Simple table spaces (deprecated)

A simple table space is not partitioned or segmented. Simple table spaces are deprecated, and the creation of new simple table spaces is not supported in Db2 13. However, Db2 can still use existing simple table spaces.

Deprecated function: Non-UTS table spaces for base tables are deprecated. CREATE TABLESPACE statements that run at application compatibility level V12R1M504 or higher always create a partition-by-growth or partition-by-range table space, and CREATE TABLE statements that specify a non-UTS table space (including existing multi-table segmented table spaces) return an error. However, you can use a lower application compatibility level to create table spaces of the deprecated types if needed, such as for recovery situations. For instructions, see Creating non-UTS table spaces (deprecated).

You cannot create new simple table spaces, but you can alter and update or retrieve data from existing simple table spaces. If you implicitly create a table space or explicitly create a table space without specifying the NUMPARTS or MAXPARTITIONS causes, the result is a partition-by-growth table space.

Tip: For best results, convert any simple table space to a partition-by-growth or partition-by-range table space as soon as possible. For more information, see Converting deprecated table spaces to the UTS types.