Syntax and options of the UNLOAD control statement

The UNLOAD utility control statement, with its multiple options, defines the function that the utility job performs.

You can create a control statement with the ISPF/PDF edit function. After creating it, save it in a sequential or partitioned data set. When you create the JCL for running the job, use the SYSIN DD statement to specify the name of the data set that contains the utility control statement.

Syntax diagram

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram UNLOAD DATAFROM-TABLE-specFROM-TABLE-specsource-specFROM-TABLE-specLISTlistdef-nameunload-specCLONE
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram TABLESPACE database-name. tablespace-name PARTintegerint1:int2FROMCOPYdata-set-nameFROMVOLUMECATALOGvol-serFROMSEQNOnFROMCOPYDDNddname
FROM-TABLE-spec: The syntax diagram and option descriptions for the FROM-TABLE-spec are presented in the section FROM-TABLE-spec syntax diagram and option descriptions.

Option descriptions

Identifies the data that is to be selected for unloading with table-name in the from-table-spec. The DATA keyword is mutually exclusive with TABLESPACE, PART, and LIST keywords.

When you specify the DATA keyword, or you omit either the TABLESPACE or the LIST keyword, you must also specify at least one FROM TABLE clause.

Specifies the table space (and, optionally, the database to which it belongs) from which the data is to be unloaded.
The name of the database to which the table space belongs. The name cannot be DSNDB01 or DSNDB07.

The default value is DSNDB04.

The name of the table space from which the data is to be unloaded. The specified table space must not be a LOB or XML table space.
Identifies a partition or a range of partitions from which the data is to be unloaded. This keyword applies only if the specified table space is partitioned. You cannot specify PART with LIST. The maximum is 4096.
Designates a single partition. integer must identify an existing physical partition number within the table space.
Designates a range of partitions from physical partition number int1 to physical partition number int2. int1 must be a positive integer that is less than the highest partition number within the table space. int2 must be an integer that is greater than int1 and less than or equal to the highest partition number.

If no PART keyword is specified in an UNLOAD control statement, the data from the entire table space is unloaded into a single unload data set.

FROMCOPY data-set-name
Indicates that data is to be unloaded from an image copy data set. When you specify FROMCOPY, the UNLOAD utility processes only the specified image copy data set. Alternatively, you can use the FROMCOPYDDN keyword where multiple image copy data sets can be concatenated under a single DD name.
The name of the image copy data set. You can find this name in the DSNAME field in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.
Identifies the volume where the image copy data set resides.
Indicates that the data set is cataloged. Use this option only for an image copy that was created as a cataloged data set, which means that its volume serial is not recorded in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY (the DSVOLSER column in the SYSCOPY record is blank).
Identifies the data set by an alphanumeric volume serial identifier of its first volume. Use this option only for an image copy that was created as a non-cataloged data set.

You can find the volume serial identifier in the DSVOLSER column in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY. For a data set that is stored on multiple tape volumes, specify the first DSVOLSER value in the SYSCOPY record.

Identifies the image copy data set by its file sequence number.

If SYSIBM.SYSCOPY contains multiple records that match the specified image copy data set name and volume serial number, specify FROMSEQNO to ensure that UNLOAD uses the correct image copy. Otherwise, UNLOAD uses the file sequence number of the first matching image copy that it finds in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.

Specifies the file sequence number. You can find this number in the FILESEQNO column in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.
Indicates that data is to be unloaded from one or more image copy data sets that are associated with the specified ddname. Multiple image copy data sets (primarily for the copy of pieces) can be concatenated under a single DD name.
Identifies a DD name with which one or more image copy data sets are associated.
LIST listdef-name
Identifies the name of a list of objects that are defined by a LISTDEF utility control statement. The list can include table spaces, index spaces, databases, a tables, an index, and partitions. The list cannot include index spaces, LOB table spaces, and directory objects. You cannot use the LIST option to specify image copy data sets.
When you specify the LIST option, the referenced LISTDEF identifies:
  • The table spaces from which the data is to be unloaded. You can use the pattern-matching feature of LISTDEF.
  • The partitions (if a table space is partitioned) from which the data is to be unloaded (defined by the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, and PARTLEVEL keywords in the LISTDEF statement).

The UNLOAD utility associates a single table space with one output data set, except when partition-parallelism is activated. When you use the LIST option with a LISTDEF that represents multiple table spaces, you must also define a data set TEMPLATE that corresponds to all of the table spaces and specify the template-name in the UNLDDN option.

If you want to generate the LOAD statements, you must define another TEMPLATE for the PUNCHDDN data set that is similar to UNLDDN. Db2 then generates a LOAD statement for each table space. This utility will only process clone data if the CLONE keyword is specified. The use of CLONED YES on the LISTDEF statement is not sufficient.

The partitions or partition ranges can be specified in a list.

Specifies the DD name for a data set or a template name that defines one or more data set names that are to receive the LOAD utility control statements that the UNLOAD utility generates.
Specifies the DD name.

The default value is SYSPUNCH.

Identifies the name of a data set template that is defined by a TEMPLATE utility control statement.

If the specified name is defined both as a DD name (in the JCL) and as a template name (in a TEMPLATE statement), it is treated as the DD name.

When you run the UNLOAD utility for multiple table spaces and you want to generate corresponding LOAD statements, you must have multiple output data sets that correspond to the table spaces so that Db2 retains all of the generated LOAD statements. In this case, you must specify an appropriate template name to PUNCHDDN. If you omit the PUNCHDDN specification, the LOAD statements are not generated.

If the partition variable (&PART. or &PA.) is included in a TEMPLATE for PUNCHDDN, Db2 replaces the &PART. or &PA variable with the lowest partition number in the list of partitions to be unloaded. The partition number is in the form nnnnn.

Specifies the DD name for a data set or a template name that defines one or more data set names into which the data is to be unloaded.
Specifies the DD name.

The default value is SYSREC.

Identifies the name of a data set template that is defined by a TEMPLATE utility control statement.

If the specified name is defined both as a DD name (in the JCL) and as a template name (in a TEMPLATE statement), it is treated as the DD name.

When you run the UNLOAD utility for a partitioned table space, the selected partitions are unloaded in parallel if the following conditions are true:

  1. You specify a template name for UNLDDN.
  2. The template data set name contains the partition as a variable (&PART. or &PA.) without substring notation. This template name is expanded into multiple data sets that correspond to the selected partitions.
  3. The TEMPLATE control statement does not contain all of the following options:
    • STACK(YES)
    • UNIT(TAPE)
    • An UNCNT value that is less than or equal to one.

If conditions 1 and 2 are true, but condition 3 is false, partition parallelism is not activated and all output data sets are stacked on one tape.

Start of changeDb2 cannot do parallel UNLOAD operations for partitions if you use substring notation for the partition variable (&PART. or &PA.) in the DSN argument, because the data set name might not be unique for all partitions. Therefore, Db2 uses a single UNLDDN data set for all partitions. This action might cause duplicate data set errors on subsequent UNLOAD jobs for other partitions of the same table space.End of change

When you run the UNLOAD utility for multiple table spaces, the output records are placed in data sets that correspond to the respective table spaces. Therefore the output data sets must be physically distinctive, and you must specify an appropriate template name to UNLDDN. If you omit the UNLDDN specification, the SYSREC DD name is not used, and an error occurs.

Start of changeIf the partition variable (&PART. or &PA.) is included in the TEMPLATE DSN statement when partition parallelism is not applicable (when the source is non-partitioned or a partition-by-growth table space or FROMCOPY, FROMCOPYDDN, or SPANNED YES is specified), message DSNU1252I is issued.End of change

Specifies that all output data of the character type is to be in EBCDIC. If a different encoding scheme is used for the source data, the data (except for bit strings) is converted into EBCDIC.

If you do not specify EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID, the encoding scheme of the source data is preserved.

See the description of the CCSID option for this utility.

Specifies that all output data of the character type is to be in ASCII. If a different encoding scheme is used for the source data, the data (except for bit strings) is converted into ASCII.

If you do not specify EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID, the encoding scheme of the source data is preserved.

See the description of the CCSID option for this utility.

