DSNTIP63: Db2 utilities parameters panel 4 The fields on the DSNTIP63 panel are used to configure the default behavior of various Db2 utilities. Figure 1. DB2 utilities parameters panel 4: DSNTIP63 DSNTIP63 INSTALL DB2 - DB2 UTILITIES PARAMETERS PANEL 4 ===> Enter Db2 REORG utility options below: 1 REORG PART SORT NPSI ===> AUTO AUTO/NO/YES online REORG NPSI sort 2 REORG LIST PROCESSING ===> PARALLEL PARALLEL/SERIAL REORG list processing 3 REORG MAPPING DB ===> Default database for mapping table for REORG TABLESPACE SHRLEVEL CHANGE 4 REORG DROP PBG PARTS ===> DISABLE DISABLE/ENABLE deletion of trailing empty PBG partitions for REORG TS 5 REORG TS NOPAD DEFAULT===> YES NO/YES Default NOPAD setting 6 REORG INDEX NOSYSUT1 ===> YES NO/YES REORG INDEX bypasses using the SYSUT1/work data set 7 REORG IC LIMIT DASD ===> 0 0-32767 Number of DASD image copies 8 REORG IC LIMIT TAPE ===> 0 0-32767 Number of TAPE image copies Enter other Db2 Utilities options below: 9 UTILS USE ZSORT ===> NO NO/YES Use accelerated Z 10 LOAD FORMAT DELIMITED ===> NO NO/YES Implicit LOAD FORMAT DELIMITED IMPLICIT DEC SCALE decimal point 11 UTILITY HISTORY ===> NONE NONE/UTILITY/OBJECT Utility history