIMESTAMP
with a timestamp precision of:
- p when the data type of expression is TIMESTAMP(p)
- 0 when the data type of expression is DATE
- 6 otherwise.
- Determinism: ROUND_TIMESTAMP is
a deterministic function. However, the following invocations of the
function depend on the value of the special register CURRENT LOCALE
- Round of a date or timestamp value when locale-name is
not explicitly specified and one of the following is true:
- format-string is not a constant
- format-string is a constant and includes format elements that are locale sensitive
- Round of a date or timestamp value when locale-name is
not explicitly specified and one of the following is true:
the host variable RND_TMSTMP with the input
timestamp rounded to the nearest year value.
SET :RND_TMSTMP = ROUND_TIMESTAMP('2000-08-14-17.30.00', 'YEAR');
value set is 2001-01-01-