Lesson 2.2: Running the LOAD utility from DB2I

You can use the LOAD utility to load data into one or more tables. You can also insert rows by using SQL INSERT statements, but LOAD is a more efficient way to add a large number of rows.

Recall that in the previous lesson (Lesson 2.1: Running the UNLOAD utility from DB2I), you copied data from the MY_EMP table by using the UNLOAD utility. In this lesson, you will load that data into another table that you can use for testing. Although you can run the LOAD utility by using other methods, you will continue to use Db2 Interactive (DB2I) in this lesson.

Before you begin

Before you begin

Complete Lesson 2.1: Running the UNLOAD utility from DB2I, and open the TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP data set.



  1. Edit the TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP data set and change the table name in the LOAD utility control statement.
    In the following example, the name has been changed to MY_EMP2.
    File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
     EDIT       TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP                          Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     000001 LOAD DATA INDDN SYSREC   LOG NO  RESUME YES                             
     000002  EBCDIC  CCSID(00037,00000,00000)                                       
     000003  INTO TABLE                                                             
     000004  "TUTOR01".                                                             
     000005  "MY_EMP2"                                                              
     000006  WHEN(00001:00002) = X'0003'                                            
     000007  NUMRECS                   43                                           
     000008  ( "EMPNO"                                                              
     000009   POSITION(  00003:00008) CHAR(00006)                                   
     000010  , "FIRSTNME"                                                           
     000011   POSITION(  00009:00022) VARCHAR                                       
     000012  , "MIDINIT"                                                            
     000013   POSITION(  00023:00023) CHAR(00001)                                   
     000014  , "LASTNAME"                                                           
     000015   POSITION(  00024:00040) VARCHAR                                       
     000016  , "WORKDEPT"                                                           
     000017   POSITION(  00042:00044) CHAR(00003)                                   
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up        
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel                 
  2. Press PF3 to exit. Then, navigate to SPUFI, and issue the following CREATE TABLE statement to create the table that you specified in the LOAD utility control statement:
    If you are not familiar with SPUFI or need a refresher on using SPUFI, see Lesson 1.2: Creating a table.

    A new empty table is created.

  3. From the DB2I Primary Option Menu, select option 8 to open the DB2 Utilities panel.
  4. Specify some basic information about the utility that you want to run, and press Enter:
    The name of the utility that you want to run. This time, you want to run LOAD.
    The name of the data set or member that contains the utility control statement. In this case, you want to use the LOAD statement that the UNLOAD utility generated in the previous lesson. If you are following the conventions of this tutorial, that data set is named userID.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP, where userID is your Db2 authorization ID.
    As in the previous lesson, you do not want to use the LISTDEF or TEMPLATE utilities. Type NO in these required fields.
                                  DB2 UTILITIES                    SSID: DB2A       
     Select from the following:                                                     
      2 JOB ID   ===> TEMP               (A unique job identifier string)           
      3 UTILITY  ===> LOAD               (CHECK DATA, CHECK INDEX, CHECK LOB,       
                                          COPY, DIAGNOSE, LOAD, MERGE, MODIFY,      
                                          QUIESCE, REBUILD, RECOVER, REORG INDEX,   
                                          REORG LOB, REORG TABLESPACE, REPORT,      
                                          REPAIR, RUNSTATS, STOSPACE, UNLOAD)       
      4 STATEMENT DATA SET ===> 'TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP'                            
      5 RESTART  ===> NO                 (NO, CURRENT, PHASE or PREVIEW)            
      6 LISTDEF? (YES|NO) ===> NO        TEMPLATE? (YES|NO) ===> NO                 
      7 LIB ==>                                 (BLANK or DB2 Library name).        
      * The data set names panel will be displayed when required by a utility.      
      F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE   
      F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE  
  5. In the DATA SET NAMES panel, specify the data sets to be used by the utility, and generate the job:
    1. In field 1 RECDSN, specify the name of the data set that contains the data that you want to load. In this case, you want to load the data that you unloaded from the MY_EMP table in the previous lesson. The name of that unload data set is UNLOAD.MYEMP.
    2. Ensure that field 7 PUNCHDSN is blank.
    3. Press Enter twice to generate the utility job.
                     DATA SET NAMES                      SSID:                   
     Enter data set name for LOAD, REORG TABLESPACE, or UNLOAD:                   
      1 RECDSN   ===> UNLOAD.MYEMP                                                
     Enter data set name for LOAD or REORG TABLESPACE:                            
      2 DISCDSN  ===>                                                             
     Enter output data sets for local/current site for COPY, MERGECOPY,           
       LOAD, or REORG TABLESPACE:                                                 
      3 COPYDSN  ===>                                                             
      4 COPYDSN2 ===>                                                             
     Enter output data sets for recovery site for COPY, LOAD, or REORG            
      5 RCPYDSN1 ===>                                                             
      6 RCPYDSN2 ===>                                                             
     Enter output data sets for REORG or UNLOAD                                   
      7 PUNCHDSN ===>                                                             
      F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE 
      F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE
    The generated job is displayed. Scroll down to see that it includes the LOAD statement from the TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP data set.
  6. To run the JCL utility job, type SUB in the Command field and press Enter.
    EDIT       TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                            Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===> SUB                                              Scroll ===> PAGE 
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change            
     ==MSG>           your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.              
     000001 //ADMF002A JOB (ACCOUNT),'NAME'                                         
     000002 //*                                                                     
     000003 //*                                                                     
     000004 //*                                                                     
     000005 //UTIL EXEC DSNUPROC,SYSTEM=DB2A,UID='TEMP',UTPROC=''                   
     000006 //*                                                                     
     000007 //**********************************************                        
     000008 //*                                                                     
     000009 //*  GENERATING JCL FOR THE UNLOAD UTILITY                              
     000010 //*  DATE:  04/25/14          TIME:  10:47:06                           
     000011 //*                                                                     
     000012 //**********************************************                        
     000013 //*                                                                     
     000014 //DSNUPROC.SYSREC DD DSN=ADMF002.UNLOAD.MYEMP,                          
     000015 //     DISP=(MOD,CATLG)                                                 
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up        
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel                

