Installing Db2-supplied routines during migration

The DSNTIJRT and DSNTIJRV jobs install and validate the installation of routines that are supplied with Db2. These jobs are configured with the options that you specified on installation panel DSNTIPR1 and panels DSNTIPRA through DSNTIPRP.

Before you begin

If the RACF® facility class is active and a profile was defined for MVSADMIN.WLM.POLICY, the user that runs the DSNTIJRV job requires READ access. To grant READ access to a user, an administrator must submit the following command:


If the RACF OPERCMDS class is active and a profile was defined for MVS.MCSOPER.*, the user ID that runs the DSNTIJRV job requires READ access. Alternatively, you can add a discrete profile for the DSNTRVFY console that is used in this job. To add a discrete profile for the DSNTRVFY console, an administrator must complete the following steps:

  1. Establish a discrete profile for MVS.MCSOPER.DSNTRVFY by issuing the following command:
  2. Grant READ access to the user that runs the DSNTIJRV job by issuing the following command:
  3. Refresh the OPERCMDS class by issuing the following command:

Resource Recovery Services (RRS) is also required for these jobs.

Important: Job DSNTIJRT defines, binds, and grants access to stored procedures and user-defined functions. The default setting for GRANT EXECUTE is PUBLIC, meaning that anyone who can access Db2 can use these stored procedures. Use the GRANT EXECUTE fields on panels DSNTIPRB through DSNTIPRP to specify different access lists when you run the installation CLISTS.

Before running job DSNTIRT, review the configuration statements under the CFIGIN DD statement to verify the settings of the WLMENV, GRANTTO, and optional PKGOWNER parameters.

Remember: If you copy Db2 library data sets from one system to another, such as for installing a related test or production subsystem, ensure that you copy all of the Db2 library data sets to the same location. For example, if you copy the SDNSLOAD data set from one system to another but omit the DBRMLIB data set, the resulting mismatch can cause job DSNTIJRT to fail with SQLCODE -812.
Tip: Start of changeJob DSNTIJRT issues certain GRANT statements, which causes an abend situation if it is run with the AUTH subsystem parameter set to NO. The NO setting of the AUTH subsystem parameter is not recommended because it disables all authorization checking in Db2 and disables the GRANT statement. For more information, see USE PROTECTION field (AUTH subsystem parameter).End of change


To install the Db2-supplied routines:

  1. Run job DSNTIJRT.
  2. After DSNTIJRT successfully completes, run job DSNTIJRV to validate the installation of the routines.
  3. If you did not perform any of the following steps when you originally installed the Db2 subsystem, perform them for any of the following routines that you plan to begin using in Db2 13.

What to do next

After installing the Db2-supplied routines, you can choose to disable any of the routines that are unnecessary or unusable on your subsystem.