DSNTIPO: Operator functions panel

The entries on the DSNTIPO panel affect various operator functions. These functions include write-to-operator route codes, automatic recall, and the maximum amount of CPU time that is to be allocated for a dynamic SQL statement.

Figure 1. Operator functions panel: DSNTIPO
DSNTIPO          INSTALL DB2 - OPERATOR FUNCTIONS                               
 Enter data below:                                                               

    1 WTO ROUTE CODES     ===> 1                                              >  
                                        Routing codes for WTORs                  
    2 RECALL DATABASE     ===> YES      Use DFHSM automatic recall.  YES or NO   
    3 RECALL DELAY        ===> 120      Seconds to wait for automatic recall     
    4 AUTO BIND           ===> YES      Use automatic bind. YES, NO, or COEXIST  
    5 EXPLAIN PROCESSING  ===> YES      Explain allowed on auto bind? YES or NO  
    6 SITE TYPE           ===> LOCALSITE    LOCALSITE OR RECOVERYSITE            
    7 TRACKER SITE        ===> NO       Tracker Db2 system.  NO or YES           
    8 READ COPY2 ARCHIVE  ===> NO       Read COPY2 archives first.  NO or YES    
    9 PROFILE AUTOSTART   ===> NO       Auto start profile manager: NO or YES    

  PRESS:   ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information