Update SYSIBM.MODESELECT to associate plans with modes

SYSIBM.MODESELECT correlates authorization IDs and plan names with mode names. The primary key for this table is the combination of AUTHID, LUNAME, and PLANNAME.

About this task

Begin general-use programming interface information.

Only one entry with the same AUTHID, LUNAME, and PLANNAME is allowed.

Use this table to make sure that certain authorization IDs using certain plans always have a predefined class of service suited for that operation. For example, the USIBMSTODB21 location might want to work with USIBMSTODB22 to set up a high performance mode for DBADM to run queries to USIBMSTODB22. After the following statement is committed, all subsequent threads to USIBMSTODB22 use mode DB2MODE1 to process SQL processing conversations:

Populating this table is optional. If the remaining columns are blank for any given LU name, then the mode name applies to all authorization IDs for all PLANNAMEs accessing the given LU name.

Columns of the MODESELECT table:

The authorization ID of the request for data from another system. A blank AUTHID indicates that the specified mode name applies to all authorization IDs. Blank is the default.
The plan name associated with the request for data from another system. A blank plan name indicates that the specified mode name applies to all plan names. Blank is the default.
The LU name to which the specific mode name applies. This column is a foreign key of the LUNAMES table; therefore, all LU names defined in this table must be defined in LUNAMES.
The name of the logon mode description in the VTAM® logon mode table that is used when creating a conversation to support the request for data from another system. If this column is blank, the default mode (IBMDB2LM or IBMRDB) is used.

How an SQL processing conversation mode is chosen:

The MODESELECT table of the CDB is used to choose a mode for an SQL processing conversation (if the MODESELECT column of the LUNAMES table contains Y for this LU name). The table below shows the search order of the MODESELECT table.

Table 1. Precedence search order for MODESELECT table of CDB
Name Name The MODENAME applies to the named AUTHID for the named PLANNAME accessing the named LU.
Name Blank The MODENAME applies to the named AUTHID for all PLANNAMEs accessing the named LU.
Blank Name The MODENAME applies to all AUTHIDs for the named PLANNAME accessing the named LU.
Blank Blank The MODENAME applies to all AUTHIDs for all PLANNAMEs accessing the named LU.

If the MODESELECT column of the LUNAMES table contains Y for a particular LU name and no row is found for that LU name in the MODESELECT table, then you receive a negative SQL return code when trying to access the system at that LU.

Plan name for remote bind operations: If you want to specify a particular mode for remote bind operations, use the plan name DSNBIND in MODESELECT.

End general-use programming interface information.