Specifies that all output data of the character type (except for bit strings) is to be in Unicode. If a different encoding scheme is used for the source data, the data is converted into Unicode.

If you do not specify EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID, the encoding scheme of the source data is preserved.

See the description of the CCSID option of this utility.

Specifies up to three coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) that are to be used for the data of character type in the output records, including data that is unloaded in the external character formats.

integer1 specifies the CCSID for SBCS data. integer2 specifies the CCSID for mixed data. integer3 specifies the CCSID for DBCS data. This option is not applied to data with a subtype of BIT.

If you specify both FORMAT DELIMITED and UNICODE, all output data is in CCSID 1208, UTF-8; any other specified CCSID is ignored.

The following specifications are also valid:

Indicates that only an SBCS CCSID is specified.
Indicates that an SBCS CCSID and a mixed CCSID are specified.
Specifies either a valid CCSID or 0.

If you specify a value of 0 for one of the arguments or omit a value, the encoding scheme that is specified by EBCDIC, ASCII, or UNICODE is assumed for the corresponding data type (SBCS, MIXED, or DBCS).

If you do not specify EBCDIC, ASCII, or UNICODE:

  • If the source data is of character type, the original encoding scheme is preserved. When CCSID is not specified in a field specification, the CCSID of the column is preserved.
  • For character strings that are converted from numeric, date, time, or timestamp data, the default encoding scheme of the table is used.

If you specify EBCDIC, ASCII, or UNICODE, the CCSIDs specified for SBCS, DBCS, and MIXED must be valid CCSIDs for the specified encoding scheme, or 0.

When a CCSID conversion is requested, CCSID character substitutions can occur in the output string. Use the NOSUBS option to prevent possible character substitutions during CCSID conversion.

Specifies that CCSID code substitution is not to be performed during unload processing.

When a string is converted from one CCSID to another (including EBCDIC, ASCII, and Unicode), a substitution character is sometimes placed in the output string. For example, this substitution occurs when a character (referred to as a code point) that exists in the source CCSID does not exist in the target CCSID. You can use the NOSUBS keyword to prevent the UNLOAD utility from allowing this substitution.

If you specify the NOSUBS keyword and character substitution is attempted while data is being unloaded, this action is treated as a conversion error. The record with the error is not unloaded, and the process continues until the total error count reaches the number that is specified by MAXERR.

Specifies that the variable-length columns in the unloaded records are to occupy the actual data length without additional padding. As a result, the unloaded or discarded records might have varying lengths. If XML columns are unloaded without the use of file reference variables, NOPAD is the default.

When you do not specify NOPAD:

  • Default UNLOAD processing pads variable-length columns in the unloaded records to their maximum length, and the unloaded records have the same length for each table.
  • The padded data fields are preceded by the length fields that indicate the size of the actual data without the padding.
  • When the output records are reloaded with the LOAD utility, padded data fields are treated as varying-length data.

If you specify DELIMITED, the NOPAD option is the default for variable-length columns. For fixed-length columns, the normal padding rules apply.

Although LOAD processes records with variable-length columns that are unloaded or discarded by using the NOPAD option, these records cannot be processed by applications that process only fields in fixed positions. For example, the LOAD statement that is generated for the EMP sample table would look similar to the LOAD statement that is generated by the REORG TABLESPACE utility with the NOPAD option. See NOPAD.

Indicates whether records are to be unloaded into a VBS data set in spanned record format.
Records are to be unloaded in spanned record format.

When you specify SPANNED YES, the source object and UNLOAD statement must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The source table must have at least one XML or LOB column. If the table does not have any XML or LOB columns, SPANNED YES is ignored.
  • If you specify multiple FROM TABLE statements to unload multiple tables, all tables must contain at least one LOB or XML column. Otherwise, none of the tables are unloaded in spanned record format.
  • The UNLOAD statement must include a field specification list that specifies all LOB and XML data at the end of the record. The data type must be specified for the LOB and XML columns. Do not include a length or POSITION value for the LOB and XML columns. If no field specifications are included or the data type is not included in the field specification, SPANNED YES is ignored.
  • Do not specify the following options with SPANNED YES:
    • LIST (If you specify LIST, SPANNED YES is ignored.)

In the cases where SPANNED YES is ignored, the unload data set is created with VB (variable-length blocked) record format, which does not allow records that are greater than 32 KB.

When you specify SPANNED YES, UNLOAD also takes the following actions:

  • Ignores the RECFM attribute of the data set.
  • Uses the NOPAD option.
  • Ignores the TRUNCATE option.
  • Ignores large block interface (LBI) if used by any output data sets.

If you also specify PUNCHDDN, the generated LOAD statement lists the LOB and XML data in a field specification list in the same order as the UNLOAD field specification list.

Records are not to be unloaded in spanned record format.
Specifies that the output record format is Db2 internal format. UNLOAD does no field procedure processing, data conversion, or CCSID conversion on the data. If the UNLOAD control statement contains a field specification, it is ignored.
When FORMAT INTERNAL is specified:
  • UNLOAD does not unload data for LOB or XML columns. UNLOAD issues a warning message that indicates that LOB or XML data was not unloaded.
  • UNLOAD does not add trailing blanks to output from variable-length columns.
  • UNLOAD decompresses the data and does decoding that is specified by edit procedures.
  • UNLOAD ignores any field specifications in the UNLOAD utility control statement.
  • Data that is unloaded with FORMAT INTERNAL should be loaded only into the same table, or into a table that exactly matches the unloaded table definition, including having the same field procedures.
  • FORMAT INTERNAL cannot be specified with any of the following options:
    • ASCII
    • CCSID
    • EBCDIC
    • FLOAT
    • HEADER
    • NOPAD
    • NOSUBS
Specifies that the output data file is in a delimited format. When data is in a delimited format, all fields in the output data set are character strings or external numeric values. In addition, each column in a delimited file is separated from the next column by a column delimiter character.

For each of the delimiter types that you can specify, you must ensure that the delimiter character is specified in the code page of the target data. The delimiter character can be specified as either a character or hex constant. For example, to specify # as the delimiter, you can specify either COLDEL '#' or COLDEL X'23'. If the utility statement is coded in a character type that is different from the output file, such as a utility statement that is coded in EBCDIC and output data that is in Unicode, specify the delimiter character in the utility statement as a hex constant, or the result is unpredictable.

You cannot specify the same character for more than one type of delimiter (COLDEL, CHARDEL, and DECPT).

If you specify the FORMAT DELIMITED option:

  • You cannot specify HEADER CONST or use any of the multiple FROM TABLE statements.
  • UNLOAD ignores any specified POSITION statements within the UNLOAD utility control statement.
  • UNLOAD does not unload data from EBCDIC tables with Unicode columns.

For delimited output, UNLOAD does not add trailing padded blanks to variable-length columns, even if you do not specify the NOPAD option. For fixed-length columns, the normal padding rules apply. For example, if a VARCHAR(10) field contains ABC, UNLOAD DELIMITED unloads the field as "ABC". However, for a CHAR(10) field that contains ABC, UNLOAD DELIMITED unloads it as "ABC ".

For information about using delimited output and delimiter restrictions, see Unloading delimited files. For more information about delimited files see Delimited file format.
Specifies the column delimiter that is used in the output file. The default is a comma (,). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'2C', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is a X'6B'.
Specifies the character string delimiter that is used in the output file. The default is a double quotation mark ("). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'22', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is X'7F'.

The UNLOAD utility adds the CHARDEL character before and after every character string. To delimit character strings that contain the character string delimiter, the UNLOAD utility repeats the character string delimiter where it used in the character string. The LOAD utility then interprets any pair of character delimiters that are found between the enclosing character delimiters as a single character. For example, the phrase what a “nice warm” day is unloaded as “what a ““nice warm”” day”, and LOAD interprets it as what a “nice warm” day. The UNLOAD utility recognizes these character pairs for only CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB fields.

Specifies the decimal point character that is used in the output file. The default is a period (.). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'2E', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is X'4B'.
Specifies the output format of the numeric floating-point data. This option applies to the binary output format only.
Indicates that the binary floating point data is written to the output records in the S/390® internal format (also known as the hexadecimal floating point, or HFP).
Indicates that the binary floating-point data is written to the output records in the IEEE format (also known as the binary floating point, or BFP).
MAXERR integer
Specifies the maximum number of records in error that are to be allowed; the unloading process terminates when this value is reached.
Specifies the number of records in error that are allowed. When the error count reaches this number, the UNLOAD utility issues message DSNU1219 and terminates with return code 8.

