Calculating EDM pool sizes
The environmental descriptor manager (EDM) controls areas of virtual storage that hold cached objects. These areas are called pools, and thus the term EDM pool is frequently used to describe these areas of virtual storage.
About this task
In Db2 13, the EDM pools are the dynamic statement cache pool, the skeleton pool for packages, and the database descriptor (DBD) pool. All of these pools are located above the 2-GB bar.
When you cache prepared statements, they are stored in the dynamic statement cache along with static SQL statements. The number of prepared statements that are stored in the cache depends on the characteristics of the dynamic SQL statements that your application executes. One type of application typically benefits from caching prepared statements, whereas the other type usually does not. The first type of application uses dynamic SQL statements that are embedded in an application and used repeatedly. Applications and queries with this type of SQL statements benefit most from caching prepared statements because the statement can be used from the cache. However, applications that contain SQL statements that are infrequently used pay the cost of being added to the cache. For example, queries from QMF are likely to be prepared and executed only once. Caching prepared statements does not benefit applications that extensively use this kind of SQL statement.
The size of the dynamic statement cache pool is affected by the number of concurrent threads, the maximum number of DBATs, the number of plans, and the amount of estimated space for plans. If you use dynamic SQL, you need more working storage and less EDM pool space than if you use static SQL.
The skeleton pool for packages is used to store skeleton copies of packages (SKPT). The size of this pool is determined by the maximum number of unique plans in the EDM pool, the average statement size, and the average number of executed statements.
The EDM pool space for database descriptors is determined based on an estimated number of concurrently open databases and the average size of the database descriptor.
For Db2 13 installation, the CLIST provides initial EDM pool size settings on the CLIST calculations panel 1: DSNTIPC. These calculations are based on your site size. You might need to adjust these settings according to the specific needs of your site.
For migration to Db2 13, the CLIST reuses the values from your Db2 12 settings. However, you might need to adjust these values in Db2 13 if your workloads have grown.