DSNTIP00: Activate a function level panel

Use the DSNTIP00 panel to specify a target function level and other related settings.

Start of change

How you used the fields on panel DSNTIP00 depends on your activity. Sometimes, the field values are automatically populated with protected values based on the specific activity and cannot be changed.

For more information about the values and their meanings, see Db2 13 function levels and Application compatibility levels in Db2 13.

Activating Db2 13 function levels

The following example shows the DSNTIP00 defaults for activating a Db2 13 function level.

     Enter the current, target and highest activated Db2 function levels:           
       1 CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL===> V13R1M501 (Db2 current function level)          
       2 TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL ===>           (Db2 function level to be activated)  
       3 HIGHEST ACTIVATED FUNCTION LEVEL ===>           (Db2 highest activated FL) 
     Enter the default application compatibility level:                             
       4 APPL COMPAT LEVEL     ===> V13R1M501 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)
     Enter the default SQL level for the precompiler:                               
       5 PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL ===> V13R1M501 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)
     PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information   

    When you are activating a Db2 13 function level, you can use the following field values:

    Field Initial value How to use
    CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL FUNCLVL in CLIST input DSNTIDxx If the initial value is not the current function level, specify the current function level from the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100.
    TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL blank Specify one of the following the function levels to activate: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100.
    Start of changeHIGHEST ACTIVATED FUNCTION LEVELEnd of change Start of changeFUNCLVH in CLIST input DSNTIDxx, or if FUNCLVH is missing, the same value as CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL.End of change Start of changeThis field is only used when INSTALL TYPE = ACTIVATE and is a mandatory input field. Valid values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100End of change
    APPL COMPAT LEVEL APPLCOMPAT in CLIST input DSNTIDxx Optionally, you can change it to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.

    The value must be equivalent to or lower than the specified TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL value.

    PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL SQLLEVEL in CLIST input DSNTIDxx Optionally, you can change it to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.
Migrating to Db2 13

The following example shows the DSNTIP00 defaults for migration to Db2 13.


 Enter the current and target Db2 function levels:
   1 CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL===> V12R1M510 (Db2's current function level)
   2 TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL ===> V13R1M100 (Db2 function level to be activated)

 Enter the default application compatibility level:
   3 APPL COMPAT LEVEL     ===> V12R1M500 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)

 Enter the default SQL level for the precompiler:
   4 PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL ===> V12R1M500 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)
 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information
  1. When you are migrating the first data sharing member or a stand-alone subsystem to Db2 13, you can use the following field values:
    Field Initial value How to use
    CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL V12R1M510 Protected field.
    V13R1M100 (non-z/OSMF)
    V13R1M5nn (z/OSMF)
    When migrating with z/OSMF, you can optionally specify one of the following function levels to activate: V13R1M5nn.

    Otherwise, this field is protected for migration.

    APPL COMPAT LEVEL APPLCOMPAT in CLIST migration input DSNTIDxx, specified in field 3 DATA SET(MEMBER) NAME field on panel DSNTIPA1 Optionally, you can change it to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.

    The value must be equivalent to or lower than the specified TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL value.

    PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL SQLLEVEL in CLIST migration input DSNTIDxx, specified in field 3 DATA SET(MEMBER) NAME field on panel DSNTIPA1 Optionally, you can change it to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.
  2. When you are migrating subsequent data sharing members, all fields are protected, with initial values from the first member.
Installing Db2 13

The following example shows the DSNTIP00 defaults for installing Db2 13.


 Enter the current and target Db2 function levels:
   1 CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL===>           (Db2's current function level)
   2 TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL ===> V13R1M501 (Db2 function level to be activated)

 Enter the default application compatibility level:
   3 APPL COMPAT LEVEL     ===> V13R1M501 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)

 Enter the default SQL level for the precompiler:
   4 PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL ===> V13R1M501 (Db2 function level or V11R1 or V10R1)

 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information
  1. When you are installing the first data sharing member or a stand-alone Db2 13 subsystem, you can use the following field values:
    Field Initial value How to use
    CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL blank This field is protected for installation.
    TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL V13R1M501 Start of changeOptionally, you can change this field to any available function level higher than V13R1M501.End of change
    APPL COMPAT LEVEL APPLCOMPAT in CLIST input DSNTIDxx Optionally, you can change this field to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.

    The value must be equivalent to or lower than the specified TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL value.

    PRECOMPILER SQL LEVEL SQLLEVEL in CLIST input DSNTIDxx Optionally, you can change this field to one of the following values: V13R1M5nn, V13R1M100, V12R1M5nn, V12R1M100, V11R1, V10R1.
  2. When you are installing subsequent data sharing members, all fields are protected, with initial values from the first member.
End of change