The default value is 1, which indicates that UNLOAD stops when the first error is encountered. If you specify 0 or any negative number, execution continues regardless of the number of records that are in error.

If multiple table spaces are being processed, the number of records in error is counted for each table space. If the LIST option is used, you can add OPTION utility control statement (EVENT option with ITEMERROR) before the UNLOAD statement to specify that the table space in error is to be skipped and the subsequent table spaces are to be processed.

The MAXERR option is ignored when the UNLOAD utility encounters errors that prevent it from continuing to process data. For example, if you receive message DSNU283I, SQLCODE -452, and reason code 7 when unloading LOB or XML data using file reference variables, the UNLOAD utility terminates regardless of what you specified for MAXERR.

Specifies whether other processes can access or update the table space or partitions while the data is being unloaded.

UNLOAD ignores the SHRLEVEL specification when the source object is an image copy data set.


Specifies that rows can be read, inserted, updated, and deleted from the table space or partition while the data is being unloaded.
Specifies the isolation level with SHRLEVEL CHANGE.
Indicates that the UNLOAD utility is to read rows in cursor stability mode. With CS, the UNLOAD utility assumes CURRENTDATA(NO).
Indicates that uncommitted rows, if they exist, are to be unloaded. The unload operation is performed with minimal interference from the other Db2 operations that are applied to the objects from which the data is being unloaded.
Specifies that the UNLOAD utility is to skip rows on which incompatible locks are held by other transactions. This option applies to a row level or page level lock.
Specifies whether, when ISOLATION UR and SHRLEVEL CHANGE behaviors are in effect, pages that are read by the UNLOAD utility in a data sharing environment are registered with the coupling facility. The default is REGISTER YES.
Indicates that pages that are read by the UNLOAD utility are not registered with the coupling facility. Use of this option reduces data sharing overhead because only data that is written to disk is unloaded. However, it might cause UNLOAD utility processing to miss data changes that are present in the group or local buffer pools. The missed data changes can result in reduced data currency in the result data set.
Indicates that pages that are read by the UNLOAD utility are registered with the coupling facility.
Specifies that during the unload operation, rows of the tables can be read, but cannot be inserted, updated, nor deleted by other Db2 threads.

When you specify SHRLEVEL REFERENCE, the UNLOAD utility drains writers on the table space from which the data is to be unloaded. When data is unloaded from multiple partitions, the drain lock is obtained for all of the selected partitions in the UTILINIT phase.

Specifies the rounding mode to be used when DECFLOATs are manipulated. The following rounding modes are supported:
Round toward +infinity. The discarded digits are removed if they are all zero or if the sign is negative. Otherwise, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round toward 0 (truncation). The discarded digits are ignored.
Round toward -infinity. The discarded digits are removed if they are all zero or positive. Otherwise, the sign is negative and the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round to the nearest number. If equidistant, round down. If the discarded digits are greater than 0.5, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). The discarded digits are ignored if they are 0.5 or less.
Round to the nearest number. If equidistant, round so that the final digit is even. If the discarded digits are greater than .05, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). The discarded digits are ignored if they are less than 0.5. If the result coefficient is .05 and the rightmost digit is even, the result coefficient is not altered. If the result coefficient is .05 and the rightmost digit is odd, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round to nearest. If equidistant, round up. If the discarded digits are greater than or equal to 0.5, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). Otherwise the discarded digits are ignored.
Round away from 0. If all of the discarded digits are 0, the result is unchanged. Otherwise, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).

If the user does not specify DECFLOAT_ROUNDMODE, the default value of the DECFLOAT_ROUNDMODE option is DECFLOAT ROUNDING MODE from the DECP.

Specifies the implicit time zone to use when timestamp values are being unloaded from a TIMESTAMP column with no time zone, and the field specification for the column is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE EXTERNAL.
Specifies the implicit time zone value. The time zone is the difference (in hours and minutes) between local time and UTC. The range of the hour component is -12 to 14, and the minute component is 00 to 59. The time zone is specified in the form ±th:tm, with values ranging from -12:59 to +14:00.

IMPLICIT_TZ is a required keyword when the unload timestamp without time zone column to a timestamp with time zone column is used.


Specifies the maximum number of subtasks that are to be used in parallel to process the unloading of a partitioned table space. If the PARALLEL keyword is omitted, the maximum number of subtasks is limited by the number of partitions being unloaded.


Specifies the maximum number of subtasks that are to be processed in parallel. The value must be an integer between 0 and 32767, inclusive. If the specified value for num-subtasks is greater than 32767, the UNLOAD statement fails. If 0 or no value is specified for num-subtasks, the UNLOAD utility uses the optimal number of parallel subtasks after applying constraints. If the specified value for num-subtasks is greater than the calculated optimal number, the UNLOAD utility limits the number of parallel subtasks to the optimal number.

The specified number of subtasks for PARALLEL always overrides the specification of the PARAMDEG_UTIL subsystem parameter, so PARALLEL can be smaller or larger than the value of PARAMDEG_UTIL.

Indicates that UNLOAD is to unload data from only clone tables in the specified table spaces. This utility will only process clone data if the CLONE keyword is specified. The use of CLONED YES on the LISTDEF statement is not sufficient. If you specify the name of the clone table in the FROM TABLE clause, you do not need to specify the CLONE keyword.

FROM-TABLE-spec syntax diagram and option descriptions

More than one table or partition for each table space can be unloaded with a single invocation of the UNLOAD utility. One FROM TABLE statement for each table that is to be unloaded is required to identify:

  • A table name from which the rows are to be unloaded
  • A field to identify the table that is associated with the rows that are to be unloaded from the table by using the HEADER option
  • Sampling options for the table rows
  • A list of field specifications for the table that is to be used to select columns that are to be unloaded
  • Selection conditions, specified in the WHEN clause, that are to be used to qualify rows that are to be unloaded from the table

All tables that are specified by FROM TABLE statements must belong to the same table space. If rows from specific tables are to be unloaded, a FROM TABLE clause must be specified for each source table. If you do not specify a FROM TABLE clause for a table space, all the rows of the table space are unloaded.

Use a list of field specifications to specify the following characteristics:

  • Column selection. Specifies the column names of a table that is to be unloaded. If a list of field specifications is given, only the listed columns are unloaded.
  • Column ordering. Specifies the order of fields that are to be placed in the output records. If a list of field specifications is given, data of the listed columns is unloaded in the order of listed column names.
  • Output field attributes and format. Specifies the data type, length, and format of the data in the output records.

If you omit a list of field specifications, all columns of the source table are unloaded in the defined column order for the table. The default output field types that correspond to the data types of the columns are used.

When unloading XML or LOB columns to a VBS data set, the LOB and XML values are written at the end of the record in their column definition order, as specified by the required field specification list. This order is the same order that the LOAD utility uses when reading XML and LOB values from a VBS data set.

In a FROM TABLE clause, you can use parentheses in only two situations: to enclose the entire field selection list, and in a WHEN selection clause. This usage avoids potential conflict between the keywords and field-names that are used in the field selection list. A valid sample of a FROM TABLE clause specification follows:

  FROM TABLE tablename SAMPLE x (c1,c2) WHEN (c3>0)

You cannot specify FROM TABLE if the LIST option is already specified.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram FROM TABLE table-name HEADEROBIDHEADERNONECONST' string'X' hex-string'SAMPLEdecimalLIMITinteger(,field-specification)WHEN(selection condition)
CLOBF spec
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDBCLOBFCCSID1200CLOBFCCSID1208BLOBF template-name BINARYXML
strip spec
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSTRIPBOTH TRAILINGLEADING' strip-char'1X' strip-char'TRUNCATE
decfloat spec
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DECFLOAT (34)(16)EXTERNAL( length)
selection condition
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrampredicate(selection condition)ANDORpredicate(selection condition)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrambasic predicateBETWEEN predicateIN predicateLIKE predicateNULL predicate
basic predicate
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram column-name =<>><>=<=constantlabeled-duration-expression
BETWEEN predicate
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram column-name NOT BETWEEN constantlabeled-duration-expression AND constantlabeled-duration-expression
IN predicate
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram column-name NOT IN (,constant)
LIKE predicate
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram column-name NOT LIKE string-constant ESCAPEstring-constant
NULL predicate
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram column-name IS NOT NULL
  • 1 If you specify VARGRAPHIC, BINARY, or VARBINARY, you cannot specify 'strip-char'. You can specify only X'strip-char'.

