Starting an application in an ISPF/TSO environment
You must have access to ISPF load module libraries to run
the ISPF/CAF sample application.
To start an application in a TSO environment:
Enter a CALL command for option 6 of the ISPF primary option
To start the COBOL phone sample version of the connection
manager, enter the following command:
To start the PL/I phone sample version of the connection
manager, enter the following command:
you enter one of these commands, Db2 displays
the sample applications panel, which is shown in the following figure.
Choosing option 1 or 2 on the sample applications panel during
Phase 3 invokes either the COBOL or the PL/I version of the phone
application. Choosing option 3 on the sample applications panel during
Phase 6 invokes the COBOL organization application, which uses DRDA access to distributed data.
options 4, 5, 6, and 7 on the sample applications panel during Phase
7 invokes the "Employee Resume" and "Employee Photo"
applications, which processes LOB data. Options 4 and 5 access the
C language sample applications, and options 6 and 7 access the COBOL
language sample applications. You must run job DSNTEJ73 before you
can access option 4. You must run job DSNTEJ75 before you can access
option 5. You must run job DSNTEJ77 before you can access option 6.
You must run job DSNTEJ78 before you can access option 7.