DSNTIPA2: Db2 catalog and directory panel

The entries on the DSNTIPA2 panel define the name of the ICF catalog for Db2 VSAM data sets and indicate whether to create the specified catalog. The entries also define z/OS Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) classes that are to be used when defining data sets for the Db2 catalog and directory.

The values that you enter on this and each of the subsequent panels are saved in the data set member that you named in the OUTPUT MEMBER NAME field on the Main Panel, DSNTIPA1.

Db2 13 requires SMS, so ensure that the following conditions are met before you proceed:
  • SMS is active on the system where this Db2 subsystem resides or is being installed or migrated. SMS must be configured to allocate all data sets for the Db2 catalog and directory in extended format and to use extended addressability.
  • Your system storage administrator has provided the required SMS automatic class selection (ACS) routines for data sets and Db2 storage groups created during Db2 installation or migration.
  • Your system storage administrator has provided any SMS data classes, management classes, and storage classes that you plan to specify on this panel and the DSNTIPA3 panel.

To help performance and recovery, reduce dependency on a single storage device by using more than one SMS scheme.

Figure 1. Db2 catalog and directory panel: DSNTIPA2
 DSNTIPA2               INSTALL DB2 - CATALOG AND DIRECTORY                      
 Check parameters and reenter to change:                                         
   1 CATALOG ALIAS         ===> DSNCAT   Alias of VSAM catalog for Db2 subsystem 
                                         data sets                               
   2 DEFINE CATALOG        ===> YES      YES or NO                               
                              ------------------ SMS -------------------         
                              DATA CLASS      MGMT CLASS      STOR CLASS         
                              ----------      ----------      ----------         
   3 DIRECTORY AND CATALOG ===>            ===>            ===>                  
   4 DIRECTORY AND CATALOG ===>            ===>            ===>                  
   5 COMPRESS DB2 DIR LOBS ===> NO        Compress LOB table spaces in the Db2   
                                          directory (NO or YES)                  
 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information