Option descriptions for FROM TABLE

Identifies a Db2 table from which the rows are to be unloaded and to which the options in the FROM TABLE clause are to be applied.

If the table name is not qualified by a schema name, the authorization ID of the invoker of the utility job step is used as the schema qualifier of the table name. Enclose the table name in quotation marks if the name contains a blank.

If you specify a dropped table on the FROM TABLE option, the UNLOAD utility terminates with return code 4.

Specifies a constant header field, at the beginning of the output records, that can be used to associate an output record with the table from which it was unloaded.

If you specify a header field, it is used as the field selection criterion of the WHEN clause (a part of the INTO-TABLE specification) in the LOAD statement that is generated.

Specifies that the object identifier (OBID) for the table (a 2-byte binary value) is to be placed in the first 2 bytes of the output records that are unloaded from the table.

If you omit the HEADER option, HEADER OBID is the default, except for delimited files.

With HEADER OBID, the first 2 bytes of the output record cannot be used by the unloaded data. For example, consider the following UNLOAD statement:


The preceding UNLOAD statement generates a LOAD statement that is similar to the following example:

  INTO TABLE table-name WHEN (1:2)=X'hh' …

In this example, X'hh' is the hexadecimal notation of the OBID of table table-name.

Indicates that no record header field is to be created. HEADER NONE is the default value for a delimited file.

If HEADER NONE is specified in a FROM TABLE clause, the corresponding INTO TABLE clause in the generated LOAD statement does not have a WHEN specification. Therefore, if rows from multiple tables are unloaded and HEADER NONE is specified in one or more FROM TABLE clauses, rows that are unloaded from those tables are not able to be reloaded until you edit the generated LOAD statement. If you use the generated statement directly with the LOAD utility, the results might be unpredictable.

Specifies that a constant string is to be used as the record header. The given string operand determines the length of the header field. The string value must be enclosed by a pair of single quote characters.

For example, consider the following UNLOAD statement:

  FROM TABLE table-name HEADER CONST 'abc' …

The preceding UNLOAD statement generates a LOAD statement that is similar to the following example:

  INTO TABLE table-name WHEN (1:3)='abc' …

In this example, the given string is assumed to be in SBCS EBCDIC format. The output string of the HEADER field is in the specified or the default encoding scheme. If the encoding scheme that is used for output is not EBCDIC, the SBCS CCSID conversion is applied to the given string before it is placed in the output records. If the output SBCS encoding scheme is not EBCDIC, the WHEN condition in the generated LOAD statement contains a hexadecimal string.

You can also use the hexadecimal form, X'hex-string', to represent a string constant. If you want to specify a CONST string value in an encoding scheme other than SBCS EBCDIC, use the hexadecimal form. No CCSID conversion is performed if the hexadecimal form is used.

SAMPLE decimal
Indicates that only sampled rows of the table are to be unloaded. If selection conditions are specified by a WHEN clause within the same FROM TABLE clause, sampling is applied to the rows that are qualified by the WHEN selection conditions.
Specifies the percentage of the rows that are to be sampled in the decimal format. The precision is ddd.dddd, and the valid range is 0 <= decimal <= 100.
If the number of rows to which the sampling is to be applied is N:
  • decimal × N / 100 rows are unloaded. (The fraction might be rounded to the nearest whole number.)
  • If decimal > 0 and N > 0, at least one row is unloaded.
  • If decimal = 100, all rows from the table are unloaded.
  • If the given decimal = 0 or N = 0, no row is unloaded from the table.

The sampling is applied for each individual table. If the rows from multiple tables are unloaded with sampling enabled, the referential integrity between the tables might be lost.

LIMIT integer
Specifies the maximum number of rows that are to be unloaded from a table. If the number of unloaded rows reaches the specified limit, message DSNU1201 is issued for the table, and no more rows are unloaded from the table. The process continues to unload qualified rows from the other tables.

When partition parallelism is activated, the LIMIT option is applied to each partition instead of to the entire table.

Indicates the maximum number of rows that are to be unloaded from a table. If the specified number is less than or equal to zero, no row is unloaded from the table.

Like the SAMPLE option, if multiple tables are unloaded with the LIMIT option, the referential integrity between the tables might be lost.

Identifies a column name that must exist in the source table.
Specifies the field position in the output record. You can specify

the position parameter as follows:

An asterisk, indicating that the field starts at the first byte after the last position of the previous field.
A positive integer that indicates the start column of the data field.

The default value is POSITION(*).

The first column (byte position) of an output record corresponds to POSITION(1). If you specify HEADER NONE in the FROM TABLE clause, the item that is specified by the HEADER option is placed at the beginning of all the records that are unloaded from the table. You must account for the space for the record header:

  • HEADER OBID (the default case): 2 bytes from position 1.
  • HEADER CONST 'string' or X'hex-string' case: The length of the given string from position 1.

If the source table column can be null, the utility places a NULL indicator byte at the beginning of the data field in the output record. For BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF columns, null values are indicated by a byte at the beginning of the file name. The start parameter (or *) points to the position of the NULL indicator byte. In the generated LOAD statement, start is shifted by 1 byte to the right (as start+1) so that, in the LOAD statement, the start parameter of the POSITION option points to the next byte past the NULL indicator byte.

For a varying-length field, a length field precedes the actual data field (after the NULL indicator byte, if applicable). For BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF columns, the length of the file name is indicated by two bytes at the beginning of the file name. If the value cannot be null, the start parameter (or *) points to the first byte of the length field. The size of the length field is either 4 bytes (BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB) or 2 bytes (VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC).

When you explicitly specify the output field positions by using start parameters (or using the * format) of the POSITION option, you must consider the following items as a part of the output field:
  • For a field whose value can be null, a space for the NULL indicator byte
  • For varying-length data, a space for the length field (either 2 bytes or 4 bytes)

Layout of output fields illustrates the field layout in conjunction with the POSITION option, NULL indicator byte, the length field for a varying-length field, the length parameter, and the actual data length.

The POSITION option is useful when the output fields must be placed at specific positions in the output records. The use of the POSITION parameters, however, can restrict the size of the output data fields. Use care when explicitly specifying start parameters for nullable and varying-length fields. The TRUNCATE option might be required, if applicable, to fit a data item in a shorter space in an output record.

If you omit the POSITION option for the first field, the field starts from position 1 if HEADER NONE is specified. Otherwise, the field starts from the next byte position past the record header field. If POSITION is omitted for a subsequent field, the field is placed next to the last position of the previous field without any gap.

If NOPAD is specified and POSITION parameters are given for certain fields, the effect of the NOPAD option might be lost because the fields with start parameters (other than the default *) always start at the fixed positions in the output records.

The POSITION option is ignored for delimited output files.

Indicates that the output field is a character type with fixed length. You can use CHARACTER in place of CHAR. If the source table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed at the beginning of the output field for a non-delimited output file.

If you specify the EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID options, the output data that corresponds to the specified option, is encoded in the CCSID, depending on the subtype of the source data (SBCS or MIXED). If the subtype is BIT, no conversion is applied.

Specifies the size of the output data in bytes.

If followed by BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF, the length specifies the size of the expanded template name in bytes.

