Sample ODBA stored procedure

IMS Open Database Access (ODBA) support enables a Db2 stored procedure to directly connect to an IMS DBCTL system and issue DL/I calls to access IMS databases.

This sample ODBA stored procedure application consists of two jobs: DSNTEJ61 and DSNTEJ62. These jobs are part of the installation verification samples, which are located in prefix.NEW.SDSNSAMP. The installation CLIST tailored and loaded these jobs during your installation or migration.

Requirements: You must satisfy the following requirements when running these jobs:
  • Run job DSNTEJ61 before DSNTEJ62.
  • Ensure that Enterprise COBOL for z/OS® is installed.
  • Ensure that Language Environment® is installed.
  • Start a WLM-established stored procedure address space to run DSNTEJ61 and DSNTEJ62. You need to update the startup procedure for the WLM-established stored procedure address space to add the ODBA data set names to the STEPLIB and DFSRESLB concatenations. An example of a data set name for ODBA is IMSVS.RESLIB.