DSNL045I csect-name ICSF function-name FUNCTION FAILED WITH RETCODE='return-code'X AND RSNCODE='reason-code'X


Db2 for z/OS made an Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) call because a connection to a remote server or a connection from a remote requester is using encryption, but the ICSF call returned an unexpected return code.

Db2 for z/OS uses ICSF to perform the following functions:

  • Creating connection keys
  • Generating a shared private key
  • Encrypting data
  • Decrypting data
The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the ICSF call that returned the unexpected return code. The possible values are:
  • CSNERNG: Random Number Generate
  • CSNECKM: Multiple Clear Key Import
  • CSNFPKB: Key Token Build
  • CSNFPKE: Key Encrypt
  • CSNEENC: Encipher data.
  • CSNEDEC: Decipher data
  • CSNESYE: Symmetric Encipher
  • CSNESYD: Symmetric Decipher
  • CSNEOWH: MD5 Hash
The hexadecimal value of the ICSF return code.
The hexadecimal value of the ICSF reason code.

System action

The encryption function cannot be processed. Db2 retries the ICSF services call every two minutes and reissues this message each time that the call fails.

System programmer response

If the encryption facility is not installed, take one of the following actions:
  • Install the encryption facility before requesting encryption.
  • Update the driver settings of the remote clients to not request encryption for connections to the Db2 for z/OS server.

If the encryption facility is installed, verify that it is working correctly. Look up the return code and reason code in the ICSF documentation for help in finding and fixing the problem.