If the length parameter is omitted, the default is the maximum length that is defined on the source table column or the length in bytes of the expanded template name if BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF follows the CHAR keyword. When the length parameter is specified:
  • If the length is less than the size of the table column, the data is truncated to the length if the TRUNCATE keyword is present; otherwise, a conversion error occurs.
  • For the case where BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF immediately follows, an error will occur if the length is less than the size of the expanded template name.
  • If the length is larger than the size of the table column, the output field is padded by the default pad characters to the specified length.
Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the BLOB or XML is to be unloaded without CCSID conversion.
BINARYXML Specifies that the XML document is to be unloaded using file reference variables in Extensible Dynamic Binary XML Db2 Client/Server Binary XML Format (binary XML) format. This option is only supported when unloading an XML column.
Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the CLOB or XML is to be unloaded with any required CCSID conversion.
CCSID 1208
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded into the CLOB file in CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). CCSID 1208 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table. This option does not apply to XML columns.
Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the DBCLOBF or XML is to be unloaded with any required CCSID conversion.
CCSID 1200
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded into the CLOB file in CCSID 1200 (UTF-16). CCSID 1200 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table. This option does not apply to XML columns.
Indicates that a character string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output record. Truncation occurs at the character boundary. See Specifying TRUNCATE and STRIP options for output data for the truncation rules that are used in the UNLOAD utility. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1208
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). CCSID 1208 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
Specifies that the output field type is character of varying length. A 2-byte binary field indicating the length of data in bytes is prepended to the data field. If the table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before this length field for a non-delimited output file.

If you specify the EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID options, the output data is encoded in the CCSID corresponding to the specified option, depending on the subtype of the source data (SBCS or MIXED). If the subtype is BIT, no conversion is applied.

Specifies the maximum length of the actual data field in bytes. If you also specify NOPAD, it indicates the maximum allowable space for the data in the output records; otherwise, the space of the specified length is reserved for the data.

If followed by BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF, length specifies the size of the expanded template name in bytes. If the length is less than the size of the expanded template name an error will occur.

If the length parameter is omitted, the default is the smaller of 255 and the maximum length that is defined on the source table column.

Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the BLOB or XML is to be unloaded without CCSID conversion.
BINARYXML Specifies that the XML document is to be unloaded using file reference variables in binary XML format. This option is only supported when unloading an XML column.
Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the CLOB or XML is to be unloaded with any required CCSID conversion.
CCSID 1208
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded into the CLOB file in CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). CCSID 1208 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table. This option does not apply to XML columns.
Specifies that the output field is to contain the name of the file to which the DBCLOBF or XML is to be unloaded with any required CCSID conversion.
CCSID 1200
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded into the CLOB file in CCSID 1200 (UTF-16). CCSID 1200 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table. This option does not apply to XML columns.
Specifies that UNLOAD is to remove binary zeroes (the default) or the specified string from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. UNLOAD adjusts the VARCHAR length field (for the output field) to the length of the stripped data.

The STRIP option is applicable if the subtype of the source data is BIT. In this case, no CCSID conversion is performed on the specified strip character (even if it is given in the form 'strip-char').

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data. The default is BOTH.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies a single-byte character that is to be stripped. Specify this character value in EBCDIC. Depending on the output encoding scheme, UNLOAD applies SBCS CCSID conversion to the strip-char value before it is used in the strip operation. If you want to specify a strip-char value in an encoding scheme other than EBCDIC, use the hexadecimal form. UNLOAD does not perform CCSID conversion if the hexadecimal form is used.
Specifies a single-byte character that is to be stripped. It can be specified in the hexadecimal form, X'hex-string', where hex-string is two hexadecimal characters that represent a single SBCS character. If the strip-char operand is omitted, the default is the blank character, which is coded as follows:
  • X'40', for the EBCDIC-encoded output case
  • X'20' for the ASCII-encoded output case
  • X'20' the Unicode-encoded output case

The strip operation is applied after the character code conversion, if the output character encoding scheme is different from the one that is defined on the source data. Therefore, if a strip character is specified in the hexadecimal format, you must specify the character in the encoding scheme that is used for output.

Indicates that a character string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Truncation occurs at a character boundary. See Specifying TRUNCATE and STRIP options for output data for the truncation rules that are used in the UNLOAD utility. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1208
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). CCSID 1208 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
Specifies that the output field is of the fixed-length graphic type. If the table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before the actual data field for any non-delimited output file.

If the output is in EBCDIC, the shift-in and shift-out characters are not included at the beginning and at the end of the data.

Specifies the number of DBCS characters (the size of the output data in bytes is twice the given length). If the given length is larger than the source data length, the output field is padded with the default pad character.
Indicates that a graphic character string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Truncation occurs at a character (DBCS) boundary. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1200
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1200 (UTF-16). CCSID 1200 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
Specifies that the data is to be written in the output records as a fixed-length field of the graphic type with the external format; that is, the shift-out (SO) character is placed at the starting position, and the shift-in (SI) character is placed at the ending position. The byte count of the output field is always an even number.

GRAPHIC EXTERNAL is supported only in the EBCDIC output mode (by default or when the EBCDIC keyword is specified).

If the start parameter of the POSITION option is used to specify the output column position, it points to the (inserted) shift-out character at the beginning of the field. The shift-in character is placed at the next byte position past the last double-byte character of the data.

Specifies a number of DBCS characters, excluding the shift characters (as in the graphic type column definition that is used in a CREATE TABLE statement) nor the NULL indicator byte if the source column can be null. If the length parameter is omitted, the default output field size is the length that is defined on the corresponding table column, plus two bytes (shift-out and shift-in characters).

If the specified length is larger than the size of the data, the field is padded on the right with the default DBCS padding character.

Indicates that a graphic character string is to be truncated from the right by the DBCS characters, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data. An error can also occur with the TRUNCATE option if the available space is less than 4 bytes (4 bytes is the minimum size for a GRAPHIC EXTERNAL field; shift-out character, one DBCS, and shift-in character); or fewer than 5 bytes if the field is can be null (the 4 bytes plus the NULL indicator byte).
Specifies that the output field is to be of the varying-length graphic type. A 2-byte binary length field is prepended to the actual data field. If the table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before this length field for any non-delimited output file.
Specifies the maximum length of the actual data field in the number of DBCS characters. If you also specify NOPAD, it indicates the maximum allowable space for the data in the output records; otherwise, the space of the specified length is reserved for the data.

If the length parameter is omitted, the default is the smaller of 127 and the maximum defined length of the source table column.

Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove binary zeroes (the default) or the specified string from the unloaded data. UNLOAD adjusts the VARGRAPHIC length field (for the output field) to the length of the stripped data (the number of DBCS characters).

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data. The default is BOTH.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies a DBCS character that is to be stripped in the hexadecimal format, X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters that represent a DBCS character. If this operand is omitted, the default is a DBCS blank in the output encoding scheme (for example, X'4040' for the EBCDIC-encoded output or X'8140' for CCSID 301).

The strip operation is applied after the character code conversion, if the output character encoding scheme is different from the one that is defined on the source data. Therefore, if you specify a strip character, it must be in the encoding scheme that is used for the output.

Indicates that a graphic character string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Truncation occurs at a DBCS character boundary. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1200
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1200 (UTF-16). CCSID 1200 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
Specifies that the output field is a 2-byte binary integer (a negative number is in two's complement notation). To use the external format, specify INTEGER EXTERNAL.

If the source data type is INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT, BIGINT, or DECFLOAT (either 4-byte or 8-byte format), an error occurs when the data is greater than 32,767 or less than -32,768.

A SMALLINT output field requires 2 bytes, and the length option is not available.

Specifies that the output field is a 4-byte binary integer (a negative number is in two's complement notation).

If the original data type is DECIMAL, FLOAT, BIGINT, or DECFLOAT (either 4-byte or 8-byte format), an error occurs when the original data is greater than 2,147,483,647 or less than -2,147,483,648.

An INTEGER output field requires 4 bytes, and the length option is not available.

Specifies that the output field is to contain a character string that represents an integer number.
Indicates the size of the output data in bytes, including a space for the sign character. When the length is given and the character notation does not fit in the space, an error occurs. The default is 20 characters (including a space for the sign).

If the value is negative, a minus sign precedes the numeric digits. If the output field size is larger than the length of the data, the output data is left justified and blanks are padded on the right.

If the source data type is DECIMAL, FLOAT (either 4-byte or 8-byte format), or DECFLOAT (either 8-byte or 16-byte format), an error occurs when the original data is greater than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or less than -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

Specifies that the output field is an 8-byte binary integer (a negative number is in two's complement notation). To use the external format, specify INTEGER EXTERNAL.

