Data export configuration XML
Learn how to customize the XML file which configures exporting data from Hadoop to Db2® Warehouse.
General configuration
- The fq.command property sets the type of data movement: import (Db2 Warehouse->Hadoop) or export (Hadoop->Db2 Warehouse).
<property> <name>fq.command</name> <value>export</value> </property>
HDFS information
- The fq.input.path parameter sets the directory on HDFS where the retrieved
data is
<property> <name>fq.input.path</name> <value>/dbbackup/fqtest1</value> </property>
Note: The properties fq.input.path and fq.hive.tablename are exclusive, that is only one of them might be used to define the location of the data that you want to export. fq.input.path provides more flexibility, as fq.hive.tablename allows you to specify one table only, not multiple tables. - The fq.format.fielddelim parameter sets the integer value of the single
character field delimiter in the plain text output
<property> <name>fq.format.fielddelim</name> <value>124</value> </property>
- The fq.format.null property defines how the NULL value will be represented.
Default is NULL. The value cannot be longer than 4
<property> <name>fq.format.null</name> <value>NULL</value> </property>
- The fq.fs.temp parameter sets the location of temporary files (such as logs
and status files) on
<property> <name>fq.fs.temp</name> <value>/tmp</value> </property>
Warehouse information
- The fq.pda.db property sets the warehouse database name. Include double
quotations around delimited database
<property> <name>fq.pda.db</name> <value>bludb</value> </property>
- The fq.table parameter can be used to rename a specific table during export
so that the exported table on Db2 Warehouse has a different
name than the source table on Hadoop. Include double quotations around delimited table names. The
format of this value is
<property> <name>fq.table</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.tables property provides a list of target tables for the exported data, but it also allows to filter these tables with the use of a wildcard character *. The use of the * filter is described in detail in Importing or exporting multiple tables at a time. You must include double quotations around delimited table names.
- The fq.append.mode property defines how data is transferred to the
specified HDFS location. The property takes the following values:
- create During import, new table is created in the target database. If the table with the same name already exists, import fails.
- overwrite During import, a table from the source database is imported into the target database, and if any table with the same name already existed in the target database, it is replaced (overwritten).
- append The data from the source table is imported into the target table and appended to the already existing records. That is, if a table with the same name already exists in the target database, all data from the source table is added (appended) to the existing table.
Default value for this property is create.<property> <name>fq.append.mode</name> <value>create</value> </property>
- The fq.pda.server property sets the wall IP address or the fully qualified
host name of the warehouse
<property> <name>fq.pda.server</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.pda.port property sets the port number for the warehouse database
.<property> <name>fq.pda.port</name> <value>50000</value> </property>
- The fq.pda.user property sets The warehouse database user account name for
access to the
<property> <name>fq.pda.user</name> <value>bluadmin</value> </property>
- The fq.pda.password property sets the password for the warehouse database
<property> <name>fq.pda.password</name> <value>password</value> </property>
- The fq.exttab.columns parameter sets the external table column names in
proper order, for example
. The default value is*
. All possible external table options and values are listed in CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE.<property> <name>fq.exttab.columns</name> <value>*</value> </property>
- The fq.exttab.schema parameter sets the external table schema definition,
for example
The default value is the empty string, which uses the schema of the target table. For more information on external tables see CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE.<property> <name>fq.exttab.schema</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.custom.exttab.options is an optional
parameter for advanced users. It allows to provide user defined options to external tables. All
possible external table options and values are listed in CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE. You can provide multiple pairs of external table option and its
value, separated by a space. Note: The options provided with the fq.custom.exttab.options parameter overwrite the corresponding ones that might exist in the Fast Data Movement code.
