Installation step 1: Define the SMS environment for Db2 catalog and directory data sets: DSNTIJSS

All data sets for the Db2 catalog and directory must reside on SMS-managed storage and belong to a SMS data class that is defined with the extended addressability attribute.

About this task

To define a data class with the extended addressability attribute, specify EXT in the DATA SET NAME TYPE field of the DATA SET CLASS DEFINE panel of ISMF and ensure that the automatic class selection (ACS) routine associates the Db2 catalog and directory data sets with this data class. Job DSNTIJSS shows how to create a stand-alone SMS environment for the Db2 catalog and directory data sets. DSNTIJSS is designed for use on systems that do not already have a SMS environment, but it can also be used as a reference for adapting an existing one. In particular, job step STEP061 shows an example of defining a data class with the extended addressability attribute, and job step STEP071 shows example ACS routines that associate the Db2 catalog and directory data sets with the data class and a storage class.


To create the stand-alone SMS environment for the Db2 catalog and directory:

  1. Customize job DSNTIJSS according to the directions in the job prolog.
  2. Run job DSNTIJSS.
  3. To activate the SMS environment, use this z/OS® command, where scds-name is the name of the SMS source control data set that was specified by DSNTIJSS:
    SETSMS SCDS(scds-name)
    Attention: This command will deactivate any existing SMS environment that is defined from another SCDS.