The value of the TARGET FUNCTION LEVEL field specifies a Db2 function level to activate.

Acceptable values: function-level
Default: Situation dependent. See DSNTIP00: Activate a function level panel.
Update None
DSNZPxxx: None
The value used in the -ACTIVATE command in the DSNTIJAF job. The format is VvvRrMmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mmm is the modification level. For example, V13R1M505 identifies function level 505. For a list of all available function levels in Db2 13, see Db2 13 function levels.

Changing function levels does not always change the catalog level but you should always run the DSNTIJTC job before running the DSNTIJAF job. If the current catalog level supports the requested function level, DSNTIJTC ends with return code 4 and informational messages. Activating a lower function level never changes the catalog level.

How the CLIST uses this field depends on the INSTALL TYPE value that you specify on panel DSNTIPA1:
When z/OSMF is used, this field is always selected as a z/OSMF variable, and the value specifies the function level that is activated at the end of the z/OSMF migration process.

when z/OSMF is not used, the CLIST completes migration to Db2 13 at function level V13R1M100.

The CLIST applies the value of this field to the -ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL command in the DSNTIJAF job and in the CATMAINT utility control statement in the DSNTIJTC job.
The CLIST ignores this field.

z/OSMF migration

The DB2 FUNCTION LEVEL field value is always selected as a z/OSMF variable and the setting indicate the target Db2 13 level after the migration process completes.