Recovering indoubt threads
After you determine whether you need to commit or roll back an indoubt thread, you can recover the thread by using the RECOVER INDOUBT command.
About this task
This command does not erase the indoubt status of the thread. The status still appears as an indoubt thread until the systems go through the normal resynchronization process. An indoubt thread can be identified by its LUWID, LUNAME, or IP address. You can also use the LUWID token with the command.
To recover an indoubt thread:
Use the ACTION(ABORT|COMMIT) option of the RECOVER INDOUBT command to commit or roll back a logical unit of work (LUW). If your system is the coordinator of one or more other systems that are involved with the logical unit of work, your action propagates to the other system that are associated with the LUW.
Assume that you need to recover
two indoubt threads. The first has LUWID=DB2NET.LUNSITE0.A11A7D7B2057.0002,
and the second has a token of 442. To commit the LUWs, enter the following