If the original data type is DECIMAL, FLOAT, or DECFLOAT (either 4-byte or 8-byte format), an error occurs when the original data is greater than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or less than -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

Indicates that the output field is a binary string type with a fixed length. If the source table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed at the beginning of the output field for a nondelimited output file. No data conversion is applied to the field. The default for X'strip-char' is hexadecimal zero (X'00').
Indicates that the output binary string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
Indicates that the output field is a binary string type with varying length. A 2-byte binary field indicating the length of data in bytes is prepended to the data field. If the table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before the length field for a non-delimited output file. No data conversion is applied to the field. The default for X'strip-char' is hexadecimal zero (X'00').
Specifies that UNLOAD is to remove binary zeroes (the default) or the specified string from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. UNLOAD adjusts the VARBINARY length field (for the output field) to the length of the stripped data.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeroes or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data. The default is BOTH.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeroes or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that UNLOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeroes or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies a single-byte character that is to be stripped. It can be specified only in the hexadecimal form, X'hex-string', where hex-string is two hexadecimal characters that represent a single SBCS character.
Indicates that a binary string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output records. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
Specifies that the output data is a number that is represented by the indicated decimal format (either PACKED, ZONED, or EXTERNAL). If you specify the keyword DECIMAL by itself, packed-decimal format is assumed.
Specifies that the output data is a number that is represented by the packed-decimal format. You can use DEC or DEC PACKED as an abbreviated form of the keyword.

The packed-decimal representation of a number is of the form ddd...ds, where d is a decimal digit that is represented by 4 bits, and s is a 4-bit sign character (hexadecimal A, C, E, or F for a positive number, and hexadecimal B or D for a negative number).

Specifies the number of digits (not including the sign digit) that are to be placed in the output field. The length must be between 1 and 31. If the length is odd, the size of the output data field is (length+1) / 2 bytes; if even, (length / 2)+1 byte.

If the source data type is DECIMAL and the length parameter is omitted, the default length is determined by the column attribute defined on the table. Otherwise, the default length is 31 digits (16 bytes).

Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. (Note that, in this case, a decimal point is not included in the output field.) The number must be an integer that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the length.

The default depends on the column attribute that is defined on the table. If the source data type is DECIMAL, the defined scale value is the default value; otherwise, the default value is 0.

If you specify the output field size as less than the length of the data, an error occurs. If the specified field size is greater than the length of data, X'0' is padded on the left.

Specifies that the output data is a number that is represented by the zoned-decimal format. You can use DEC ZONED as an abbreviated form of the keyword.

The zoned-decimal representation of a number is of the form znznzn...z/sn, where n denotes a 4 bit decimal digit (called the numeric bits); z is the digit's zone (left 4 bits of a byte); s is the right-most operand that can be a zone (z) or can be a sign value (hexadecimal A, C, E, or F for a positive number, and hexadecimal B or D for a negative number).

Specifies the number of bytes (that is the number of decimal digits) that are placed in the output field. The length must be between 1 and 31.

If the source data type is DECIMAL and the length parameter is omitted, the default length is determined by the column attribute that is defined on the table. Otherwise, the default length is 31 bytes.

Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. (Note that, in this case, a decimal point is not included in the output field.) The number must be an integer greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the length.

The default depends on the column attribute that is defined on the table. If the source data type is DECIMAL, the defined scale value is the default value; otherwise, the default value is 0.

If you specify the output field size as less than the length of the data, an error occurs. If the specified field size is greater than the length of data, X'F0' is padded on the left.

Specifies that the output data is a character string that represents a number in the form of ±dd...d.ddd...d, where d is a numeric character 0-9. (The plus sign for a positive value is omitted.)
Specifies the overall length of the output data (the number of characters including a sign, and a decimal point if scale is specified).

If the source data type is DECIMAL and the length parameter is omitted, the default length is determined by the column attribute that is defined on the table. Otherwise, the default length is 33 (31 numeric digits, plus a sign and a decimal point). The minimum value of length is 3 to accommodate the sign, one digit, and the decimal point.

Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The number must be an integer that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to length - 2 (to allow for the sign character and the decimal point).

If the source data type is DECIMAL and the length parameter is omitted, the default scale is determined by the column attribute that is defined on the table. Otherwise, the default value is 0.

An error occurs if the character representation of a value does not fit in the given or default field size (precision). If the source data type is floating point and a data item is too small for the precision that is defined by scale, the value of zero (not an error) is returned.

Specifies that the output data is a binary floating-point number (32-bit or single-precision FLOAT if the length is between one and 21 inclusive; 64-bit or double-precision FLOAT if the length is between 22 and 53 inclusive). If the length parameter is omitted, the 64-bit format is assumed (output field size is 8 bytes). Note that the length parameter for the FLOAT type does not represent the field size in bytes.

The format of the binary floating-point output is controlled by the global FLOAT option. The default is S/390 format (Hexadecimal Floating Point or HFP). If you specify FLOAT(IEEE), all the binary floating-point output is in IEEE format (Binary Floating Point or BFP). When you specify FLOAT(IEEE) and the source data type DOUBLE is unloaded as REAL, an error occurs if the source data cannot be expressed by the IEEE (BFP) 32-bit notation.

Specifies that the output data is a number that is represented by a character string in floating-point notation, ±d.ddd...dddE±nn, where d is a numeric character (0-9) for the significant digits; nn after the character E, and the sign consists of two numeric characters for the exponent.
Specifies the total field length in bytes, including the first sign character, the decimal point, the E character, the second sign character, and the two-digit exponent. If the number of characters in the result is less than the specified or the default length, the result is padded to the right with blanks. The length, if specified, must be greater than or equal to 8.

The default output field size is 14 if the source data type is the 32-bit FLOAT; otherwise, the default is 24.

A FLOAT EXTERNAL output field requires a space of at least seven characters in the output record to accommodate the minimal floating point notation. Otherwise, an error occurs.
Specifies that the output data is in 64-bit floating point notation. If DOUBLE is used, the length parameter must not be specified.
Specifies that the output data is in 32-bit floating point notation. If REAL is used, the length parameter must not be specified.
Specifies that the output field is for a character string representation of a date. The output format of date depends on the Db2 installation.
Specifies the size of the data field in bytes in the output record. A DATE EXTERNAL field requires a space of at least 10 characters. If the space is not available, an error occurs. If the specified length is larger than the size of the data, blanks are padded on the right.
Specifies that the output field is for a character string representation of a time. The output format of time depends on the Db2 installation.
Specifies the size of the data field in bytes in the output record. A TIME EXTERNAL field requires a space of at least eight characters. If the space is not available, a conversion error occurs. If the specified length is larger than the size of the data, blanks are padded on the right.
Specifies that the output field is for a character string representation of a timestamp.
Specifies the size of the data field in bytes in the output record. A TIMESTAMP EXTERNAL field requires a space of at least 19 characters. If the space is not available, an error occurs. The length parameter, if specified, determines the output format of the TIMESTAMP. If the specified length is larger than the size of the data, the field is padded on the right with the default padding character.
Specifies that the output field is for a character string representation of a timestamp.
Specifies the size of the data field in bytes in the output record. A TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE EXTERNAL field requires a space of at least 26 characters. If the space is not available, an error occurs. The length parameter, if specified, determines the output format of the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. If the specified length is larger than the size of the data, the field is padded on the right with the default padding character.
Specifies that the output records are to have an extra field containing a constant value. The field name that is associated with the CONSTANT keyword must not coincide with a table column name (the field name is for clarification purposes only). A CONSTANT field always has a fixed length that is equal to the length of the given string.
Specifies the character string that is to be inserted in the output records at the specified or default position. A string is the required operand of the CONSTANT option. If the given string is in the form 'string', it is assumed to be an EBCDIC SBCS string. However, the output string for a CONSTANT field is in the specified or default encoding scheme. (That is, if the encoding scheme used for output is not EBCDIC, the SBCS CCSID conversion is applied to the given string before it is placed in output records.)
Specifies the character string in hexadecimal form, X'hex-string', that is to be inserted in the output records at the specified or default position. If you want to specify a CONSTANT string value in an encoding scheme other than SBCS EBCDIC, use the hexadecimal form. No CCSID conversion is performed if the hexadecimal form is used.

