DSNTIPA: Archive log data set parameters panel The entries on the DSNTIPA panel define the characteristics of archive log data sets. Updating the parameters: You can update all the parameters on this panel by using their subsystem parameter name. Figure 1. Archive log data sets panel: DSNTIPA DSNTIPA INSTALL DB2 - ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET PARAMETERS ===> Enter data below: 1 PRIMARY QUANTITY ===> 125 Primary space allocation in cylinders 2 SECONDARY QTY. ===> 15 Secondary space allocation in cylinders 3 DEVICE TYPE 1 ===> TAPE Unit name for COPY1 archive logs 4 DEVICE TYPE 2 ===> Unit name for COPY2 archive logs 5 BLOCK SIZE ===> 24576 Rounded up to 4096 multiple 6 READ TAPE UNITS ===> 2 Number of allocated read tape units 7 DEALLOC PERIOD ===> 0 Time interval to deallocate tape units 8 WRITE TO OPER ===> YES Issue WTOR before mount for archive 9 WTOR ROUTE CODE ===> 1,3,4 > 10 RETENTION PERIOD ===> 9999 Days to retain archive log data sets 11 QUIESCE PERIOD ===> 5 Maximum quiesce interval (1-999) 12 COMPACT DATA ===> NO YES or NO for data compaction 13 SINGLE VOLUME ===> NO Single volume for DASD archives. NO or YES PRESS: ENTER to continue RETURN to exit HELP for more information