Processing schema definitions

You must use the schema processor to process CREATE SCHEMA statements.

Before you begin

The schema processor sets the current SQLID to the value of the schema authorization ID before executing any of the statements in the schema definition. Therefore, that ID must have SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority, or it must be the primary or one of the secondary authorization IDs of the process that executes the schema processor. The same ID must have all the privileges that are needed to execute all the statements in the schema definition.


To process schema definitions:

  1. Run the schema processor (DSNHSP) as a batch job. Use the sample JCL provided in member DSNTEJ1S of the SDSNSAMP library.

    The schema processor accepts only one schema definition in a single job. No statements that are outside the schema definition are accepted. Only SQL comments can precede the CREATE SCHEMA statement; the end of input ends the schema definition. SQL comments can also be used within and between SQL statements.

    The processor takes the SQL from CREATE SCHEMA (the SYSIN data set), dynamically executes it, and prints the results in the SYSPRINT data set.

  2. Optional: If a statement in the schema definition has an error, the schema processor processes the remaining statements but rolls back all the work at the end. In this case, you need to fix the statement in error and resubmit the entire schema definition.