Naming in Db2 data sharing

By maintaining a consistent naming convention, you can simplify the process of naming the many items in a Db2 data sharing environment. You also simplify the management of name changes, as you add new members or move existing members to different systems in the future.

About this task

You assign to names to entities during the process of installing Db2 and enabling data sharing. Some parts of a data sharing system require you to specify a valid name. Other names are generated during the installation process.

After installation, you cannot change some names, such as the group name and member names. To change names of data sharing members you must quiesce existing members and add replacement members with the new name. For more information about that process, see Renaming data sharing members.

Assign names to both IRLM and data sharing groups, and to members within a group. One recommendation is to make names and prefixes unique within the Parallel Sysplex®. Although this uniqueness is not required for all names, it helps you avoid problems with identifying and moving entities among z/OS systems in the Parallel Sysplex.

If you are enabling the originating member of the group from an existing Db2 subsystem, you can build a naming scheme around existing names to reduce the disruption to existing applications. However, before enabling data sharing, you might want to change some names to lay the foundation for a solid naming convention. For information about the process for changing the name of the originating member, see Renaming the originating Db2 subsystem for a new data sharing group.

Another name to choose carefully is the catalog alias for the group. It is very difficult to change that name. To change the catalog alias for the group, you must bring the entire group down and perform the single-system procedure for every member of the group.


Consider the following suggestions when naming various Db2 entities:

  1. Name subsystems first and use the subsystem names as the basis for creating other names.
    Subsystem names are limited to four characters, making them the shortest names.
    Four-character names are also needed for the following entities:
    • Db2 group name; one per data sharing group
    • Member name; one for each Db2 subsystem in the group
    • IRLM subsystem name; one for each member of the group
    One possible naming convention is a Parallel Sysplex-wide approach to naming. This convention assigns subsystem names of the form ctmg where:
    Denotes a particular collection of logically related applications or subsystems.
    Denotes a type of resource, such as B for Db2 or J for IRLM.
    Denotes a particular member within a data sharing group or an IRLM group. This identifier also associates a subsystem with its z/OS® system for recovery when you use automatic restart.
    Denotes a particular Db2 group.

    This information uses A as the group identifier. Therefore, the naming scheme has a subsystem name of DB1A for the first member of the data sharing group. The second member is DB2A, and so on. The following table shows how the member identifier relates to a particular z/OS system and how the group identifier associates members across a Parallel Sysplex system. In each column are the names that are associated with a particular z/OS recovery group (z/OS2, for example). In each row are the names that are associated with the primary components of the data sharing group, such as Db2 subsystems and IRLM subsystems.

    Table 1. Subsystem names in a Parallel Sysplex
    z/OS1 z/OS2 z/OS3 z/OS4
    DA11 (CICS®) DA21 (CICS) DA31 (CICS) DA41 (CICS)
    DB1A (Db2) DB2A (Db2) DB3A (Db2) DB4A (Db2)
  2. If you enable an existing Db2 subsystem for data sharing, and existing applications already access that Db2 subsystem, consider using the name of the existing Db2 subsystem as the group attachment name. This strategy allows existing applications continue to use the data sharing member. It does not require any changes to those applications in terms of specifying a new subsystem name.
  3. Use the same name for the Db2 group name, the Db2 location name, and the Db2 integrated catalog alias.
    A data sharing group uses the same catalog alias name. This catalog alias is used as the high-level qualifier for the Db2 directory (DSNDB01), catalog (DSNDB06), default database (DSNDB04), and work file database VSAM data sets.
  4. Use the same names as the member name and Db2 subsystem name for each member.
  5. Accept the default command prefix for each member.

Example of names for a Db2 data sharing environment

Table 2. Db2 data sharing naming example
Entity Name
Db2 group name DSNDB0A
ICF catalog alias DSNDB0A
Group attachment name DB0A
Subgroup attachment name SBG1
Catalog and directory database names DSNDB0A.DSNDB01 and DSNDB0A.DSNDB06
Application defaults module DSNHDECP
Target libraries
Network Address DOMAIN AND PORT 446
Group DRDA Port 446
Group Secure DRDA Port 448
Location name STLEC1
Parallel Sysplex domain name
Group IPv4 Address
Group IPv6 Address
Member name DB#A
Db2 subsystem name DB#A
Location alias name ALIAS1
Member LU name LUDB2LA
Member domain name
Network address DOMAIN AND PORT 5001
Resync Port 5001
Member IPv4 Address
Member IPv6 Address
Command prefix -DB#A
Work file database WRKDB#A
Load module for subsystem parameters DSNZP0#A
Member BSDS names
Active log data set prefixes
Archive log data set prefixes
SCA and group buffer pool connection names DB2_DB#A
Procedure names
XCF member name DB0A
IRLM group name DXRDB0A
IRLM subsystem name DJ#A
IRLM procedure name DB#AIRLM
IRLM member ID Number 1-12 corresponding to #
IRLM XCF member name DXRDB0A$$DJ#A12
Lock structure connection name DXRDB0A$$DJ#A12
Cache structure (group buffer pools) DSNDB0A_GBP0
Lock structure DSNDB0A_LOCK1
List structure (shared communications area) DSNDB0A_SCA

What to do next

Consider a convention for names for distributed processing. Those naming conventions are probably be part of a much broader convention. See your network administrator for more information about choosing names for distributed access.