Unicode sample table (DSN8D10.DEMO_UNICODE)

The Unicode sample table is used to verify that data conversions to and from EBCDIC and Unicode are working as expected.

Begin general-use programming interface information.

The table resides in database DSN8D13A, and is defined with the following statement:

 CREATE TABLE DSN8D10.DEMO_UNICODE                           
            (LOWER_A_TO_Z      CHAR(26)                     ,
             UPPER_A_TO_Z      CHAR(26)                     ,
             ZERO_TO_NINE      CHAR(10)                     ,
             X00_TO_XFF    VARCHAR(256)        FOR BIT DATA) 
    IN DSN8D81E.DSN8S81U                                     
    CCSID UNICODE;                                             
End general-use programming interface information.

Content of the Unicode sample table

The following table shows the content of the columns in the Unicode sample table:

Table 1. Columns of the Unicode sample table
Column Column Name Description
1 LOWER_A_TO_Z Array of characters, 'a' to 'z'
2 UPPER_A_TO_Z Array of characters, 'A' to 'Z'
3 ZERO_TO_NINE Array of characters, '0' to '9'
4 X00_TO_XFF Array of characters, x'00' to x'FF'

This table has no indexes.

Relationship to other tables

This table has no relationship to other tables.