<property> <name>fq.custom.exttab.options</name> <value>MaxErrors 1 SocketBufSize 8000000</value> </property>
- The fq.splits property sets the number of concurrent JDBC load sessions to
the warehouse
<property> <name>fq.splits</name> <value>12</value> </property>
Hadoop Hive SQL connection configuration
JDBC connection properties
- The fq.sql.server property sets the Hive server address on Hadoop where
the imported table is
<property> <name>fq.sql.server</name> <value>rack1-master</value> </property>
- The fq.sql.port property sets the Hive server port number on
<property> <name>fq.sql.port</name> <value>10000</value> </property>
- Import only: The fq.sql.type property sets the server type. Supported types
are hive2 or bigsql.
<property> <name>fq.sql.type</name> <value>hive2</value> </property>
Note: Use this property for remote import, not export.
JDBC authentication properties
Note: You must provide values for either user and password or for the Kerberos service principal
- The fq.sql.user property sets the user name. It is required if you want to
use a User/Password
<property> <name>fq.sql.user</name> <value>biadmin</value> </property>
- The fq.sql.password property sets the password. It is required if user name
<property> <name>fq.sql.password</name> <value>passw0rd</value> </property>
JDBC SSL properties
- The fq.sql.ssl property defines whether SSL is required to connect to the
selected Hadoop SQL server. Value can be true or
<property> <name>fq.sql.ssl</name> <value>false</value> </property>
- The fq.sql.sslTrustStore property sets the path to the SSL trustStore that
is to be
<property> <name>fq.sql.sslTrustStore</name> <value>$HIVE_HOME/src/data/files/cacerts_test.jks</value> </property>
- The fq.sql.sslTrustStorePassword property sets the password to the
specified SSL
<property> <name>fq.sql.sslTrustStorePassword</name> <value>passw0rd</value> </property>
JDBC Kerberos properties
- The fq.kerberos.principal property sets the Kerberos principal name.
Required if Kerberos authentication should be
<property> <name>fq.kerberos.principal</name> <value>hdfs/</value> </property>
- The fq.kerberos.keytab property sets the Kerberos keytab. Required if
Kerberos authentication should be used.
<property> <name>fq.kerberos.keytab</name> <value>/path/to/your/client.keytab</value> </property>
- The fq.sql.spn property sets the Kerberos service principal name. It is
required if you want to use Kerberos authentication.
<property> <name>fq.sql.spn</name> <value>hive/</value> </property>
Hadoop remote execution settings
- The fq.hadoop.remote.user parameter is used when running data movement from
a system different than Hadoop. It specifies the remote Hadoop user name that will run data
movement. This user should have access to
<property> <name>fq.hadoop.remote.user</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.hadoop.client.configs parameter is used when running data movement
from a system different than Hadoop. It specifies the path to the downloaded client configuration
<property> <name>fq.hadoop.client.configs</name> <value></value> </property>
Additional settings
- The fq.hive.tablename parameter provides the name of the source table on
Hive when exporting a Hive table . When this value is provided, the
fq.input.path and fq.tables must be empty. For more
information see Exporting a Hive table that was not imported from Db2 Warehouse
<property> <name>fq.hive.tablename</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.hive.set.distribute.on parameter is used to specify data
distribution key by column name(s). Can be used in case of Hive table export. Empty string is
default, which means that data will be distributed
<property> <name>fq.hive.set.distribute.on</name> <value></value> </property>
- The fq.hive.where parameter can be used to define an SQL WHERE clause to use for selecting the data to transfer during export of a Hive table. This parameter only works when fq.hive.tablename is set.
- The parameter specifies if string
length in schema should be defined with the fq.hive.where parameter when
exporting a Hive table for the first time. The parameter is set to false by default, that is, string
length is calculated for all records in the Hive table during schema preparation, not restricted by
the WHERE clause. When set to true, only the records from the WHERE clause are taken into
consideration for a given table. Note that when you later change the WHERE clause to include longer
records, and export the data to the same Netezza table again, then the export will
<property> <name></name> <value>false</value> </property>
- The fq.skip.table.structure.validation parameter is used in case of
exporting a Hive table to the already existing destination table in warehouse. When this value is
set to true, the validation between the structures of source Hive table and destination warehouse
table is omitted. Default value is
<property> <name>fq.skip.table.structure.validation</name> <value>false</value> </property>