You can connect the DB2I panels to the standard ISPF panels
that are already installed on your system.
About this task
Recommendation: Use the following
panels for establishing the connection. See your TSO administrator
for other possibilities.
Use panel ISP@MSTR, ISR@PRIM, or ISRFPA for the connection to Db2 Interactive
Use panel ISR00003 for the tutorial menu update.
Two example panels
are provided. Their names are DSN8ISPM (the Db2 version
of an ISPF primary options panel) and DSN8ISPT (the Db2 version
of a tutorial table of contents).
If the Db2 panel
library is concatenated before the standard ISPF library, the connection
is made.
To connect DB2I panels to the ISPF main panel:
Using the TSO RENAME command,
give DSN8ISPM an alias of ISR@PRIM, and give DSN8ISPT an alias of
ISR00003. For example:
Modify the panels as shown in the following
examples. If your site has made changes to either of these panels,
change your existing panels rather than using the examples.
The figure above
shows panel DSN8ISPM. Notice the added lines in boldface type. Adding
these lines allows you to invoke the Db2 Interactive
functions. The added lines include one displayed line:
The displayed
line lets the user choose DB2I. Both of the undisplayed lines invoke
the Db2I
main panel (DSNEPRI). If you use the first undisplayed line, you accept
the default for the subsystem identifier (SSID) parameter. If you
use the second undisplayed lines, you can specify a different SSID
DSNECPRI is a CLIST and can be invoked directly from
another user CLIST. It is an alternative way to invoke DSNEPRI without
updating the primary ISPF panel.
By specifying NEWAPPL(DSNE),
you define DSNE as the ISPF application that DB2I uses. ISPF uses
the name DSNE to create the ISPF profile pool member name (DSNEPROF)
in the TSO_userid.ISPPROF data set, which contains
all ISPF panel variables defined during DB2I execution. Any customized
DSNEPROF members can be migrated from Db2 13.
Recommendation: Examine any new or changed
default panel values to ensure that your custom values are still valid,
specifically the option values for the subcommands BIND PLAN, REBIND
name other than DSNE: You can define any valid ISPF application
The figure above
shows panel DSN8ISPT. Notice the two added lines in boldface
type. Adding these lines allows you to invoke the Db2 tutorial
panels. One of the two added lines is displayed:
%8+ DB2 - Information about DB2
The other added line is undisplayed:
displayed line presents the user with a choice for the Db2 tutorial.
The undisplayed line actually invokes the Db2 tutorial
menu (DSN4V2DB).