    If you receive the message ENTER JOBNAME CHARACTER(S) -, type any character and press Enter.

    A message indicates that the job was submitted and provides the job number. Note the job number for future use, and press Enter.
    JOB TUTOR01(JOB00161) SUBMITTED                              
  7. Review the output. Type TSO SDSF H in the Command field and press Enter.
    The SDSF HELD OUTPUT DISPLAY opens, which contains a list of held jobs.
  8. Display the results of the job. In the NP column, type S in the row for your job number, and press Enter.
    The utility output is shown, and the utility return code DSNUTILB 0004 indicates that the utility completed with warning messages.
  9. Determine the reason for the warning return code. Type BOTTOM in the Command field, and press Enter. Press PF11 to scroll right.

    In the following example, you can see part of message DNSU380I, which indicates the table space was left in COPY PENDING status.

     SDSF OUTPUT DISPLAY TUTOR01A JOB00161  DSID   102 LINE 6       COLUMNS 55- 134 
     COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE 
    E" POSITION(9:22) VARCHAR,                                                      
    " POSITION(23:23) CHAR(1),                                                      
    E" POSITION(24:40) VARCHAR,                                                     
    T" POSITION(42:44) CHAR(3) NULLIF(41)=X'FF',                                    
    " POSITION(46:49) CHAR(4) NULLIF(45)=X'FF',                                     
    E" POSITION(51:60) DATE EXTERNAL NULLIF(50)=X'FF',                              
    SITION(62:69) CHAR(8) NULLIF(61)=X'FF',                                         
    " POSITION(71:72) SMALLINT NULLIF(70)=X'FF',                                    
    SITION(74:74) CHAR(1) NULLIF(73)=X'FF',                                         
    TE" POSITION(76:85) DATE EXTERNAL NULLIF(75)=X'FF',                             
     POSITION(87:91) DECIMAL NULLIF(86)=X'FF',                                      
    POSITION(93:97) DECIMAL NULLIF(92)=X'FF',                                       
    OSITION(99:103) DECIMAL NULLIF(98)=X'FF')                                       
     WAS SPECIFIED FOR EMPTY TABLESPACE                                             
     STATISTICS - NUMBER OF INPUT RECORDS PROCESSED=43                              
     COMPLETE, ELAPSED TIME=00:00:00                                                
     DSN00016.MYREMP2 PARTITION 1 IS IN COPY PENDING                                
    ION COMPLETE, HIGHEST RETURN CODE=4                                             
    ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
    In this case, the table space is in COPY-pending status because the LOAD statement had the LOG NO option. This option indicates that some logging activities are skipped during the LOAD process. Therefore, to ensure that the object is recoverable, Db2 requires an image copy to be taken or some equivalent action. You will resolve this COPY-pending status in the next lesson.
  10. Confirm that your new table was populated. Press PF3 to exit. Then, navigate to SPUFI and issue a SELECT statement to query the table that you loaded.
    For example, the following query returns the number of rows in the table and confirms that the LOAD utility added rows to the table:
     BROWSE    TUTOR01.MYOUTPUT                           Line 00000000 Col 001 080 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    ********************************* Top of Data **********************************
    --CREATE TABLE MY_EMP2 LIKE MY_EMP;                                     00060036
      SELECT COUNT (*) FROM MY_EMP2;                                        00061037
    DSNE610I NUMBER OF ROWS DISPLAYED IS 1                                          
      F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F5=Rfind   F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap     
     F10=Left   F11=Right  F12=Cancel                                               
  11. Determine the database name and table space name of the MY_EMP2 table. Note these values for the next lesson.

    For example, if you have SELECT privilege for the Db2 catalog tables, you might issue the following query to return the database name and table space name of your table:

        WHERE NAME='MY_EMP2';

    The result contains the database name in the DBNAME column and the table space name in the TSNAME column. If more than one MY_EMP2 table exists, use the CREATOR column to identify the row for the table that you created.

    If you do not have SELECT privilege for the Db2 catalog, ask a colleague who does have SELECT privilege for the Db2 catalog tables to get this information for you by querying the catalog.

What to do next

Press PF3 twice to return to the DB2I Primary Option Menu so that you are ready for the next lesson.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to complete the following tasks:

  • Load data into an empty table by running the LOAD utility
  • Check the utility output for any warnings