Make Db2 CLISTs available to TSO and batch users: DSNTIJVC
Job DSNTIJVC merges the tailored CLISTs from prefix.NEW.SDSNTEMP with unchanged CLISTs from prefix.SDSNCLST, and it places all CLISTs in prefix.NEW.SDSNCLST.
About this task
Tailoring changes can modify these CLISTs: DSNEMC01, DSNH, DSNU, and DSNHC. The DSNTINST CLIST reads these CLISTs from prefix.SDSNCLST, edits them, and places them in prefix.NEW.SDSNTEMP. You can modify the default values.
The DSNEMC01 CLIST uses the values that are specified on installation panel DSNTIPF and stores the results in the ISPF profile member DSNEPROF. You can migrate any customized DSNEPROF members from Db2 12 to Db2 13. However, you need to examine any new or changed default panel values to ensure that your customized values are still valid.
DSNTIJVC also converts the Db2 CLISTs from a fixed-block record format to a variable-block format, with a record length of 84 and a block size of 3120. A CLIST that has been converted from fixed-block format to variable-block format cannot be used as input to the DSNTINST CLIST; use the unedited version of the SDSNCLST data set, as created by SMP/E.
To make the CLISTs available to TSO and batch users:
What to do next
If you need to rerun job DSNTIJVC, first delete data set prefix.NEW.SDSNCLST, which is created by this job.
When corrective service is applied to a CLIST, SMP/E changes only the prefix.SDSNCLST data set. You need to redo any record format changes and reapply any special tailoring that is required. You also need to move the CLIST to prefix.NEW.SDSNCLST. Corrective service (program temporary fixes) for these CLISTs is sent with ++HOLD statements, calling your attention to the possibility of additional work.