For a CONSTANT field, no other field selection list options should be specified.

If a CONSTANT field is inserted, it will not be included in the generated LOAD statement (the LOAD statement is generated so that the CONSTANT field is skipped).

If you specify both FORMAT DELIMITED and CONSTANT, the generated LOAD statement is not usable.

Specifies that the output data is of type ROWID. The field type ROWID can be specified if and only if the column that is to be unloaded is of type ROWID. The keyword is provided for consistency purposes.

ROWID fields have varying length and a 2-byte binary length field is prepended to the actual data field.

For the ROWID type, no data conversion nor truncation is applied. If the output field size is too small to unload ROWID data, an error occurs.

If the source is an image copy and a ROWID column is selected, and if the page set header page is missing in the specified data set, the UNLOAD utility terminates with the error message DSNU1228I. This situation can occur when the source is an image copy data set of DSNUM that is greater than one for a nonpartitioned table space that is defined on multiple data sets.

Indicates that the column is to be unloaded as a binary large object (BLOB). No data conversion is applied to the field.

Start of changeWhen you specify the BLOB field type, a binary length field is placed in the output record prior to the actual data field. This length field is 2 bytes if SPANNED NO is specified and 4 bytes if SPANNED YES is specified. If the source table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before the length field.End of change

Specifies the maximum length of the actual data field in bytes. If you specify NOPAD, it indicates the maximum allowable space for the data in the output records; otherwise, the space of the specified length is reserved for the data.

The maximum allowable value is 32767.

The default is the maximum length that is defined on the source table column.

Indicates that a BLOB string is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output record. For BLOB data, truncation occurs at a byte boundary. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
Indicates that the column is to be unloaded as a character large object (CLOB).

When you specify the CLOB field type, a 4-byte binary length field is placed in the output record prior to the actual data field. If the source table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before the length field.

If you specify the EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID options, the output data is encoded in the CCSID corresponding to the specified option, depending on the subtype of the source data (SBCS or MIXED). No conversion is applied if the subtype is BIT.

Specifies the maximum length of the actual data field in bytes. If you specify NOPAD, it indicates the maximum allowable space for the data in the output records; otherwise, the space of the specified length is reserved for the data.

The maximum allowable value is 32767.

The default is the maximum length that is defined on the source table column.

Indicates that a CLOB string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output record. For CLOB data, truncation occurs at a character boundary. See Specifying TRUNCATE and STRIP options for output data for the truncation rules that are used in the UNLOAD utility. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1208
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). CCSID 1208 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
Indicates that the column is to be unloaded as a double-byte character large object (DBCLOB).

If you specify the DBCLOB field type, a 4-byte binary length field is placed in the output record prior to the actual data field. If the source table column can be null, a NULL indicator byte is placed before the length field.

If you specify the EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or CCSID options, the output data is encoded in the CCSID corresponding to the specified option; DBCS CCSID is used.

Specifies the maximum length of the actual data field in the number of DBCS characters. If you specify NOPAD, it indicates the maximum allowable space for the data in the output records; otherwise, the space of the specified length is reserved for the data.

The maximum allowable value is 32767.

The default is the maximum length that is defined on the source table column.

Indicates that a DBCS string (encoded for output) is to be truncated from the right, if the data does not fit in the available space for the field in the output record. For a DBCLOB data, truncation occurs at a character (DBCS) boundary. See Specifying TRUNCATE and STRIP options for output data for the truncation rules that are used in the UNLOAD utility. Without TRUNCATE, an error occurs when the output field size is too small for the data.
CCSID 1200
Specifies that the data is to be unloaded in CCSID 1200 (UTF-16). CCSID 1200 can be specified only to unload data from a Unicode column in an EBCDIC table.
DECFLOAT (length)
Specifies either a 128-bit decimal floating-point number or a 64-bit decimal floating-point number. The value of the length must be either 16 or 34. If the length is 16, the number is in 64 bit decimal floating-point number format. If the length is 34, the number is in 128 bit decimal floating-point format. The default length is determined by the column attribute defined on the table. Otherwise, the default length is 34 (16 bytes).
Specifies a string of characters that represent a number. The format is an SQL numeric constant.
Specifies the total field length in bytes. This length includes the first sign character, the decimal point, the E character, the second sign character, and the exponent if in the string. If the number of characters in the result is less than the specified or the default length, the result is padded to the right with blanks. The character representation of a value must fit in the given or default field size.

The default output field size is 23 if the source data type is the DECFLOAT(16). Otherwise, the default is 42.

Specifies that an XML column is being unloaded directly to the output record.
BINARYXML Specifies that the XML document is to be unloaded in binary XML format.
Indicates which records in the table space are to be unloaded. If no WHEN clause is specified for a table in the table space, all of the records are unloaded.

The option following WHEN describes the conditions for unloading records from a table.

Data in the table can be in EBCDIC, ASCII, or Unicode. If the target table is in Unicode and the character constants are specified in the utility control statement as EBCDIC, the UNLOAD utility converts these constants to Unicode. To use a constant when the target table is ASCII, specify the hexadecimal form of the constant (instead of the character string form) in the condition for the WHEN clause.

selection condition
Specifies a condition that is true, false, or unknown about a given row. When the condition is true, the row qualifies for UNLOAD. When the condition is false or unknown, the row does not qualify.

The result of a selection condition is derived by application of the specified logical operators (AND and OR) to the result of each specified predicate. If logical operators are not specified, the result of the selection condition is the result of the specified predicate.

Selection conditions within parentheses are evaluated first. If the order of evaluation is not specified by parentheses, AND is applied before OR.

If the control statement is in the same encoding scheme as the input data, you can code character constants in the control statement. Otherwise, if the control statement is not in the same encoding scheme as the input data, you must code the condition with hexadecimal constants. For example, if the table space is in EBCDIC and the control statement is in UTF-8, use (1:1) = X'31' in the condition rather than (1:1) = '1'.

If the wildcard character '%' is used, the hexadecimal value of the wildcard character must be in EBCDIC. For example, in the following statement, x'41' means 'A' in UNICODE and ASCII and x'6C' means '%' in EBCDIC: COL1 LIKE X'416C'.

Restriction: UNLOAD cannot filter rows that contain encrypted data.
Specifies a condition that is true, false, or unknown about a row.

In the predicate, you cannot specify a DECFLOAT constant or a column of any of the following types:

  • CLOB
  • BLOB

You can specify an XML column only with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

You can specify a VARCHAR column only with the following predicates:

  • A comparison with a HEX or fixed-length CHAR value

You can specify a VARGRAPHIC column only with the following predicates:

  • A comparison with a HEX or fixed-length GRAPHIC value

Column names in the predicate are case-sensitive. For example, if a column in the source table is named SALARY, SALARY=20000 is a valid predicate, but salary=20000 is not a valid predicate.

basic predicate
Specifies the comparison of a column with a constant. If the value of the column is null, the result of the predicate is unknown. Otherwise, the result of the predicate is true or false.
column = constant
The column is equal to the constant or labeled duration expression.
column < > constant
The column is not equal to the constant or labeled duration expression.
column > constant
The column is greater than the constant or labeled duration expression.
column < constant
The column is less than the constant or labeled duration expression.
column > = constant
The column is greater than or equal to the constant or labeled duration expression.
column < = constant
The column is less than or equal to the constant or labeled duration expression.
Note: The following alternative comparison operators are available:
  • != or ¬= for not equal.
  • !> or ¬> for not greater than.
  • !< or ¬< for not less than.
The symbol ¬ representing not is supported for compatibility purposes. Use ! where possible.
BETWEEN predicate
Indicates whether a given value is between two other given values that are specified in ascending order. The values can be constants or labeled duration expressions. Each of the predicate's two forms (BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN) has an equivalent search condition, as shown in the following table. When relevant, the table also shows any equivalent predicates.
Table 1. BETWEEN predicates and their equivalent search conditions
Predicate Equivalent predicate Equivalent search condition
column BETWEEN value1 AND value2 None (column >= value1 AND column <= value2)
column NOT BETWEEN value1 AND value2 NOT(column BETWEEN value1 AND value2) (column < value1 OR column > value2)
Note: The values can be constants or labeled duration expressions.

