Installation step 18: Create default storage group, define temporary work files, and bind Db2 REXX Language Support: DSNTIJTM
You must create the default storage group that is for user-defined Db2 tables that are not specifically assigned to a storage group. You must also define the database that is for temporary work files, and bind Db2 REXX Language Support.
To create the default storage group, define temporary work files, and bind Db2 REXX Language Support:
If job DSNTIJTM runs successfully, it produces the return codes that are shown in the following table:
Step | PROCSTEP | Return code |
0000 0000 |
DSNTIAB | (none) | 0000 |
DSNTIAS | (none) | 0000 |
DSNTICR | (none) | 0000 |
DSNTIRX | (none) | 0000 |
DSNTIST | (none) | 0000 |
DSNTIJTM assembles, link-edits, binds, and runs DSNTIAD, a program that processes certain SQL statements dynamically. It also defines the initial buffer pool sizes that are specified on installation panels DSNTIP1 and DSNTIP2. When you use the ENABLE or MEMBER functions, the steps to prepare and bind the DSNTIAD program are unnecessary and are removed during editing.
DSNTIJTM also provides some cleanup to ease reruns.
The SYSDEFLT storage group is the default storage group, and it is used for your database, table space, and table definitions that are not related to a specific storage group. By default, it is also used for the work file database and for work file table spaces that are created during Db2 installation and migration. When DSNTIJTM creates the SYSDEFLT storage group, it completes the following grants:
- Grants use of the default buffer pool and storage group to PUBLIC or the authorization IDs that you specified in the INSTALL GRANTEE(S) field of panel DSNTIPG.
- Grants use of the SYSDEFLT storage group to PUBLIC or to the authorization IDs that you specified in the INSTALL GRANTEE(S) field of panel DSNTIPG. This access is necessary to give users the ability to implicitly create table spaces in the default database.
- Grants authority to create tables and table spaces in the default database to PUBLIC or to the authorization IDs that you specified in the INSTALL GRANTEE(S) field of panel DSNTIPG.
What to do next
For non-data-sharing installations, the work file database name is DSNDB07. For data sharing installations, the work file database name is the name that was specified in the WORK FILE DB field on installation panel DSNTIPK. After creating the work file database, the DSNTIJTM job creates the work file table spaces as specified on installation panel DSNTIP9.
You can increase the number of additional temporary work file table spaces by increasing the values in the work file table space fields on panel DSNTIP9, particularly if you expect a large amount of sorting at your site. Additional temporary work file table spaces can improve Db2 performance by reducing device contention among applications. These additional work files also can be used for sorting indexes on large tables during index creation.
You can choose to have job DSNTIJTM create these additional table spaces, or you can create them after you run DSNTIJTM. To create additional work file table spaces after you run job DSNTIJTM, use the DSNTWFG exec in job step DSNTIST. See the comment block for job step DSNTIST for information about the parameters for DSNTWFG.
If you do not run the installation CLIST, customize DSNTIJTM or the DSNTWFG exec to create at least one 4 KB and one 32 KB work file table space.