Free inactive package copies
When you use plan management polices to save package copies, original copies can become stale. By freeing inactive copies just before migration, you enable Db2 to save usable original package copies at the first rebind in Db2 13.
Before you begin
You can do this task only if you previously specified a plan management policy to specify that Db2 saves access path information for SQL statements, as described in Saving access path information for static SQL statements. Use the default option EXTENDED in most cases.
About this task
Original package copies in particular can become stale or invalid because Db2 never replaces the original copies after you first rebind with EXTENDED, unless you free them. An original copy that is many years old probably cannot be used. Because the goal is to keep stable and usable access paths available, it is best to free invalid copies before migration, so that Db2 saves a new original copy in the first rebind after migration.
To enable Db2 to save usable inactive package copies in the first rebind after migration, take the following action: