DSNTIPA4: BSDS and active log panel

The entries on the DSNTIPA4 panel define the name of the ICF catalog for the Db2 bootstrap data set (BSDS) and active log VSAM datasets. The entries also define optional z/OS Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) classes and disc volume serial names that are to be used when defining these data sets.

   | DSNTIPA4              INSTALL DB2 - BSDS AND ACTIVE LOG                        |
   | ===>                                                                           |
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   | Check parameters and reenter to change:                                        |
   |   1 BSDS AND ACTIVE LOG   ===> DSNCAT   Alias of bootstrap and                 |
   |     ICF CATALOG ALIAS                   active log data sets                   |
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   |                                          ---------------- SMS -----------------|
   |                               VOL/SER    DATA CLASS    MGMT CLASS    STOR CLASS|
   |                               -------    ----------    ----------    ----------|
   |   2 LOG COPY 1, BSDS 2    ==>         ==>           ==>           ==>          |
   |   3 LOG COPY 2, BSDS 1    ==>         ==>           ==>           ==>          |
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   | PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information         |
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