For example, the following predicate is true for any row when salary is greater than or equal 10000 and less than or equal to 20000:

IN predicate
Specifies that a value is to be compared with a set of values. In the IN predicate, the second operand is a set of one or more values that are specified by constants. Each of the predicate's two forms (IN and NOT IN) has an equivalent search condition, as shown in the following table.
Table 2. IN predicates and their equivalent search conditions
Predicate Equivalent search condition
value1 IN (value1, value2,…, valuen) (value1 = value2 OR … OR value1 = valuen)
value1 NOT IN (value1, value2,…, valuen) value1 ¬= value2 AND … AND value1 ¬= valuen)
Note: The values can be constants.
For example, the following predicate is true for any row whose employee is in department D11, B01, or C01:
WORKDEPT IN ('D11', 'B01', 'C01')
LIKE predicate
Specifies the qualification of strings that have a certain pattern.

Within the pattern, a percent sign or underscore can have a special meaning, or it can represent the literal occurrence of a percent sign or underscore. To have its literal meaning, it must be preceded by an escape character. If it is not preceded by an escape character, it has its special meaning. The underscore character (_) represents a single, arbitrary character. The percent sign (%) represents a string of zero or more arbitrary characters.

The ESCAPE clause designates a single character. That character, and only that character, can be used multiple times within the pattern as an escape character. When the ESCAPE clause is omitted, no character serves as an escape character, so that percent signs and underscores in the pattern always have their special meanings.

The following rules apply to the use of the ESCAPE clause:

  • The ESCAPE clause cannot be used if x is mixed data.
  • If x is a character string, the data type of the string constant must be character string. If x is a graphic string, the data type of the string constant must be graphic string. In both cases, the length of the string constant must be 1.
  • The pattern must not contain the escape character except when followed by the escape character, '%' or '_'. For example, if '+' is the escape character, any occurrence of '+' other than '++', '+_', or '+%' in the pattern is an error.

When the pattern does not include escape characters, a simple description of its meaning is:

  • The underscore sign (_) represents a single arbitrary character.
  • The percent sign (%) represents a string of zero or more arbitrary characters.
  • Any other character represents a single occurrence of itself.

Let x denote the column that is to be tested and y the pattern in the string constant. The following rules apply to predicates of the form "x LIKE y...". If NOT is specified, the result is reversed.

  • When x and y are both neither empty nor null, the result of the predicate is true if x matches the pattern in y and false if x does not match the pattern in y.
  • When x or y is null, the result of the predicate is unknown.
  • When y is empty and x is not empty, the result of the predicate is false.
  • When x is empty and y is not empty, the result of the predicate is false unless y consists only of one or more percent signs.
  • When x and y are both empty, the result of the predicate is true.

The pattern string and the string that is to be tested must be of the same type. That is, both x and y must be character strings, or both x and y must be graphic strings. When x and y are graphic strings, a character is a DBCS character. When x and y are character strings and x is not mixed data, a character is an SBCS character and y is interpreted as SBCS data regardless of its subtype.

Strings and patterns

The string y is interpreted as a sequence of the minimum number of substring specifiers such that each character of y is part of exactly one substring specifier. A substring specifier is an underscore, a percent sign, or any non-empty sequence of characters other than an underscore or percent sign.

The string x matches the pattern y if a partitioning of x into substrings exists, such that:

  • A substring of x is a sequence of zero or more contiguous characters, and each character of x is part of exactly one substring.
  • If the nth substring specifier is an underscore, the nth substring of x is any single character.
  • If the nth substring specifier is a percent sign, the nth substring of x is any sequence of zero or more characters.
  • If the nth substring specifier is neither an underscore nor a percent sign, the nth substring of x is equal to that substring specifier and has the same length as that substring specifier.
  • The number of substrings of x is the same as the number of substring specifiers.

When escape characters are present in the pattern string, an underscore, percent sign, or escape character represents a single occurrence of itself if and only if it is preceded by an odd number of successive escape characters.

The way a pattern is matched to evaluate the LIKE predicate depends on whether blanks at the end of fixed length strings are significant, or if the blanks are ignored. When the LIKE_BLANK_INSIGNIFICANT subsystem parameter is enabled, the LIKE predicate can produce different results.

Mixed data patterns: If x is mixed data, the pattern is assumed to be mixed data, and its special characters are interpreted as follows:

  • A single-byte underscore refers to one single-byte character; a double-byte underscore refers to one double-byte character.
  • A percent sign, either single-byte or double-byte, refers to any number of characters of any type, either single-byte or double-byte.
  • Redundant shift bytes in x or y are ignored.
Related information:
NULL predicate
Specifies a test for null values.

If the value of the column is null, the result is true. If the value is not null, the result is false. If NOT is specified, the result is reversed. (That is, if the value is null, the result is false, and if the value is not null, the result is true.)

labeled duration expression
Specifies an expression that begins with special register CURRENT DATE or special register CURRENT TIMESTAMP (the forms CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are also acceptable). For CURRENT TIMESTAMP, if the comparison is with a timestamp column, the timestamp precision of the special register will be the same as the column timestamp precision. Otherwise default timestamp precision will be used. This special register can be followed by arithmetic operations of addition or subtraction. These operations are expressed by using numbers that are followed by one of the seven duration keywords: YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, or MICROSECONDS. (The singular form of these keywords is also acceptable: YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, and MICROSECOND.)

Utilities always evaluate a labeled duration expression as a timestamp and implicitly convert to a date if the comparison is with a date column.

Incrementing and decrementing CURRENT DATE: The result of adding a duration to a date, or of subtracting a duration from a date, is itself a date. (For the purposes of this operation, a month denotes the equivalent of a calendar page. Adding months to a date, then, is like turning the pages of a calendar, starting with the page on which the date appears.) The result must fall between the dates January 1, 0001 and December 31, 9999 inclusive. If a duration of years is added or subtracted, only the year portion of the date is affected. The month is unchanged, as is the day, unless the result would be February 29 of a non-leap-year. In this situation, the day portion of the result is set to 28.

Similarly, if a duration of months is added or subtracted, only months and, if necessary, years are affected. The day portion of the date is unchanged unless the result would be invalid (September 31, for example). In this case the day is set to the last day of the month.

Adding or subtracting a duration of days affects the day portion of the date, and potentially the month and year.

Date durations, whether positive or negative, can also be added to and subtracted from dates. As with labeled durations, the result is a valid date.

When a positive date duration is added to a date, or a negative date duration is subtracted from a date, the date is incremented by the specified number of years, months, and days.

When a positive date duration is subtracted from a date, or a negative date duration is added to a date, the date is decremented by the specified number of days, months, and years.

Adding a month to a date gives the same day one month later, unless that day does not exist in the later month. In that case, the day in the result is set to the last day of the later month. For example, January 28 plus one month gives February 28; one month added to January 29, 30, or 31 results in either February 28 or, for a leap year, February 29. If one or more months is added to a given date and then the same number of months is subtracted from the result, the final date is not necessarily the same as the original date.

The order in which labeled date durations are added to and subtracted from dates can affect the results. When you add labeled date durations to a date, specify them in the order of YEARS + MONTHS + DAYS. When you subtract labeled date durations from a date, specify them in the order of DAYS - MONTHS - YEARS. For example, to add one year and one day to a date, specify the following code:

When the labeled duration expression begins with special register CURRENT TIMESTAMP, the CURRENT TIMESTAMP is compared with the time zone column. The timestamp precision of the special register will be the same as the column timestamp precision. Otherwise the default timestamp precision will be used. The time zone of CURRENT TIMESTAMP is the value of special register CURRENT TIMEZONE. The comparison is done by comparing the UTC portion.


To subtract one year, one month, and one day from a date, specify the following code:


Incrementing and decrementing timestamps: The result of adding a duration to a timestamp, or of subtracting a duration from a timestamp, is itself a timestamp. Date and time arithmetic is performed as previously defined, except that an overflow or underflow of hours is carried into the date part of the result, which must be within the range of valid dates.