FLOOR scalar function
Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the argument.
The schema is SYSIBM. (The SYSFUN version of the FLOOR function continues to be available.)
- expression
- An expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric data type.
The result of the function has the same data type and length attribute as the argument except that the scale is 0 if the argument is DECIMAL. For example, an argument with a data type of DECIMAL(5,5) returns DECIMAL(5,0).
The result can be null if the argument can be null or if the argument is not a decimal floating-point number and the database is configured with dft_sqlmathwarn set to YES; the result is the null value if the argument is null.
- Results involving DECFLOAT special values: For decimal
floating-point values, the special values are treated as follows:
- FLOOR(NaN) returns NaN.
- FLOOR(-NaN) returns -NaN.
- FLOOR(Infinity) returns Infinity.
- FLOOR(-Infinity) returns -Infinity.
- FLOOR(sNaN) returns NaN and a warning.
- FLOOR(-sNaN) returns -NaN and a warning.
- Example 1: Use the FLOOR function to truncate any digits
to the right of the decimal point.
- Example 2: Use the FLOOR function on both positive and
negative numbers.
This example returns 3., 3., -4., and -4., respectively.VALUES FLOOR(3.5), FLOOR(3.1), FLOOR(-3.1), FLOOR(-3.5)