Creating artifacts for provisioning Db2 by running the installation CLIST

You can run the installation CLIST to create artifacts for provisioning Db2 subsystems and data sharing groups.

Before you begin

Apply the PTFs for the following APARs:

  • PH19751
  • PH09857

Configure z/OSMF Version 2.3 with APAR PH09130 or higher.

About this task

With IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS, you can create services for provisioning Db2 for z/OS subsystems and data sharing groups. Certain artifacts are needed for creating the services, and one way to create the artifacts is by running the Db2 installation CLIST.

For an overview of process for creating services, see IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS .


To create artifacts for services that provision Db2 subsystems by running the installation CLIST, complete the following steps:

  1. Generate the required JCL jobs and input files. You can run the Db2 installation CLIST in interactive mode to generate the files. See steps 1- 6 in Generating tailored installation, migration, or function level activation jobs by running the Db2 installation CLIST in interactive mode.
    Tip: Start of changeIf you are preparing to migrate to Db2 13 or to activate a Db2 function level, you can avoid working through the Db2 installation CLIST panels in interactive mode by running a batch job with valid input files to generate required JCL jobs and other artifacts with a background process. See Generating tailored Db2 migration or function level activation jobs in the background.End of change
  2. In the CLIST panel session, specify on panel DSNTIPA1 that you are preparing artifacts for provisioning Db2 subsystems by specifying the following options:
    • DATA SHARING ===> NO or YES
    • Set the PREFIX and SUFFIX fields to the values that you used when you allocated the Db2 libraries by using job DSNALLOC.
    • INPUT MEMBER NAME ===> DSNTIDXC The default name is DSNTIDXC. You can also specify your own name. However, do not specify DSNTIDXA or DSNTIDXB.
    When you specify these options, the PROVISIONING PREFERENCES AND DATA SET NAMES panel DSNTIPAP is shown next in the CLIST panel session.
  3. On panel DSNTIPAP, specify the preferences for provisioning Db2 subsystems.
  4. On panel DSNTIPG, specify the user ID that executes the provisioning workflow in the PROVISION EXEC ID field.
    This value populates the AGEXECID input variable in DSNTIVIN.
  5. Complete the rest of the CLIST panel session, as described in The Db2 installation CLIST panel session.
    The CLIST panel session is modified for the provisioning process. For example, certain z/OSMF workflow steps are force selected or deselected, some fields are preset with values generated in the provisioning process and protected, and all fields that are associated with z/OSMF variables are force selected.


The CLIST generates the following output data sets. The generated z/OSMF artifacts are always written to the zFS path specified in the field PATH FOR Z/OSMF ARTIFACTS on panel DSNTIPM1. This field is mandatory for provisioning.

A new data set that contains the z/OSMF variable input and workflow definitions, and the following new z/OSMF files that provide services for the provisioned Db2 subsystems. Except where otherwise noted, all files are common for provisioning both Db2 data sharing and stand-alone Db2 subsystems.
Describes the actions that can be performed on a provisioned Db2 system.
Describes the workflow for displaying DDF information of a provisioned Db2 system.
Describes the workflow for displaying group information of a provisioned Db2 system.
DSNDEPRV (standalone only)
Describes the workflow for deprovisioning a standalone Db2 subsystem.
DSNDEPRC (data sharing only)
Describes the workflow for deprovisioning a provisioned Db2 data sharing group.
Describes entities for the workflow to enable optional features, such as JDBC, ODBC, Db2 REST Services, on a provisioned Db2 system. This file contains the steps that are shared/included in the DSNOPTFT, DSNTIWIN and DSNTIWPC workflow definition files.
Describes the workflow to enable optional features, such as JDBC, ODBC, Db2 REST Services, on a provisioned Db2 system.
Describes the workflow to start provisioned Db2 systems.
Describes the workflow to stop provisioned Db2 systems.
Describes the variables that define a standalone Db2 subsystem or the first member of a Db2 data sharing group. This is the file that the CLIST normally generates when installing the second or subsequent members of a data sharing group.
DSNTIVIA (data sharing only)
An input variable file that describes the variables that defines additional Db2 data sharing members after the first. This is the file that the CLIST normally generates when installing the second or subsequent members of a data sharing group.
DSNTIWIN (standalone only)
Describes the workflow to provision a standalone Db2 subsystem.
DSNTIWPC (data sharing only)
Describes the workflow to provision a data sharing group with at least 2 members. This workflow contains steps for installing an n-way data sharing system, where n > 1. It is basically a merge of DSNTIWIN (the workflow for provisioning a stand-alone Db2 subsystem) and DSTIWIA (the workflow for installing the second or subsequent member of a data sharing group).
The JCL templates for z/OSMF.

The CLIST generates the following mandatory steps for provisioning stand-alone Db2 subsystems. The new steps s00INSSS to s00DEFSS are added at the beginning, and stepJTU is added at the end before dsnOpEnt, of the DSNTIWIN workflow, which is the workflow generated when installing a stand-alone Db2 subsystem.

  1. s00INSSS — Instantiate and validate the Db2subsystem identifier ssid. (DSNTRSSN)
  2. s00SETVP — Set values for variables whose values are generated at provisioning time. (setVariable)
  3. s00PORT — Acquire Db2 ports from the network resource pool. (REST API)
  4. s00PORTRES — Acquire a TCP/IP port that is used to process requests for two-phase commit resynchronization.
  5. s00ALIAS — Define aliases for the instantiated Db2 system. (DSNTIJDA)
  6. s00PPROC — Allocate private procedure library for the instantiated Db2 system. (DSNTIJPP)
  7. s00SETVL — Assign values to BSDS, active and archive logs variables. (setVariable)
  8. s00IRLM — Assign IRLM SSID based on the instantiated Db2 system SSID. (Inline shell-JCL)
  9. s00DEFSS — Define the instantiated Db2 and IRLM systems to z/OS. (DSNTIJMD)
  10. stepJTU -- Create and grant usage of Db2 storage group for user data (DSNTIJTU)