Options that must use VTAM defaults

Some options in your APPL statement require you to use the VTAM® default values. You do not need to code these options.

Db2 must use the VTAM default values for the following options:

Indicates whether an XRF session can be supported. Db2 requires the default, NO.
Specifies that parallel sessions are allowed. This defaults to YES when APPC=YES.
Specifies information about specific cryptographic requirements. There is no support for encryption in this release of VTAM for LU 6.2 applications; therefore, this must be NONE.
Specifies information about SCIP exit routines. Db2 does not have SCIP exit routines; this must be NO.
Specifies whether a VTAM functional recovery routine is in effect when control is returned to Db2. Db2 uses its own recovery routines; this must be NO.