Renaming system data sets with the new qualifier

When renaming system data sets with a new qualifier, assume that the new qualifier and the old qualifier reside in the same user catalog.

Before you begin

Access method services does not allow ALTER where the new name does not match the existing catalog structure for an SMS-managed VSAM data set. If the data set is not managed by SMS, the rename succeeds, but Db2 cannot allocate it.

Db2 table spaces are defined as linear data sets with DSNDBC as the second node of the name for the cluster and DSNDBD for the data component. The examples shown here assume the normal defaults for Db2 and VSAM data set names. Use access method services statements with a generic name (*) to simplify the process. Access method services allows only one generic name per data set name string.


To rename the system data sets:

  1. Using IDCAMS, change the names of the catalog and directory table spaces. Be sure to specify the instance qualifier of your data set, y, which can be either I or J.
    For example,
    ALTER oldcat.DSNDBC.DSNDB01.*.y0001.A001  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.DSNDBC.DSNDB01.*.y0001.A001)
    ALTER oldcat.DSNDBD.DSNDB01.*.y0001.A001  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.DSNDBD.DSNDB01.*.y0001.A001)
    ALTER oldcat.DSNDBC.DSNDB06.*.y0001.A001  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.DSNDBC.DSNDB06.*.y0001.A001)
    ALTER oldcat.DSNDBD.DSNDB06.*.y0001.A001  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.DSNDBD.DSNDB06.*.y0001.A001)
  2. Using IDCAMS, change the active log names.
    Active log data sets are named oldcat.LOGCOPY1.COPY01 for the cluster component and oldcat.LOGCOPY1.COPY01.DATA for the data component.
    For example,
    ALTER oldcat.LOGCOPY1.*  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.LOGCOPY1.*)
    ALTER oldcat.LOGCOPY1.*.DATA  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.LOGCOPY1.*.DATA)
    ALTER oldcat.LOGCOPY2.*  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.LOGCOPY2.*)
    ALTER oldcat.LOGCOPY2.*.DATA  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.LOGCOPY2.*.DATA)
  3. Using IDCAMS, change the BSDS names.
    For example,
    ALTER oldcat.BSDS01  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.BSDS01)
    ALTER oldcat.BSDS01.*  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.BSDS01.*)
    ALTER oldcat.BSDS02  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.BSDS02)
    ALTER oldcat.BSDS02.*  -
       NEWNAME (newcat.BSDS02.*)