Job DSNTEJ6U compiles, link-edits, binds, and runs sample PL/I program DSN8EPU, which invokes the DSNUTILS stored procedure to execute a utility.

Job DSNTEJ6U uses the local Db2 subsystem as both the client and the server subsystem.

The installation CLIST always edits this job.

Before running job DSNTEJ6U, ensure that DSNUTILS has been created as part of the installation or migration process.

Recommendation: Use the DSNWLM_UTILS core WLM environment for DSNUTILS.

If DSNTEJ6U completes successfully, it produces the return codes that are shown in the table below.

Table 1. DSNTEJ6U return codes
Step PROCSTEP Return code
PH06US01 PPLI 0000
  PC 0000
  PLI 0000
  PLKED1 0004
  LKED 0000
PH06US02   0000
PH06US03   0000

Output from a successful execution of DSNTEJ6U lists the parameters specified followed by the messages generated by the Db2 DIAGNOSE DISPLAY MEPL utility.

You can compare the output from this job with the sample output for DSNTEJ6U found in member DSN8TJ6U in your prefix.SDSNIVPD data set.